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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Wang Liping Low Level?

    Nothing has changed. Nope. Still uncertainty regarding him. The substantial evidence is not much besides a guru/disciple relationship with people on the forum.
  2. Wang Liping Low Level?

    I would like to take both sides, as i mentioned before, he is like an idol to me. I am just having trouble getting any substantial information to disagree with the position that he is just making up stories.
  3. Wang Liping Low Level?

    the psychic isnt the focal point, the purpose of this thread is to gather information based on wang liping. iv already stated this
  4. Wang Liping Low Level?

    it is just very unsubstantiated
  5. Wang Liping Low Level?

    cool some random person agreeing with another psychic saying another psychic is full of crap. Wow that's really helpful! more circles?
  6. Wang Liping Low Level?

    Again the thread is in circles. People saying he is trying to raise vibrations of the earth, which is then countered by if that were true why so expensive and restricted seminars? Then people say, oh well he is a national treasure, so it has to be expensive. Some say he has supernatural abilities and they have been written about in stories, then others say that is apart of the larger story. oh well... just atleast realize nothing is moving forward.
  7. Wang Liping Low Level?

    People are taking offence and not realizing how easy it is to create a story about supernatural abilities in order to generate money through expensive seminars. This type of guru scheme has been done for centuries. Raising the question is logical. Not something to take offense to, but examine. Try looking at the question from multiple perspectives.
  8. Wang Liping Low Level?

    im sure you know this but they have entire organizations in india entirely dedicated to finding false gurus lol
  9. Wang Liping Low Level?

    i think this thread is over though, its not going anywhere. Wang Liping has been like an idol for me for the past 4 years, but i can still question. I dont blame Liping for not trying to be a YouTube superstar either.
  10. Wang Liping Low Level?

    i would agree with you, but these seminars are over $4,000. Jiang Feng displayes his abilities openly and does seminars for FREE. it seems that money isnt an important aspect for Jiang Feng, but more the enlightenment of the planet, and healing/assisting who ever he can. Not setting up monetary barriers.
  11. Wang Liping Low Level?

    yes jesus had abilities and he displayed them quite openly....VERY openly.
  12. Wang Liping Low Level?

    he wrote an entire book about supernatural abilities :/
  13. Wang Liping Low Level?

    lol. you do realize a lot of people lie when it comes to attainments. Even those in the east? not sure if geographical location is a determining factor for human tendencies. especially when money is involved.
  14. Wang Liping Low Level?

    We need like an enlightenment meter to like put up to him. over 9000!
  15. Wang Liping Low Level?

    you guys are basically telling me i gotta give wang liping $4, just gonna go...because i like to believe!
  16. Wang Liping Low Level?

    Goku didn't hold back. haha.
  17. Wang Liping Low Level?

    I would agree with this, and part of me has thought it before. But the teachings presented are almost too good to be fake. Lots of really valuable stuff in those books, that actually match with other accounts from different parts of the world.
  18. Wang Liping Low Level?

    doing some type of demonstration for those paying $4,000 seems reasonable, he sure writes about having attained a lot of abilities in his books. One could say those abilities are what draws many people in the first place. So it is a little strange you see.
  19. How to summon entities?

    why would anyone want to summon entities?? they are uncomfortable!
  20. Wang Liping Low Level?

    usually those who go beyond death and are still alive bring a little something back with them from the other side.....supernatural abilities....
  21. Wang Liping Low Level?

    i dont follow..
  22. Wang Liping Low Level?

    thanks for the constructive input guys.....
  23. Wang Liping Low Level?

  24. Wang Liping Low Level?

    the question is focused towards wang liping expressing himself. he claims to have yang shen double, the ability to shoot light blasts, and also the ability to meditate for a month without stopping
  25. Fearless Meditation

    i think the fear of death goes away at a certain degree of consciousness. its not really something someone can tell themselves, more of a knowing. So in this regard I would say that the meditation is the same as normal mediation. I believe that if osmeone steps into silence, taking responsibility doing ones duties, they will not have a fear of death because they will be beyond fear in general