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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. .

    Its not a normal phenomenon.
  2. .

    Mo Pai doubles the amount of Jing a person is carrying.
  3. Well that is supposed to be the highest attainment, Jesus's final. But with practice you have probably become aware of lower experiences?
  4. Interesting, Can you describe Ming?
  5. exactly, so...did he die when his physical body burst into light and nothing remained but a shoe?
  6. four words, The fountain of youth.
  7. Wrong. Gonna have to just disagree. Labeling yourself which is 1/100th of your true self. its like saying that the earth is a giant square.
  8. Why does everyone need a teacher? And cultivation is the same as embodiment. Becoming the body causes one to heal. Becoming Alive. that is the goal, and that is immortality. Bodhidharma, highest level of cultivation/immortality, said to have lived 200 years. Jing converts to shen, but usually when Jing is full and and in a high reserve. Activating the fountain of youth is a good example of how immortality results in longevity. On the other hand. Many people use practices like sleep deprivation, pain infliction, and long hours of meditation. these can result in shorter lifespan in many cases.
  9. Xian Tian Fusion - Can anyone describe it?

    This seems overly complicated. Diagrams would prove useful.
  10. Attainment beyond Sleep

    Many refer to masters going for long periods with out sleep. It would almost seem that there is an attainment where one no longer requires as much sleep. What are you views on this? Is it healthy for such a master to do this? Note: This thread is not about one trying to go without sleep for long periods of time or pushing themselves toward it for some attainment. This thread is about those who have already attained something that is possibly naturally causing them to go without sleep for long periods of time, and if that is harmful. I dont have anything against sleep, I'm not advocating sleep deprivation. Hopefully this is clear.
  11. Xian Tian Fusion - Can anyone describe it?

    Interesting post. Do you know what location on the body that kan and li come together?
  12. Xian Tian Fusion - Can anyone describe it?

    THere is a There is a quote from Lu Dogbin's tablet that I am having trouble with. When energy returns, elixir spontaneously crystallizes, In the pot pairing water and fire. (Lines 9-10) The first line is referring to the lower dantien being cultivated, this is more easily understood because of the direct chinese translation. However the second line i am unclear on. I believe it has to do with the Kan and Li being mentioned. Do you understand the second line? And maybe what the "pot" or couldron being referred to is?
  13. Attainment beyond Sleep

    So we go to sleep to connect with the earth? To help our physical earth bodies? We only sleep because we do not have light body?
  14. Taoist Study Group

    Sounds awesome
  15. Attainment beyond Sleep

    Iv practiced the first one a few times, definantly the strongest meidtation experience i'v ever had. It would almost seem like a way to super-boost a meditation practice The second one, as far as i know, is reserved for masters.
  16. Xian Tian Fusion - Can anyone describe it?

    thanks, iv been told numerous times to read her books. It desn't sound like she is describing a fusion, but more of a refinement process
  17. You see it in front of you with eye open? I often see a white ball with eyes closed
  18. Is the crown chakra ,shen .
  19. Can you describe the gate that you saw? I saw light dots shooting in front of me, they were like shooting stars. My theory is that I became the universe and they really were shooting stars. Is this different from the flower petals?
  20. Attainment beyond Sleep

    Not to get too far off topic, but this reminds me of a visit I had a while back. I was visited by a person in my dream, something inside me knew they were a master and I asked them to take me as a disciple, but they replied that I have to choose 1 thing. The master was referring to life, and me choosing one thing, with regards to my work. I still havent choosen one thing.
  21. Attainment beyond Sleep

    Can you please elaborate?
  22. Attainment beyond Sleep

    You do not believe it is possible they have more restfulness during their waking life than an average person? And thus they may need less sleep?
  23. Attainment beyond Sleep

    i'v heard of this, something like being conscious in a vast white space
  24. Attainment beyond Sleep

    Brain waves of more conscious individuals can be at similar wavelengths of those in deep sleep
  25. Attainment beyond Sleep

    But dreamers, the ones who live life like a dream while they are awake are at a natural state of deep sleep while awake.