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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. "Flesh Eye" - Physical or Non-physical?

    Is the flesh eye physical?
  2. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    I think the idea in nature is eat to live, not live to eat. you will see the opposite point of view in our society, but if someone has something to live for, they automatically switch priority and change into the mode of "eat to live," because they are finding a deeper and more satisfying pleasure from their soul awareness. I believe in soul-purpose, finding one's true work that empowers the spiritual awareness. In our present day, one need only do it until they become productive.
  3. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    That good. I just want to say that I believe being overwieght isnt a bad thing, for some people that is their natural state. But obesity is a different story, that is unhealthy overwieght, that is taking on toll on them. I have met many people who desperately want to change their life and they need to. It is kinda hard when they look you in the eyes searching for answers because they know it is a big problem, then people usually sell them a pill or supplement. Sometimes they know it isnt going to help the emergency at hand, the need for radical action. But what they really need is love or passion, soul-purpose. Im not perfect, but i think knowing oneself and wisdom is essential for healing and embodiment.
  4. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    I was thinking more in terms of addressing the spiritual side of not only losing excess wieght, but becoming healthy. Spiritual beings often need less food and feel more full. They have less need for taking and are more giving in nature.
  5. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    You think so? What causes people to have more self control and energy?
  6. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    That would be awesome. Your expertise would help a lot! Those are very good ideas. Yeah same, I usually write books the same way, splitting it into chapters and then putting them all together. My expertise is more from a wisdom standpoint and building it from the angle of knowing oneself to create life. My idea is that as individuals know themselves from a deeper standpoint, they go through the process of Embodiment. Or becoming one's body on an experiential level. Causing them to become more sensitive, and have more self esteem and energy, etc. And also become more full on the inside, needing less food, but being more active. Anyways, i'm not perfect, but these projects are fun to me.
  7. The Tao of Weight Loss - ThreadBook

    not that I am aware of
  8. What happens if we die?

    Whatever hell or heaven you have with you currently you take with you
  9. What happens if we die?

    if you die you return to the same state you are in now
  10. Saving Money on Taxes

    Hello, Everyone here is pretty smart.... Im trying to brainstorm with people about how to save money on taxes. One idea is to deduct the costs of food and other basic costs before creating a taxable sum of money. Some people even talk about creating some type of sub-business that works with their own business so that they can make these charges and then incorporate them with their real business before generating their check. What have your been your experiences? And what are some good ideas?
  11. Can the Tao be found in a 66 hours work week?

    "The one who works hard, lives long. The one who follows Dao lives forever." -Lao Tzu Work to find your work, once found..follow your true work.... (soul-purpose) Learn to live as a spirit while in human form...
  12. Can the Tao be found in a 66 hours work week?

    instead of working, the goal is to find your work. but that is usually done through working, so..right-o.
  13. Eye of the needle...

    Silence and clarity have different meanings? In my belief system they are one and the same.
  14. See third eye, Possible?

    Is it possible to see the third eye of oneself or that of others? I was reading a text and the author says: "Otherwise on the day when an eye appears in that place you will utterly panic and wonder, How did I grow another eye? My telling you in advance is to spare you any fear.” It is almost as if the eye grows physically? Any thoughts?
  15. See third eye, Possible?

    I agree on the physical part. Although i wouldn't doubt it if people with some type of auric vision could see it in others.
  16. Horse stance

    Horse stance is important for filling up the lower dantien at a fast pace. Not only on a higher frequency, But leg strength is important for alchemy
  17. The Five Eyes according to Buddha.

    Hi Tibetan Ice, Do you know the locations of the five eyes? I understand the Buddha Eye is in between the forehead. The Flesh Eye/Heavenly Eye is on the sides of the forehead. Which one on which side? Also do you know the location of the other two eyes? I believe one is above the Buddha Eye sort of above the forehead. Maybe one is directly on top of the head. Do you have a better understanding? Thanks Moon
  18. How to solve the garbage problem

    Hopefully. A person could probably make a lot of gasoline if they had one these machines, i know there is a lot of plastic garbage around my area
  19. The path to enlightenment is a natural one, it is not behind lock and key. The Grandmaster said, β€œThe first requirement for learning the Way is hard work; then you need to learn to be a member of society, which means doing good and refraining from evil, building up character. When you have developed virtue and built up character, eventually you enter naturally into the Way.” Page. 14
  20. good point, the path to finding one's work is through working. So by working and refraining from evil one is moving towards their soul purpose. It is possible to actually make steps forward
  21. it's not in meditation or any practice. those are powerful, but if the person wants immediate results: The real way to find yourself in the moment is to be experiencing yourself. This is through finding one's work. Finding one's soul-purpose. Purpose connected to the soul. If you find your work you will be experiencing yourself as you do it. You will be finding yourself in the moment, because you will be realizing yourself at higher levels of awareness. One's purpose in life brings them silence and silence brings oneness. I could share
  22. Psychic Eyes - Locations.

    The Psychic Eyes, where are they, and how many are there? Here is a basic diagram of the ones that I have experienced. There certainly may be another thread about this, but I have yet to find it. I'm learning that many arn't experienced enough to understand what i'm talking about.
  23. Psychic Eyes - Locations.

    etheric eyes dont really fit in there "back of head recieves past, front receives future" the back of the head has an opening where though forms enter. This is a precursor to mind manipulation.