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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. The first jhana

    I believe mindfulness meditation alone will take one way past the first jhana.
  2. The first jhana

    Not sure how you could reach a jhana without cultivating mindfulness. Awareness is both the path and the destination. The word Jhana is defined as "meditation" or "a cultivated state of mind."
  3. The first jhana

    Are you claiming the jhana is separate from mindfulness? because I believe they are one and the same.
  4. The first jhana

    Its not all technique and learning. It has to do with outer life too.
  5. neidan for dummies?

    you dont need a teacher. it can help. but it cant always help. The best books are to practice meditation. Also read teaching by great masters like bhodidharma
  6. What is the Ego?

    That which believes in themselves? That which sacrifices? What does it mean to sacrifice?
  7. What is the Ego?

    You think suffering is required?
  8. The Body is a Giant Plant

    We are branch people under the sea (of chi). (image of human nervous system)
  9. What is the Ego?

    Interesting distinction. Knowing has some type of limitation? Like a person believing isnt enough?
  10. Ketchari Mudra

    You're not supposed to cut the tongue. As a person gets better at meditation the tongue will fold further back by itself.
  11. What is the Ego?

    Sometimes in order to progress one has to do what they do not like to do, in other words sacrifice. Seeking silence can be akin to taking responsibility. However, i dont know what to believe.
  12. Dani's Odyssey

    A friend of mine created this book. Put a lot of time into it. Its free on Scribed: β€œThe first, true modern-day fable, Dani's Odyssey takes us on a delirious romp through the unknown, its plot managing to exhaust our imaginations again and again only to let its characters drag us on in disbelief. By the end, we're left addicted to bewilderment and cursing our curiosity as we once again return to the front to try and navigate the library hiding beneath this playful story... Every page seems like a work of art thanks to the copious amount of illustrations and designs that Chu has integrated into this project: electrifying the narrative's deranged cast of characters as he stretches them off into his dimension... This pair has flaunted the true potential of mixed-medium art, delivering a work that's as novel as it is decadent while still maintaining the warm morals and delightful atmosphere that we've come to expect in a fable.”
  13. Dani's Odyssey

  14. What you are looking for is what is looking -FA

  15. Ego and enlightenment

    One's thoughts and ideas of self can dissolve to the point where the individual becomes one with the object of concentration. However, ego and the individuality becomes more refined and perfected with cultivation. So as one becomes free they also become unique.
  16. Ego and enlightenment

    The ego never goes away. All great masters retain ego.
  17. Jax on Dharmawheel

    Trying to explain meditation to someone that doesn't train. It is like trying to explain to someone how to be an artist. Knowing how to meditate properly comes with experience.
  18. Jax on Dharmawheel

    It is really annoying how people bash the new age scene.
  19. Evolutionary Expression

    Some systems, mostly western, observe conscious ascension from an outward perspective. From what I understand. The first plateau is concentration Then comes Creation. Mastering creation is supposed to be the most difficult Anyone know more about this?
  20. Anyone knows about 'shi sue kong'

    id assume it increases testosterone, which is linked to jing and cultivating the lower dantien and the physical body. But that is just my guess.
  21. Anyone knows about 'shi sue kong'

    What does the genital weight lifting hope to achieve? Maybe some type of Lower Daniten training? Increase testosterone somehow?
  22. Tibetan Rainbow Body

  23. Because im wondering what is unique about this practice
  24. Was bodhidharma a buddhist ?

    Bhodidharma was someone that understood meditation. He practiced correct meditation. He was simply a meditator.
  25. Taoist Study Group

    It sounds like they left an impression beyond just the teachings. That is very cool