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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Do you connect the chakras with enlightenment?

    Good point. My idea was the state of pure mind. A state of no mind, where the individual gains control over their destiny. It is known by some as being reborn into the pure land.
  2. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    "Awakening— the beginning of enlightenment— is being able to detect our faults daily. We begin this process when we first bring forth our vow to become an equal-enlightenment Bodhisattva. As we discover our faults daily, we need to correct them. This is cultivation. It is the true achievement in the cultivation of great sages and virtuous people, and is the key to changing our destinies, to leaving suffering behind, and to attaining happiness. When most people are unable to become virtuous people and sages in one lifetime, and are unable to achieve in their cultivation, they will find that the problem lies here." Venerable Master Chin Kung This is why meditation leads some to enlightenment and others not to enlightenment.
  3. Is Pre-Heaven Qi lost forever? Is it possible to replenish it? Many say no, but is that absolute? Even if one cultivates the light body for example.
  4. Pre-Heaven Qi, lost forever?

    THis is interesting. Sort of implies one can lose their enlightened state. I definitely believe one can, but many do not speak of it being possible.
  5. Pre-Heaven Qi, lost forever?

    There is a stage where "shen consciousness merges with Tao." Is this a method to replenish Pre-Heaven Chi?
  6. How much does it really cost to run that website? With 20,000 visitors they can put an ad somewhere.
  7. Changing Destiny: Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

    This book basically discusses how destiny is calculated and that most beings are actually trapped by destiny. However, through cultivation, one is able to transcend beyond destiny.
  8. The Best Kindergarten You've Ever Seen (TED Talk)

    nice! heartwarming. this type of research expands minds
  9. Do midland americans have an accent?

    I see your point, but is it on a large scale? I'm sure there are variations of words that were skewed through this process. But it is probably small and relative. Like going to Antarctica and saying it is relatively warm before a persons lungs crack and jaws freeze up.
  10. Do midland americans have an accent?

    So they have an accent in relative sense? Similar to the earth is a giant sqaure
  11. Do midland americans have an accent?

    I was thinking more the majority of English people that came here were from the poor class, and had what I believe to be the authentic English accent. But that could be wrong idk.
  12. Do midland americans have an accent?

    Iv met a lot of people from England with very heavy accents.
  13. Do midland americans have an accent?

    Not realistic? Maybe exaggerated?
  14. Do midland americans have an accent?

    Possibly in an overly hot environment, when sacrificing animals and humans, one is creating a tipping point. Sending all of that yang upwards is creating a shift to yin or water/rain. In a cold environment, sending yang upwards would do nothing.
  15. Do midland americans have an accent?

    True, but only in a certain sense that could possibly deviate from the original creators intention. If i rewrite Hamlet, is it still Hamlet?
  16. Do midland americans have an accent?

    Are you postulating that letters have multiple ways of being pronounced?
  17. Do midland americans have an accent?

    That makes sense to me, it seems very structured.
  18. Do midland americans have an accent?

    I dont know if the theory that large populations cause people to have less intelligence is true. However, I believe some sort of personal space is important "Those that live alone are either beasts or gods."
  19. Do midland americans have an accent?

    From my understanding Americans have more of the original English accent that the English people in England. The reason being that the majority of the poor population came to america while the royal class stayed in England. The royalty were known to have their own special way of speaking.
  20. Do midland americans have an accent?

    Well I wonder why the language quiz I took that encompassed all the accents (for the English language) would classify the mid western accent as a "lack of accent." When thinking of major cities or places where accents are strong, their could also be a lack of intelligence. Often times when large groups of people come together they lose intelligence. However, farmer folk arn't known for their intellect. So a middle ground aka the midwest could foster a correct way of speaking. Chicaaago
  21. Do midland americans have an accent?

    That is what I originally thought. But I have begun to question that. Considering language is a creation, there is most likely a proper way to adhere to the creation. Similar to following the rules while playing monopoly.
  22. Do midland americans have an accent?

    For instance many Canadians say Beg instead of Bag. It is their accent. Could one go as far as to say that they are saying it wrong? It is easy to say that everyone has an accent. But, that eliminates the possibility for their to be a proper way to pronounce a word correctly.
  23. For an individual to have directed will towards a single path. What is the reason for that. How can an individual seek one thing so intently. What are the requirements? Purity of being? A lack of responsibility because of having delt with everything that had come up previously? Such a being so pure, would have true will. The ability to do anything. eh?
  24. I believe in coincidences, some type of connection between oneself and the universe around them. However isn't bibliography expecting those coincidences? Or forcing them?