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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Wuliupai school

    Have you visited China? What area did you find fascinating?
  2. Spirits knocking on doors

    I think spirits knock really hard on my door in order to wake me up when im sleeping. Any opinions?
  3. Spirits knocking on doors

    Can you explain Ni wan? i believe BaiHui is the top of the head. Where are you proposing these knockings come from? im certain most of what you are saying is open. interesting though.
  4. Wuliupai school

    best of luck to you guys.
  5. Maybe it is like seeking answers. The law would be that which is solidified or certain.
  6. I might be taking a trip there soon. Was curious what areas appealed the most to you? I am not so much of a city person. So i will be traveling in the areas less populated. Any recommendations? I know a few other would like to travel to China too, so this can benefit others.
  7. great post, but Im sorry, i should know this. But what is the law? that is being referred to? Seeking the law? is that like seeking understanding?
  8. Energy practices can be very effective, or worthless. The question of how effective one's practice is has to do with silence.
  9. i enjoy mindfulness, but i find meditation can go deep. But then again it depends what im doing making music i can get into similar states
  10. When one gets rid of the belief that they need to do anything in order to awaken, then they can certainly live true to themselves and facilitate awakening, however in some cases it may lead to no awakening at all. Sort of a coin toss with that method. Masters often dont tell their disciples of awakening so that they go into meditation with no expectations and without seeking or expecting. This is a good technique. sort of ignorance is bliss, but still works if they keep training consistently. Furthermore, if you truly believe what you are saying, then I wonder why enlightened beings are so rare when it comes to the crowds of people who have no idea about enlightenment or attainment/refinement. Some say that a 7th chakra individual is 1 in a thousand, maybe more rare. But you dont believe in that stuff huh.
  11. Wuliupai school

    is sho opening equivalent to spiritual immortal or earth immortal? im guessing SHO channel is Sushumna? That would mean spiritual..
  12. I mean it's possible, but i still believe in an awakening. An enlightenment where one become transcendent on an experiential level.
  13. Wuliupai school

    The group meditation dynamic is very interesting
  14. See i view it more as developing concentration, or opening the sacred disks. Like refining. Earning /Honing/Developing. Instant activation and development does sound nice though
  15. Spirits knocking on doors

    You believe most spirits are evil?
  16. Spirits knocking on doors

    what if spirits... had your number?
  17. Tongue/Roof of mouth

    focusing on techniques like this is minor. they come naturally.
  18. Theosis, enlightenment, awakening, merging with god. all the same experience. all of religion was created from the same experience...and then usually misinterpreted or misunderstood....or utilized for one's benefit.
  19. Spirits knocking on doors

    Well i just turned down a pretty sweet job. and i dont think i did it very consciously. so sad truth for my present situation lol.
  20. Its a shame that we have to reawaken. Or that such an awakening must be earned. Just to be who we are.
  21. A becoming oneself. Reawakening. And society is powerless. โ€˜The ultimate goal is to realize who you are, to become one with God, to become a god. This is what we call Theosis. We are gods,โ€™ Daskalos said, โ€˜but we are not aware of it. We suffer from a self-inflicted amnesia. The aim,โ€™ he reiterated many times, โ€˜is to reawaken that which we have always been and we shall always be.โ€
  22. Spirits knocking on doors

    Sad truth :/
  23. Spirits knocking on doors

    haha nice
  24. Im more associating knowing who one is with a knowing, an experiential quality. Not so much an idea or label. Not so many reach this level of awakening (enlightenment, embodiment), and it is kinda messed up in my opinion.
  25. Free Invention Ideas for the World to Share

    My invention idea, is for the world to use a certain type of plastic. The invention is that everyone have at their home a plastic converting machine (plastic printer). The community can have a machine or the individual houses. Anyways people transform their plastic waste into something usable. Example. Collect ten water bottles and turn them into a Toy action figure. This would reduce plastic waste and stop people from giving away free money to the illuminati when they dispose of their plastic.