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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Attainment beyond Sleep Watch at Around 5 minutes. Sadhguru makes the point that when the pineal gland secretions increase, Amrita, then one will not sleep. They will require less sleep and they will feel well. If they feel well then there is no problem, he says it is a good thing and something to be happy about, because sleep is death.
  2. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Some alchemical sects actually see shen as a substance. A substance created from the fusion of yin and yang, "houtian fusion."
  3. Attainment beyond Sleep

    What if their concentration causes them not to be tired? Do you still believe they should try to sleep? In some sects of kundalini, the top of the head opens, and it is almost like absorbing energy from a different source, so these people are almost recieving more energy than normal people. In response to your assessment, Some might argue that great masters live longer than everybody.
  4. Attainment beyond Sleep

    Do you believe it is healthy for those at this stage to not sleep much?
  5. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    well sorry if this is rude, but you have no idea where i am with my training.
  6. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Here you are describing Xian Tian fusion? A fusion like attainment? Something like becoming enlightened beyond the cycle of death and rebirth? A fusion is regarded as different than cultivation or refinement, but an actual occurrence or attainment.
  7. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Do you know the purpose behind such a meditation experience?
  8. symptoms? most of symptoms are usually chaotic lifestyles, quitiing jobs, throwing oneself into the chaos of life over and over, it is slowly becoming chaos itself. kundalini rising.
  9. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    what are your thoughts about xian tian fusion? It should be after gaining shen. but more of a fusion, a type of attainment shifting one beyond the consciousness of shen. Wang Liping describes it as a nuclear fusion.
  10. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Someone who broke their LTD, and was losing jing. IF they could not recover from the injury, how would they be able to move towards shen? Do you believe sleep is required at this stage?
  11. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    you act like it is so obvious. haha.
  12. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    My comment was in response to you talking about cultivating yang shen especially with regards to bodies.
  13. My belief - in my experience I saw small things shooting by in my visual field, I eventually figured out these are shooting stars. When one embodies the universe they also experience the movement of celestial bodies. However this experience may be unrelated.
  14. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    From what your saying it sounds like you accumulate shen?
  15. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    I am familair with them then, cannot see them though. used to be able to kinda, like whispy things. They are clones of oneself that heal the person and can also be given commands. I havent experienced the yang shen bodies though.
  16. We got about 8 of that in just the past 6 years
  17. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    The yin shen body you were talking about, do you believe their are multiple or just one?
  18. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    This is something that connects with my experiences though.
  19. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    I would have to disagree. but it isnt exactly easy to teach.
  20. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Through all this training, You dont see the lower dantien as a container? Why then do you suppose it becomes hot? The traditional theory is that the heat is caused by the friction between the moving yang energies. I just came across your comments in the past and they were all associated with SOTG and representing his website forum, so I had to ask.
  21. Stop the fire, stop the postnatal breathing...

    At the stage where someone stops breathing because of their concentration, do they have to sleep? I remember want liping saying that their is a stage where people stop sleeping.
  22. Stop the fire, stop the postnatal breathing...

    Which book is this? How do you equate this with the crown at the top of the head opening?
  23. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Are you SOTG talking to himself? Just curious.
  24. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    No, it isn't like that. Those who break their LTD, A crack so to speak. It often happens in Chi Kung circles. They experience leaking from the container down their legs and blockages form in their body. Experienced QI Gong teachers will eliminate the blockages. They are very real masses.
  25. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    I agree, however my experiences would also agree with the container concept.