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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Cats feel like chakras when they purr

    My cat comes and sits on my stomach and purrs...makes me feel like i'm a meditation master! Apparently no one actually knows why they purr. But the frequency of there purrs are a consistent pattern and frequency between 25 and 150 Hertz, which is noted to promote the healing of bones.
  2. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons By Master Chin Kung Link: I find this book quite good. If you are on the pursuit of enlightenment it may be helpful. It is only $0.99 on Kindle Some of the paperbacks are even cheaper.
  3. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    "Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these sunken eyes and learn to see, all your life you were only waiting for this moment to were only waiting for this moment to arise." -Beatles The moment when one knows the path for their life. The path of the spirit. Awakening to this truth is a primary importance in this work and the path to awakening (arhat/buddha)
  4. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    Personally, I find the wisdom in this book extremely important. The author clearly explains how one who feels like they are not sure what to do need to correct their faults. The auther teaches how by doing this one can "focus their heart" instead of the heart wanting to shoot in a hundred different directions at the same time. The author explains how this is of the most importance and a precursor to becoming awakened. I believe teachings like this are just as important if not more important than energy practices
  5. John Chang

    Read Jim's book, you will find it.
  6. John Chang

    Grounding is nothing new.
  7. John Chang

    I would say the same about you, but I dont really have much interest in what you believe about me. BUT You dont need to take it from me. The plate advice is in Jim McMillan's official book, you can read it yourself. ALSO the official level 1 teachings are available, you can read those yourself.
  8. John Chang

    Look man, I have the official Level 1 teachings and have personally gone through the training with Jim. He said I could sit in Indian Style on a metal plate if I used a hand mudra, he said nothing about making absolutely sure that the perineum touched the ground when in Indian style. You are supporting people who claim it is absolutely necessary with no coherent argument to say it is an "absolute fact." I suspect Chang would explain that your whole body is conductive and is connected to your perineum already. If he however did say that it was absolutely necessary for the perineum to be grounded in the level 1 practice and that students should make sure to attach a wire to their perineum if they are practicing in Indian style on the metal plate, then sure I would believe him.
  9. John Chang

  10. John Chang

    Well its not worth my time to explain to you how the "supportive quotes" are actually not conclusive.
  11. John Chang

    What is ridiculous is that your group makes claims that arn't rational and then insults others with the justification that it is OK because you guys are following strict rationality. Here is an example I quickly found on MoPaiDebate (barely had to search). From MoPaiGuy to JoeBlast: "No you fucking don't. None of you fucking idiots have ever accomplished anything worth writing home about. Just a bunch of fucking newage fruitcakes that shits all over anything real. You people are just shit flinging apes." So yeah, keep sharing metta with us and supporting people who say this kinda stuff to people. But dont forget to make irrational statements and then claim they are completely rational. Just please dont think for a second that you're not being hypocritical.
  12. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    I do not, but I am also very interested. I don't believe it was in the movie either.
  13. John Chang

    Awesome, well thanks for your contributions?
  14. John Chang

    You really haven't seen the forum MoPaiDebate? Or any of the old threads on this forum? It's full of insults
  15. John Chang

    Normally it wouldn't be a big deal that you guys are making irrational arguments. Its only a big deal because you guys create forums to insult hundreds of people daily and then justify it by following a strict schedule of rationality. It's actually hard to read all the insulting material that you guys post on the web about members of this forum, so yes, I will go out of my way to show you that you guys are beginners and are not actually any higher than those whom you insult.
  16. John Chang

    How about you read the book yourself. Edit: May the creator bless you and your family.
  17. John Chang

    Well there is a difference between acknowledging that it may be unnecessary and saying it is absolutely necessary. That is called logic and rationality. May the creator bless you and your family.
  18. John Chang

    Well hopefully they continue to accept you and make you feel special.
  19. John Chang

    John Chang himself teaches the sitting on a metal plate if you are indoors. And yes that was in Kosta's book.
  20. John Chang

    Saying it is "very clear" from the teachings that the perineum MUST make contact with the earth in order to absorb yin chi is not following logic if you actually read the books. Fact is, it isn't clear and to say it is, well that is being unreasonable.
  21. John Chang

    They are being unreasonable quite often. As I have pointed out.
  22. John Chang

    Haha nice you misunderstand everything. Well atleast you understand that EW's statements have been false.