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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. David Verdesi

    I find it interesting, however, that Verdesi views Jiang Feng as "an elaborate scam"
  2. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    I also did this. It was a lot of fun! Really impressive building! At one point, I pretended to be a journalist and asked a few of the masons questions about their rituals. They basically told me that they were "role-playing" and it was like an act. I think they clearly just didn't want to tell me that they believe in magic haha.
  3. we are all Obama shills? Obama is infiltrating the Tao Bum community?
  4. 9/11 inside job?

    2,200 architects and engineers from 300 countries around the world agree. What do you think?
  5. 9/11 inside job?

  6. How to Avoid Crippling Passivity in Taosim

    Letting go of worldly desire does not mean doing nothing. It means taking responsibility so that one can create the silence necessary to actually follow their heart. Instead of being split many different ways.
  7. David Verdesi

  8. 9/11 inside job?

    This seems to be a discussion between two experts of either side of the argument.
  9. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    I am not extremely familiar with the term Brahmacharya, But this is what I understand. "Brahmacharya literally means Achara or conduct that leads to the realization of Brahman or one’s own Self." - Swami Sivananda So in this sense it means a form of self-control. Increased negative emotions is not the problem. It is my personal experience that kundalini actually becomes ineffective if these conditions are not met. A person may be able to reach intellectual realization, but not experiential realization. It is silence that the initiate is after. Only with silence can they refine concentration. SIlence only comes to those who take responsibility, whatever that may be, each person is unique. One can raise their concentration to what the Buddhists/Daoists call the 9th level of concentration. After this one can redefine their destiny. This is referring to self-realization or enlightenment. Enlightenment - Generally means Supreme Perfect Enlightenment, the enlightenment of the Buddhas. It is to see one’s true nature and to comprehend the true reality. -Venerable Master Chin Kung
  10. Tibetan Rainbow Body

    Iv counted about 5 people, but i dont think that includes Buddha himself. I'm really skeptical if Buddha actually reached the highest attainments while on Earth. Padmasambhava, Jesus, Bhodidharma, Zheng Sanfeng, and this priest dude I read about.. True rainbow body in my opinion means their body actually dissolves into light before its actual death. Something like at the will of the practitioner. Arhats are supposed to be able to leave their body at will, however it wont dissolve into light.
  11. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    Normally yes, but in my experience without creating silence the practices become worthless. In the book Changing Destiny, Fan speaks about people being bound by destiny and having to fulfill their responsibilities, until they can eventually transcend their destiny (pure mind, natural state). This means the practices can be useless under the wrong circumstances. "Those who attempt to awaken the Kundalini by Asanas and Pranayama, should have purity in thought, word and deed. They should have mental and physical Brahmacharya. Then only they can enjoy the benefits of awakening the Kundalini." -Swami Sivananda, The Science of Pranayama
  12. well i wouldnt go as far as to say he destroyed the world or is an antichrist
  13. Pure Land Buddhism

    I have a question about Pure Land Buddhism. They say the "Pure Lands" were created by Buddha. So Buddha created the place where practitioners can go to and escape reincarnation?
  14. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    Controlling the kundalini is a different thing. I think this is where the "holy ghost" comes into play. Confucianism may be the secret to this, the art of handling all of one's earthly responsibilities in order to lay the foundation ground for one to transcend.
  15. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    There is a saying. The first 6 chakras have many paths, but from the 6th to the 7th is a pathless path. In otherwords the route for everyone is unique in order to gain experiential realization
  16. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    is this a reference to the kundalini?
  17. CLearing karma? where does it go? Even the alchemists that make gold would never actually sell it.
  18. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    There is no separation between kundalini and concentration.
  19. Is it possible that ISIS is fake?

    Not completely related, but I find it interesting that every single one of the navy seals troops that was involved with killing Bin Laden died. Apparently Obama only received a photo of bin laden and that means he is dead. Then they apparently throw him in the ocean.
  20. Is it possible that ISIS is fake?

    I just find it strange that all of a sudden we find out about a group 50,000 strong in a territory the US was occupying. Not only that but they have rifles and jeeps and they oppose all of NATO I think that if I had 50,000 people with rifles and jeeps opposing so many nations we would be gone in less than a week.
  21. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    I used to observe the breath, then i started resting in awareness and observing the thoughts. Both seem to be good methods.
  22. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    I should rephrase. it is the power of concentration. based on experience. For kundalini to reside in sahasrara would result in unhindered awareness.
  23. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    I'v been experiencing a lot of people calling kundalini evil lately. I purely believe it is the power of consciousness.