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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. BS is limited to one's current understanding though.....and if they looking for something of higher nature..that they might not understand yet.... "correct" discerning can be unproductive. its proven true to me too many times, so i like to not call things bs as quickly anymore.
  2. If there is no fear, then there is no need to be a master in order to act like both arrows.
  3. Streak of bad things happening...just me?

    very interesting. i have been experiencing this also. For me i believe that we have a path of truth, it maybe a truth that we are not even yet aware off.. But the bad occurances and the feeling that we have lost our "path." I was talking to a random person on a plane who was telling me his beliefs. He told me that God is King. And we are basically here to serve him. IF we dont then he will most likely use us and then basiclaly dispose of us. SO in this regard he was talking about a path also. but his idea is more that we have a certain function to adhear to. like similar to following our heart. my experience has been that when i try to follow a path i believe in but isnt a path of truth i will experience many hardships, it becomes like walking up a mountain backwards. In the end i believe fear is the only thing that keeps people from their path. and if they arnt on their path they will be stagnant.
  4. you dont need anyone else to become a high level being. The way is right in front of everyone. do you what you love. follow your heart. heaven is fair. there are a few high level beings here. imo
  5. the natural path is real. work to find your work. then practice your work daily. internal cultivation is based on the natural path. meditation and nei gong practices are not required for enlightenment. Doing something that one loves, such as playing music, is a cultivation practice.
  6. everything is really weird
  7. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    so the first dantien is vitality the middle energy upper spirit so health - foundation energy - activeness spirit - personality and true direction
  8. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    all of the energies are about perception. your talking about intensifying concentration and potential. it is clarity. if you want it broken down (which isnt important) middle dantien is chi - it is subtle and without temperature (atleast that is the way it feels) chi has to do with daily energy and the skin. Shen has to do with personality and and concentration beyond the mind...and the halo among other things. But JIng, Chi, and Shen, are lesser. they shouldn't even be considered separate. cultivating them as if they were separated only slows one down.
  9. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    not sure how much you know already, but the dantiens hold energy. like batteries. then they become more refined by the surrounding energy centers. imo "upper dantien practices" are stupid. because the three are connected, so trying to skip the bottom two is pointless. its like doing 6th chakra work and cultivating psychic energy before connecting the power source.
  10. Waking up, is an experiential attainment.

    But it is an experience not an idea
  11. Waking up, is an experiential attainment.

    my previous self
  12. Kundalini energy, how to direct?

    it can go up down left right, but if i pick up a guitar it doesn't matter
  13. Waking up, is an experiential attainment.

    im not claiming that iv woken up. but i find the experience of life. very strange. when im not awake i use concepts and ideas to get by. when im awake i realize everyone is using ideas and just floating around trying to be comfortable.
  14. Kundalini energy, how to direct?

    Yeah but your talking about the ability to consciously perceive. If you know yourself you know kundalini. Doesnt matter what direction it goes. you have mastery over it if you know what you like to do.
  15. Why we should never go on vacation....

    work is intended for spiritual growth. We all have a function. there is no such thing as vacation if we find our soul-purpose
  16. Kundalini energy, how to direct?

    lol kundalini going downward. haha. that's really silly. kundalini is perception, your basically talking about losing concentration. Idk where your information is from. Theoretically If your kundalini goes downward, you just need to find something to concentrate on, pick up an instrument or something. Oh well. maybe you know something i dont. good luck
  17. Kundalini energy, how to direct?

    the kundalini energy directs it self. thats like using the mind to go beyond the mind.
  18. Why we should never go on vacation....

    do what you love and the false idea of vacation doesnt exist.
  19. Where do I find guidance?

    suffering is only ones detachment from their spirit soul.
  20. Where do I find guidance?

    do what causes you to realize yourself while you do it. look past future and past, and go into the present, do what you enjoy doing. and then turn it into your work. find what causes you to realize yourself while you do it. meditation can help. working can help too.
  21. Crying - its role in spiritual practices

    i find that like we go through the hardest times before we go through the best times. one point along my journey i cried on the side of the road for hours. i attribute it to the experience of opening the heart chakra. sometimes seeing truth causes us to cry.
  22. Cancer and the spirit

    Although he may be unpopular around here, John Chang mentions how he would do cancer treatment using Yang Chi. I also heard from another teacher that yang chi can be used to heal cancer. When I look at the stages of alchemy in Taoist circles, usually the aspirant is making an effort to become completely yang. or the body of light. In this regard one could connect that the cause of cancer is one's yin nature. and the healing of cancer is to make an effort towards the "yang Body." Or the body of pure spirit.
  23. Sleeping surface and the health of your back

    My friend is buying a Japanese bamboo tatami bed. Have you any thoughts on these?
  24. Cancer and the spirit

    instead of getting into all of the technical information, focusing on ascension, and the bodies potential increases. We are talking about the actual giver of life. Increasing the function of every cell in the body. People get disease because they are not alive. The most viable study on longevity links longer living to lower caloric intake. People who eat less live longer. But why do people eat less? It is because they are getting sustenance from other sources than food. From life force energies, from proper breathing, from increased consciousness. That's the link that hasn't been connected by scientists yet.