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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. John Chang

    Well it is possible. Those who achieve rainbow body are the most "down to earth" people to be around. They have literally diminished all illusions of past and future and are completely present in the moment. Does a person who achieves rainbow body and completely disintegrates their physical form still need to be connected to the earth? No probably not. Edit: Spelling (of the mind?)
  2. John Chang

    What is amazing to me is how you cannot realize that the human body itself is conductive.
  3. John Chang

    Maybe that is how you practice level 1 . The official level one position, as taught by Jim McMillan, is Indian style with the hands in a hand mudra. It can be full-lotus if your body is ready. For 90% of people the perineum does not touch the metal plate that they meditate on. Do I really need to spell it out further for you?
  4. John Chang

    Oh nice more insults without any logic. What else should I expect?
  5. John Chang

    It is astounding to me how you can insult reiki and chakras so much. Not understanding reiki is not understanding how your body actually heals. John Chang himself even talks about the validity of chakras.. Laying on hands is a common healing practice around the world...
  6. John Chang

    You have inserted your own truth into his teachings. John Chang has never once taught that the perineum must touch the earth. Never! Yet you say it is a requirement and then say i am misunderstanding it? He says your body must touch the earth. Not the perineum. Only your group of enthusiasts have taught the requirement to tie a wire to your gouch when you meditate. John Chang's level 1 method does not even touch the perineum to the ground! again, look at the teachings...
  7. John Chang

    Well there is good reason behind this. Many people who read that book will go away with the following misconceptions. 1. They believe the lower dantien is a hardened mass of yang chi that can be relocated around the body at will. 2. Only around 5 people on earth can see auras. 3. Only around 5 people can feel yin chi. 4. Only 3 people in all of human history have ever opened the crown chakra. 5. Filling the lower dantien requires Mo Pai training. All 1-5 are complete misconceptions about internal alchemy.
  8. John Chang

    What other "truths" are you referring to?
  9. John Chang

    Well I have already explained how your perineum "truth" is actually based on tying words together.
  10. John Chang

    Well I have better things to do than to continue to explain how you guys are actually misconstruing John Chang's teachings.
  11. John Chang

    You, MPG, and Ken think you are superior to most members on this forum and justify your insults by claiming to follow a schedule of "strict rationality." ...But in reality the comments your group makes are not rational, and in the end you guys are just feeling a sense of over infatuation and the need to insult others out of nothing more than hypocrisy. So please evaluate the claims you make (especially the ones that are "very clear") before insulting the "teachers" of others on this forum.
  12. John Chang

    ................this thread is so derailed.
  13. Cops profiting off of kids getting hit by cars.... Strange reality, but I guess the cop would have no other way of arresting the real speeders.
  14. John Chang

    Good points. Teaching students to actually compact the lower dantien, and then also refer to it as a "yang chi mass" is also a major problem that I would associate to the "third hand information" aspect you are talking about.
  15. John Chang

  16. John Chang

    Thank you for the advice. Starting to believe it is in my nature to do such things.
  17. John Chang

    Have you seen the popular movie The Matrix? There is a scene where Agent Smith discusses the different worlds he created in order to keep the humans active and involved. In one instance he describes how when a world of absolute peace and ease was created the humans started to actually reject the reality before them. While it is just a movie dialog, for many this scene has relevance. Anyways, this begs the question, what type of world are you trying to create? Is hardship and darkness the illusion? Or is the idea of darkness and hardship the illusion? Lao Tzu says, "The world is perfect." Am I the inadequately blessed being before you? Or is there the idea of an inadequately blessed being before you. And if the second is true, how are your beliefs affecting that being? There is an old story of two Tibetan hermits looking at a flag swaying in the wind. The first hermit asks the other hermit, "what is moving? The flag or the wind?" The second hermit says, "neither, it is your mind that is moving."
  18. John Chang

    Well I would explain it, but I think there is little interest at this point. Anyways, i'm just curious, but when you say "God Bless" at the end of your posts, what exactly do you mean? Edit: spell check.
  19. John Chang

    Actually the discussion was about whether or not the perineum needs to make direct contact with the earth in order to be considered "grounded." The discussion was not about if one needs to make contact with the earth in order to absorb yin chi. We are talking about whether a specific part of the body needs to make contact.
  20. Do you have some examples of the practices?
  21. John Chang

    Arambhashura. Please write about your experiences. If you do meet him. it also might be beneficial to ask him some questions.
  22. John Chang

    John Chang directly teaches students to sit on a metal plate. "they may sit in Indian posture with a hand mudra." -Jim McMillan Sitting on a metal plate in indian posture does not make direct contact with the perineum. John Chang says the students BODY must make contact with the earth. He never teaches students to tape wires to their perineum. You guys are making an irrational assumption by tying quotes together and then claiming it as fact.
  23. John Chang

  24. John Chang

    There is nowhere that says the perineum must make contact with the earth to absorb yin chi. You're connecting quotes and creating misinformation.