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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    During your experiences do you ever feel eyes or openings on the top of your head? If so could you describe them?
  2. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Shen is the yang produced from the yin yang fusion...(6th chakra).. refer to Lu Dogbin's tablet. "white clouds assemble at the summit." This is referring to Shen.
  3. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Looks like an interesting text. Crown chakra is above shen, but before what is commonly referred to as enlightenment.
  4. ^^^ I was just about to write the same thing. nice
  5. Gathering Q's for Daniel Ingram

    Hi Daniel, Can you describe the experience of awakening in your system? The shifts or changes that it may accompany. Thank you, James
  6. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    THere is a reason people are banned
  7. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    More Pie Guy is my guess..
  8. The Five Eyes according to Buddha.

    ya just mixed up the authors. but different perspectives are kinda interesting. Charles Luk referres to the 5 eyes as subtle also
  9. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    Heat and Vibrations. Read Jim MicMillan's book.
  10. The Five Eyes according to Buddha.

    it is a bit confusing. He refers to the flesh eye as being a subtle eye. But in this newsletter he refers to it as being just the normal physical eyes.
  11. The Magus Of Java

    if you knew what was going on in level 2 you wouldnt actually say this. level 2 is dangerous and is pointless when compared with traditional cultivation. As for level 1 it only takes 6-8 months.
  12. Are we here for a purpose?

    Are we here for a purpose, or are we the result of evolution? Like a lucky dog that died and became a human? Are we just passing through?
  13. Are we here for a purpose?

    I actually agree with this from my own practice. It would seem until awakened it is best to just be responsible.
  14. "Electric" Chi, What it is, How-to techniques

    yang is different than thunder qi.
  15. What is Wilson talking About?

    โ€œSince I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.โ€ โ€• Woodrow Wilson
  16. Are we here for a purpose?

    Hi, What is the first illumination you are referring to?
  17. What is Wilson talking About?

    What do you think he is talking about?
  18. What is Wilson talking About?

    Does that context actually say what he is talking about? It could just be two separate discussions
  19. What is Wilson talking About?

    dang i thought he was talking about the Greys or something intense like that
  20. fk where your from, fk where your goin, its all about where your at

  21. Are we here for a purpose?

    True, so you don't believe in a path? Some people talk about a path, and when they fall off their path bad things start happening.
  22. Yi Chuan demonstration

    do you know why they are stomping on the ground in the video?
  23. Classification of foods into yin or yang

    a lot of people in the USA think Milk/Meat is really healthy. But they are heavily yang. and acidic. so the result is a lot of people with digestion problems and liver/kidney problems. and cancer
  24. Classification of foods into yin or yang

    I would rate food as yin/yang based on the organs they interact with during the digestion process. Heart = fire, Stomach = earth, liver = wood, kidneys = water, etc. alcohol extremely yang.! It attacks the liver/kidneys which is wood and water sugar is yin. it helps the liver/kidneys Milk/meat is very yang orange juice is very yang water is yin. bread is yang green fruit/vegetables are mostly yin. kiwi, celery, lettuce, Apples are a little yang though because they can be hard on the stomach which is yin/earth. eggs yang....hard on liver/stomach.. Salt is yang