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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. i used to practice the spinal breathing. powerful stuff.
  2. Cino-Hellenica (AKA Hi!)

    im interested in the north pole, and what actually is going on there. THey dont show it on any maps. and many ancient maps show four islands there with a mountain in the middle. know about this?
  3. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    Truth. besides coincidence are there other any other characteristics of synergy?
  4. David Verdesi

    you dont think blood normally clumps up like that when under pressure? I mean blood is ment to clot
  5. David Verdesi

    thats a lot of blood
  6. My theory on the 11:11 phenomenon

    we are the universe, so when we are one with the universe on the inside, we experience oneness with the universe outside. this is reflected in clocks, doors, birds, just about everything.
  7. Self liberating the body

    they quit their job and learn to play the citar
  8. Self liberating the body

    what is light?
  9. Turning vegetarian - need advice

    u ate a spider. ah!
  10. Spontaneous Combustion

    You guys think aliens are on the same frequency as us? i think they are more like ghosts and spirits and on that subtle layer
  11. Spontaneous Combustion

    if you throw fire into water it melts the water
  12. Turning vegetarian - need advice

    Who is being processed? The humans or the animals?
  13. Wuliupai school

    have you had any luck contacting wang lipings organization to try and get into a seminar?
  14. Turning vegetarian - need advice

    food is of a lower nature compared to spiritual development. The potential of the human body is much much greater than most have attained. The real goal is living a spritiual life, food and material things are much lesser. The body can heal itself, i dont care what you eat. i know masters who live on garbage food and are much healthier than me. Because they are alive. It is lifestyle and what you do with your body-vehicle that matters. All these people talk about food being really important because it is what you put into the machine. Thats nonsense. a true master barely eats much food because they are intaking nutrients from higher sources. Most people arent even breathing correctly. no wonder they eat so much. Open the crown. open the mind. Eliminate Dis-ease, allowing the body to reach higher potentials and cure all disease. The best way to make the world more conscious and facilitate true change, is to become a light.
  15. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    just takes a little bit of responsibility eh?
  16. Spontaneous Combustion

    fusion yin and yang together creates electricity and combusts humans into flames!! i truly do believe it is possible...some type of short circuit if you will.
  17. Supplements you use

    i use alot....but I believe the body can create those naturally. being healthy is more about the cultivation of life force Also absorption rates are pretty important. most vitamins have like 5-10% its pretty sad
  18. Spontaneous Combustion

    you dont think it could have something to do with mo pai fusion?
  19. The inner nature is that part of oneself that is immortal and beyond karma. The goal is to bring it to the surface.
  20. Spontaneous Combustion

    and when it is spontaneous? and unexpected
  21. you can never damage another persons inner nature. where did this guy learn from.
  22. Spontaneous Combustion

    like human combustion
  23. Spontaneous Combustion

    i wonder what the cause of the real phenominon is
  24. Adyashanti - Steven Gray

    There is still depth to be found. it isnt like i am who iv been looking for. its not an idea. its an experience. an experience that can be expanded with truthful expression.
  25. The earth itself is pretty cold, why not just use that instead of the "jade pillow"