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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    The 'organ kundabuffer' - relates more to the 'predator's mind' or 'foreign installation' of Castaneda, where we see reality upside down due to the power of imagination working in concert with the distorted perceptions of our false personalities that buffer us from reality. So, this 'organ of perception' from the 'crystallizations' of the organ kundabuffer (as Gurdjieff describes it) relates more to how man perceives the world through 'a glass darkly,' that is, through the eyes of his own egotism and imagination which inverts reality making things opposite to what they really are.
  2. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    The problem arises however that kundalini can directly translate as death of the kundabuffer organ
  3. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    "According to Gurdjieff, Buddha's teachings eventually became distorted (especially in Tibetan Buddhism) giving rise to the idea of "kundalini," which is really a distortion and misinterpretation of the ideas set forth by Buddha concerning how we may be released from those "maleficent crystallizations" that were crystalized into our consciousness from the organ kundabuffer." "Concerning this misinterpretation of the essential Buddhist teachings, A.R.Orage, who was a student of Gurdjieff, spoke of Kundalini as being a legacy of "mistaken Buddhist lore, … considered to be a faculty whose least result is great inspiration and which may even lead to flashes of cosmic consciousness … (whereas) … in fact, Kundalini is nearly the reverse of all this. It is that attribute in man which prevents his observation of reality as it is…" "According to Gurdjieff, it was the misunderstanding of Buddha's true teachings on how to effectively utilize suffering that led to it's distortions to the present day. This misunderstanding led to the present day misinterpretations of Buddha's original teachings and the idea of kundalini is but a reflection of this misunderstanding."
  4. obama has been in office for a while now... he doesnt have much longer....
  5. Boxers Fracture healing

    Practice kicking
  6. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    I see your point However, Liao Fan also talks about taking responsibility. A form of foundation that creates silence. I dont believe one can properly do the "good deeds from the heart" or make any sort of progress without this silence.
  7. My new book on beginner neidan methods

    Does this book discuss shen development in terms of what to expect, what to achieve, and whether of not it is a substance to be accumulated or a light to merely let through?
  8. What Results Do People Here Have From Training?

    a little bit of madness and a profound wonder for the inherent possibilities of man.
  9. Early in my journey when I was activating the chakras, the kshetram points were very helpful. by focusing on them, the chakra activates and starts spinning. It can be a type of warm-up exercise.
  10. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    It is basically word for word with the book
  11. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    Sages of this world and beyond taught us to concentrate on moral improvement and to gain wisdom, the original wisdom that flows from the true nature. This wisdom is higher than the academic study and skills of worldly intelligence. Venerable Master Chin Kung (2013-07-20). Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons -- A Commentary by Venerable Master Chin Kung (Kindle Locations 1684-1686). . Kindle Edition.
  12. Vote! And possibly explain your stance on Chakras and their relevance to enlightenment in the comments below. Edit: Awakening might be a better term than enlightenment.
  13. It is a major humiliation that we are still trapped in samsara. -VenChinKan

  14. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    Therefore, in order to gain, we must first let go. If we are reluctant to let go, then we will not be able to gain. In the sutras, we read that to give is to gain. We first give up something in order to gain something in return. Without giving, we will receive nothing. So, this lesson on reforming our destinies is all about letting go. What if we seek something? To seek also helps us to receive. But how do we accomplish this? Just let go and we will receive everything we are seeking. Venerable Master Chin Kung (2013-07-20). Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons -- A Commentary by Venerable Master Chin Kung (Kindle Locations 1338-1342). . Kindle Edition.
  15. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    What Liaofan told his son next is very important and we need to pay close attention and learn from it. When we are sincere and honest, our hearts will accord with the will of heaven. This is the main principle. We must be sincere in all our actions, neither cheating others nor fooling ourselves. The “will of heaven” is what Buddhism calls the true nature. It is the state of having no wandering thoughts, only those that are virtuous. When we are absolutely honest and truthful, our hearts will agree with the will of heaven. Even if we are presently undergoing hardships, they will soon be over and then we will enjoy abundant good fortune. Therefore, everything we think, say, and do needs to arise from sincerity. “The sincere and honest heart” is the essence of the eight guidelines taught by Confucius. We accomplish this by severing our desires and uncovering our true nature. When severing desires, what are we cutting off? The Six Dusts or polluting factors of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and thought and the Five Desires for wealth, lust, fame, food, and sleep. If these desires cannot be reduced, our hearts will be constantly affected by our surroundings. How can such a heart remain sincere? Venerable Master Chin Kung (2013-07-20). Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons -- A Commentary by Venerable Master Chin Kung (Kindle Locations 1324-1325). . Kindle Edition.
  16. Everyone Worships Saturn

    Well she saw it. and pulled over. then she was driving again. So the time between seeing it and driving again her memory was wiped. She told me that two other people saw it too.
  17. Everyone Worships Saturn

    I met a lady who saw a flying saucer and had her memory wiped. She saw it, pulled over, next thing she knew she was driving away and 30 minutes had gone by.
  18. Everyone Worships Saturn

    In the video this guy mentions Kundalini, as something that is evil. This is interesting to me, because it is the opposite of what many here believe. What is your perspective?
  19. DGS's Dizzying DVD Collection

    Hi Leif, Does he teach opening the chakras, and their relation to awakening?
  20. suffering tends towards enlightenment

    The path to enlightenment begins with taking responsibility.
  21. Looking for a sign

    Mo Pai training can be dangerous. That's my input. Happy Searching
  22. Everyone Worships Saturn

    He must have been doing something interesting, because this happened. No Warrant, Unlawful entry by Swat.
  23. I ment ttb. Either way this website doesnt charge members. It also doesnt push books on the people