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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Cancer and the spirit

    I wouldn't say his practice was deficient. It is difficult to discern a level of deficiency that is reasonable for oneself. Reaching pure yang is no easy task, very,very few reach this attainment. We are talking the level of Jesus. Also, energy cultivation exercises are definitely not the only path, and for many they are not the most efficient path. It is about lifestyle and finding one's true work. When the body has no dis-ease there is no disease. if an individual reaches a transcendent level of attainment will have no disease because they have no dis-ease. Transcending the body and becoming the body, is not an easy thing, and is actually very rare.
  2. Cancer and the spirit

    I don't believe in the imbalances of our time. Everyone has the ability to follow their heart. It is more an imbalance of one's truthfulness to themselves. Things like diet and environment are of a lesser concern when compared to lifestyle. Ascension is a process of increasing the potential of the body, giving it the tools to combat a negative environment. Kind of like the beautiful lotus flower rising from the muddy waters.
  3. Cancer and the spirit

    Depends what kind of yang. Excess yang definitely causes cancer in the form of blockages. The yang chi if it stops flowing properly clumps together and creates an imbalance in the system leading to inflammation and pain. The masters are more referring to Ling. A golden energy. Pure yang is pure light. It is also pure life.
  4. Cancer and the spirit

    Good question. yinness is that which obstructs self-realization. The experience of realizing oneself. Soul purpose. My approach is more realizing what yin nature isn't. Im not saying it is easy. But knowing oneself, is obviously the answer. Knowing the giver of life, that creates silence.
  5. A personality test that doesn't suck

    it took me like 20 mins lol... idealistic
  6. I'm thinking that if a person finds their spirit they will naturally improve their eyesight. Because they will actually be using their eyes to see. this will truly exercise the eyes. Also the Buddha talks about the 5 eyes. when one opens the celestial eye they no longer need the physical eyes to see. That is what i'm banking on. I think glasses cause people to get lost in their mind. It creates a barrier between them and reality. So in a way they hinder a person's ability to see.
  7. Thank you for the information, have you the names of any recommended mountains? I would mostly just be traveling for fun, but if there is a sacred taoist mountain that would be cool too.
  8. Have you visited china? I have been planning to go just to do it. what area do you recommend?
  9. Yeah. A teacher told me to do it in dual. So not entirely walk out on the world, but find true work and do it in dual with another job until becoming productive at it. All we need to do is become productive at our true work. That turns our work into our medicine. Its like meditation for survival. A beautiful thing. One knows they have found their true work because it creates silence. They will be realizing themselves while they do it. "True religion is a constant state of realization." , its true work. Hopefully in the future they teach kids to find their true work. People are not only more productive, but more giving, and more conscious. its a win
  10. Also, The biggest problem today is that work isnt associated with spiritual growth. it is attached to money. This creates a disconnect in understanding. Our work is ment to take us towards enlightenment. Soul Purpose. Our daily spiritual practice needs to go hand in hand with our work. This is also how people become millionaires. Their creations become more and more productive with the increase in their conscious growth, or their ability to see. Money just takes an idea. Spiritual growth can take lifetimes. Clocks are man made...
  11. Just what i was thinking about, my useless degree. I went to a university and got my business degree in Finance. I graduated with a 3.8, took honors classes, and what have you. The education itself cost about 200000... Bringing it back, sophomore year i dropped out and went to india. I said fk this fake shit. im going to meditate in india. well that was fun... but then i got really sick. hepatitis with no coherent letter. So i went back to school. Nothing really got better in my life. I was devoted to spiritual practices like meditation the whole time i was in university. Thought the classes were a waste of time. But i got A's because I was paying for the education. That was dumb. Finally I get out. and what. I have a piece of paper. No real skills. No enlightenment quality. So now i work at a vitamin shop and continue meditating, making music, and writing books. But iv been offered a stock trading job, so maybe the universe wants me there. gonna try it out. The problem with college and working for businesses for the high salary is that the person is always doing other peoples tasks. I was on a plane to arizona, Im sitting in my chair and enjoying myself writing my book about meditation. I stop and start looking around me, there are at all these people also sitting and working on there computers. But then i wonder how many of them are working for themselves? How many of these people are on their computers doing other people's busy work? Well i bet just about all of them. Waking up is when you take time into your own hands. These schools are selling people busy work. and these businesses are continuing the habit. Its like a place for drones to become drones. On that plane ride I got an incredible amount of work done on my book. The problem with working for money is that the next day none of it matters. People who work for themselves take their creations with them. The final product is worth more than anyone can pay someone or else they would do it themselves. Its a big scam. People are working for hours. Think of someone who is creating for hours. They take those hours of work with them into their future, they are creating something that works for them in the future. it is exponential growth. But all these drones are being bought into doing it for a salary. Its a big scam, and all those people on that plane were asleep.
  12. I cant answer that question, because i'm not at that level to be frank with you. It basically escaping continual rebirth. becoming one with the universe. you are the universe. Ascension is entering into "shared knowledge" through merging. One utilizes the universal body to be in less of a bind. The more expanded one is the less of a bind they are in. The more control. There is a teaching on this similar to the last one i posted if you read it. But it is in a publication so i dont want to keep posting them. But
  13. Is Manny Pacquiao awakened to some degree?

    I dont think Bruce Lee understood the power of energy practices, Much of it was seen as make believe at that time. YouTube really helps..
  14. Seriously, Like why do they do the laying on hands thing. surely it cant just be for healing.
  15. Why do spirits like to put their hands on you?

    I seriously think your on to something
  16. i think something different happens if one is able to become one with the universe. A master told me that when people die they go through processes to gain a new body, However, the universe itself is also a body, so those who become one are able to utilize the universal body.
  17. A law is something solidified. That which directs chaos. I guess USA laws are very ambiguous though.. so idk.
  18. U dont believe it is a gift of heaven? Some say that in order to go through the worm-hole, the other side has to reach out as well.. Like working with the universe.
  19. Is Manny Pacquiao awakened to some degree? Enlightened Enlightened Enlightened Enlightened - How you think he can do so many drugs and his body is able to heal, and he still looks young and healthy?
  20. Is Manny Pacquiao awakened to some degree?

    Mastering the body is very important in alchemy.
  21. Wuliupai school

    Hmm are you implying that Wang Liping hasn't activated the fountain of youth? I strongly believe he has.
  22. Why do spirits like to put their hands on you?

    Iv never heard of such a thing. They eat you?!
  23. Is Manny Pacquiao awakened to some degree?

    Following the heart is the way.
  24. Is Manny Pacquiao awakened to some degree?

    Yes he is awakened. Almost every professional athlete or artist is awakened.