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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Requesting a general introduction in chakra's

    Chakras are energetic whirlpools created between the interaction of yang and yin (hot and cold)/(magnetic/electric) The chakras are amplifiers. They also allow the sexual energy to become a substance of intelligence. That is how i see them
  2. Taoist Study Group

    you gained from this experience?
  3. .

    Alright man. If you hear what you dont expect you assume others attainment.
  4. .

    JIng is hot. Chi has a very subtle temperature that is difficult to discern.
  5. .

    If you could feel subtle energy you would realize that it becomes more refined and does not burn your skin but actually makes it look healthier and glow, eventually even turning golden.
  6. .

    Iv activated all three of my dan tiens, and no burn marks. so i would have to disagree.

    Play the guitar or something, the energy system will fix itself if activated without the mind.
  8. Tibetan Rainbow Body

    yeah i think he was a normal master who achieved great heights. they often over exaggerate such masters.
  9. .

    I wouldnt say that. Many have devoted their lives to training since the books originated. To say that they gained little to nothing from their training is far from the truth.
  10. .

    haha fair enough. I was only kidding before, I am also learning. However, those who train long enough can distinguish jing from chi and chi from shen.
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    well atleast your grateful for people taking the time to teach you
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    The lowest frequency and most thick (jing) is in the lower dantien. that is where it is refined and cultivated to a lighter substance (chi) Where do you get your information?
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    You actually believe chi is stored in the lower dantien?
  15. .

    No. Systems that cultivate the lower dantien do not get the burn marks, it only systems that compress energy in the lower dantien. FIlling up the lower dantien is a natural process. according to your thinking everyone would have burn marks. No jing is stored in the lower dantien. IF you have ever felt qi it is lighter and not as thick as jing. Wrong, you dont know anything about me. Thats fine, im not interested in teaching you.
  16. .

    There are no burn marks. That is a result of Jing not being refined properly. They literally pack jing and prevent it from being refined. The human body becomes perfected with proper cultivation.
  17. .

    Like Seriously?! You're describing a sensation that is specific to Mo Pai. Normal systems the jing is refined into a higher frequency of energy (chi) that would not cause the burn marks on the palms. But because Jing is doubled and condensed you excess resulting in burn marks. SO stop making threads about a Mo Pai sensation and then asking people to discuss it without talking about Mo Pai
  18. Xian Tian Fusion This is described by some as an attainment where one experientially merges with their primordial self (assuming they arn't already) a form of enlightenment/awakening. It is supposed to be a conscious attainment beyond the mind expansion attributes of Shen cultivation. Maybe. What is it? How can it be described?
  19. People speak of being beyond good and evil, but it would seem that one must take responsibility in order to attain silence. Submitting nature to quietness, this would mean doing what is necessary?
  20. I see your point though, such mental discriminations can be misleading.
  21. Hi Jeff, just curious, do you not believe the experience is mutable?
  22. The idea is to reach a state of being that is beyond time and space.
  23. reminds me of a good quote by Alan M, that has to do with both immortality and longevity. “When we are doing the will of our true self, we are inevitably doing the will of the universe. In magic these are seen as indistinguishable. That every human soul is in fact the one human soul. It is the soul of the universe itself and as long as you are doing the will of the universe, then it is impossible to do anything wrong.” -Alan Moore
  24. Well you wouldnt be alive if you couldnt differentiate higher vs lower. The human body needs balance to maintain so one must make these basic observations through out all process. Such as eating for example.