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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Music is a representation of the first center. The first and the 7th centers are the most powerful. Feeling and thought. Music directly relates to feeling. Thought is equally as powerful as feeling. So an art form that relates to thought is equally as powerful as music.
  2. Doubt about numbed legs in meditation

    your circulation is fine. keep meditating as your energy body becomes more activated your legs wont fall asleep. keep meditating keep meditating keep meditating
  3. Well i believe all masters were once human and then evolved beyond Just as all humans were probably once animals. A path of evolution. Enlightenment, or embodiment is expanding beyond the human form, a breaking free. They are only human in the sense that they continue to operate in that vessel. Normal humans can't go in and out at will, they are trapped.. One is in less of a bind the more expansive they become
  4. i think of it as an attainment. an actual occurrence.
  5. Enlightenment is only the beginning. When one reaches enlightenment, or embodiment. They know who they are. because they become who they are experientially However, it isn't entirely black and white, people have experiential shifts before awakening when they are connecting to their there are clues..
  6. Eye of the needle...

    haha im just kidding lol
  7. Eye of the needle...

    im saying it doesnt help one spiritually grow. it is just a reason someone might do what they dont love i edit all my posts because i cant think straight, stop asking me questions Jeff.
  8. Eye of the needle...

    its kind of loud. This is basically the "right" path
  9. Eye of the needle...

    Well that is as simple as doing what you dont love in order to support others or be an upstanding citizen. Welll to me doing the right thing expands the experience. It is a path of self realization. Following the path itself leads to one experiencing self realization. The path is light, and light is the ability to see. But that is sacred knowledge Jeff...
  10. Eye of the needle...

    But that is just my personal experience. They usually say, keep following the light until the path is clear. It must be some form of fear or resistance that keeps one from realizing the true direction, however sometimes doing the "right" thing can only cloud ones mind.... nevermind though, thanks for the posts Jeff.
  11. Eye of the needle...

    Conscious decisions don't always makes sense. I have trouble making conscious decisions. Nothing really seems to make sense
  12. Eye of the needle...

    Perhaps those who are out of place are the ones with attachment.
  13. Eye of the needle...

    So you believe a person is always in the right place at the right time, and that they should not be concerned with making conscious decisions in their life? One only facilitates change through belief in a better circumstance. Believing in a better circumstance would be attachment.
  14. Eye of the needle...

    What do you mean by let go? Like a rich man has to abandon his possessions like buddha, or a rich man needs to focus on something more important with their time?
  15. Eye of the needle...

    What do you mean?
  16. Eye of the needle...

    Going through the eye of Can you elaborate on going through the eye of the needle? My co-worker once explained it to me, but he used words like rich people will have a very hard time, and poor people have a better opportunity for enlightenment.
  17. Meat

    There is a hierarchy whether you believe it to be ego-centric or not. There are superior beings, it is just the way of the universe. For example, your limited mind cannot comprehend the understanding of that of a great buddha. We all have to evolve to reach such understandings, There is a path whether you like it or not. Is the fact that conscious evolution and ascension exists cause those who acknowledge it to be ego-centric or corrupted? That is like saying brushing your teeth to keep them clean is evil. Of course i believe animals are sacred...but i still acknowledge that they are less conscious and more oriented towards, food, sex, and survival. I dont simply black out the existence of conscious evolution and the existence of superior beings.
  18. Meat

    i'm a vegetarian, but i think it helps me. I have a wind/fire body, so it is easier on the stomach. I believe a lot of meat these days is very drugged. But i dont think it is so bad, when one considers the amazing potential of the human body. My friend calls it eating alien food, because being a vegetarian causes one's consciousness to rise. Often times eating meat will carry the instincts of the animal into the human, so thoughts like lust and anger will form. Nothing wrong with eating meat, not in this world. All of nature is a struggle for survival. Hunting for fun is messed up though.
  19. This is a thread discussing wieght loss and health, with regards to spiritual ascension. Basically the idea is that laziness doesn't actually exist, only a lack of knowing oneself. Because if people knew what they liked, then they wouldn't be lazy. Going to feature chapters like: The Art of War...against calories. Not making any unnecessary movements towards food. Zen to Ten..pounds. Lau Tzu says, get off your butt!
  20. How to hear silence?

    Hearing silence is hearing normal sounds clearly haha
  21. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    It might be good to get very scientific, the problem is that society really hasn't caught up with the idea of a soul and inner peace on a technological level. It is definitely moving in that direction, but i doubt anyone has related soul purpose or energy work with wieghtloss atleast from a scientific standpoint. The yogis and daoists already know health and transformation comes from inner peace so they really dont try to prove it to anyone.
  22. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    Sorry i missed this. No i really dont have any personal experience, been reasonably fit. I just believe that their is a big side of wieghtloss and health that isnt being addressed properly
  23. Been reading about the Five Eyes of Buddha lately, There seems to be some very differing views when it comes to the Flesh Eye. Some say that it is simply the physical eyes, Others say it is the first psychic eye to open and that it perceives the light closest to the physical allowing it to see physical objects as well as spirits/ghosts. Which is true?
  24. "Flesh Eye" - Physical or Non-physical?

    The “Flesh Eye” is the closest to the physical, it can perceive physical phenomenon as well as beings on the next higher frequency, Spirits, Ghosts, etc. "The flesh eye and the heavenly eye are on opposite sides of your forehead. When your five eyes are open and you can utilize them, you yourself will know their locations.” THe diamond sutra would say that the flesh eye is non-physical and is a psychic eye
  25. "Flesh Eye" - Physical or Non-physical?

    so you believe the flesh eye is physical.