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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. John Chang

    Going over the different teachers that practice standing meditation is not the point. The point is that you are stringing John Chang's words together and then claiming the result as an absolute fact. And then further justifying it by saying that Jim McMillan practices sitting on cotton and so his perineum is touching and therefor one must have their perineum grounded in order to absorb yin chi. That is not even a logical argument. Jim McMillan himself teaches students to practice in "Indian Style" position with a hand mudra, such a practice does not even make contact with the perineum.
  2. John Chang

    Many masters also practice standing meditation. To claim that they are not absorbing yin chi from the earth through their legs is unreasonable. Edit: As for MPG, he spread a lot of disinformation without considering different possibilities. This is not a problem, what is the problem is when he follows disinformation up with personal attacks. It is OK to be wrong, but not OK to attack others personally.
  3. John Chang

    He does not make it "very clear." If he did you could simply provide the quote. The problem is that your stringing quotes together in order to create your own belief system and then calling it a undeniable fact. John Chang talks about how yin is absorbed through the perinium but he does not say that the perinium needs to be directly grounded in order to absorb yin chi. There a possibility that the body itself can serve as a conductor similar to the metal wires connected to the bathroom sink. This is not a possibility that you can easily brush off. Another problem with your theory is that John Chang says a level 1 student can practice in normal sitting posture as long as they have a hand mudra. In many cases when one sits in 'Indian Style', or normal sitting posture, their perineum is not actually directly touching the ground.
  4. John Chang

    I doubt it, prolly just a bunch of personal attacks mashed together
  5. knowledge deleted.
  6. What I am saying is true. If one reaches the level of concentration equivalent to an arhat, they can stay in those lakes for hours, even days if they need to. I believe Wim can do this.
  7. Black holes are Gods

    I think the conventional understanding of a black hole has been disproved
  8. The way he stays warm is a state of concentration equivalent of a Buddhist arhat. I dont believe people will be able to attain what he has through training alone.
  9. John Chang

    Quote? Or are you putting multiple things that he said together and then claiming that he makes this clear?
  10. John Chang

  11. John Chang

    Honestly a lot of people that go and visit him, actually meet him! I would go as far to guess he still lives in the exact same place.
  12. John Chang

    Why are you amazed? He has the most powerful demonstrations of any master ever recorded?
  13. β€œOnce you awaken, you will have no interest in judging those who sleep.” β€” James Blanchard

  14. I was reading that the Tibetans actually misunderstood Buddha's teachings. And that the Buddha actually is against the kundalini. Opinions?
  15. Some people, myself included, do this slapping naturally. When one begins to become able to feel yin chi. (feels like static) they slap themselves and others to remove the static from the body.
  16. 8 Questions with Aurelian Popa

    My question is a little on the personal side, but the curiosity behind my question is from a purely alchemical standpoint. I was told by several of Wang Liping's students that his teachers died without their physical body dissolving into light. As far as I understand it, Wang Liping's teachers had practiced for several decades and were quite accomplished. Why were his teachers not able to attain full light integration?
  17. Interesting energy dripping down legs. that should not be a sensation that a person actually feels. According to my understanding..
  18. Astral Body in Fourth Way

    The Ghost Immortal Body in the Daoist path is a normal human being. Most people are already Ghost Immortals.
  19. Awakening versus enlightenment

    I actually become a little upset inside whenever someone uses the term enlightenment to describe "shedding light" on some topic or idea. I think Buddha also shudders a little bit.
  20. Awakening versus enlightenment

    Awakening and Enlightenment are the same thing. This is when an individual realizes their true nature (experientially). The individual actually becomes who they are.
  21. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    I believe that Bon and TIbetan Buddism encorporate the kundalini. So it is debatable. Hindu and Indian teachers definately preach the kundalini so in that sense it could easily pre-date Buddha. Same with early Taoism, also talks about energy centers and the "nine-gates" (chakras).
  22. Is it possible that ISIS is fake?

    I feel like if they were an organization that actually opposed the USA and NATO they would be wiped out. I feel like the higher powers have an interest in them
  23. Wayne Dyer has transitioned

    So she channels aliens? I guess it is possible but not sure if I believe that.
  24. David Verdesi

    Do you guys see it possible that Jiang is fake?