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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Immortality: Yin & Yang or Pure Yang ?!

    i think you are right. But, I wonder if it is affecting his ability to build light body. Do you think it is possible that his lower dantien fusion is somehow preventing him from going beyond earth immortal?
  2. When a master becomes enlightened or awakened, their visual field is no longer situated in the head. They don't consciously experience themselves observing reality from the head anymore, but instead observing reality from the heart area.
  3. so the legend is thatHe reached enlightenment at 22 years old and then ran around in the mountains with disciples. Then at some point he sat in meditation for around 9 years without moving. maybe true maybe not. The point is that in his only around 50 years of living he attained a mastery unrivaled by practically anyone. Another source, John chang says that Bodhidharma was one of 2 masters that attained a spiritual consciousness unrivaled by anyone in Chinise history. Something he equates to "level 72" .The other was ...forgot his name...anyways Not to bring mo pai into this but chang is none the less a master. So i often use the DAoist alchemy levels to "rank" consciousness. Ghost immortal, human immortal, earth immortal, spirit immortal, celestial immortal Was he really beyond the celestial immortal stage? It would seem that many masters in chinese history have reached this. Eastern Christianity has 7 levels of attainment, level 7 being a stage that a human cannot go beyond while in human form. level 5 being spiritual immortal. Just how great was Bodhidharma?
  4. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    taoists quiet the mind by observing, zen quiets the mind by slowing the breath
  6. Applying for Heavenly Pension

    great goal!
  7. he will never leave either. he's always there. because his is always present. a presence that is immortal. he/she is there always in the space
  8. when you're ready the teacher will appear. no doubt.
  9. Introduction to Taoist Alchemy

    the goal of buddhism and zen are both enlightenment. to be a buddha is to be an enlightened one which is an immortal. neigong is nothing special, just a different path up the same mountain.
  10. Introduction to Taoist Alchemy

    it actually is the same thing, just depends on your perspective. when someone becomes immortal they are creating a light inside themselves. this is how they can stay warm
  11. Introduction to Taoist Alchemy

    Just some training tips from Bodhidharma "If someone is committed to seeking the Buddha's Way, what methods for training should he give heed to?" Bodhidharma replied, "since meditation embraces all methods and practices, I call it the essential one." Eka asked, "How can one single method Embrace all practices?" Bodhidharma replied, "it is the root and source of all methods, all methods are simply products of the mind so, if you are able to thoroughly comprehend what 'real mind' is, then your myriad practices will be fully equipped."
  12. Introduction to Taoist Alchemy

    you can become enlightened doing qi gong. no doubt. heck, you can become enlightened on a jetski
  13. Hunter X Hunter

    yu yu hakusho is made by the same guy also.
  14. Hunter X Hunter

    well hunter x hunter is a show about homeless boys running around practicing magick, so maybe Skydog was saying goodbye to do the same. i dont think it gets much deeper or has a direction, but more of a good bye
  15. Hunter X Hunter

    yup, sorry nest no "deep" profound esoteric secrets here
  16. Hunter X Hunter

    hunter x hunter ! i thought i was the only one who watched it
  17. Neidan vs Qigong

    you dont have to do what he did, just follow his teachings
  18. Neidan vs Qigong

    Here are some spirit immortals whose neidan is simply making rock music.. these guys are 40 years old. .. there are many paths, but truth and getting to know oneself is what i recommend.
  19. Neidan vs Qigong

    well the indians actually have a famious list of 72 different types of meditations, i just practice awareness and letting the mind calm. this video series is pretty good. it uses breath awareness meditation which is a little different the kundalini chakra methods work too, it is like an indian neidan. if one can get the first 6 major chakras open they can do true meditation, but before that, normal meditation works too. This really isnt a black and white thing. meditation will take one there, but also so will methods, but eventually meditation is the best method. but that isnt exactly true because people can do external meditations through art and music, dont be close minded and think neidan/alchemy practice is the only way to immortality. ok im ranting....
  20. Neidan vs Qigong

    what about BodhiDharma one of the greatest masters on earth whose teachings clearly tell people to sit in meditation....
  21. Neidan vs Qigong

    proper meditation for a little while each day is all one needs
  22. Ascension

    if you are not creating, you are coging
  23. I wonder if this is similar to tha nazi mantauk experiments. They basically had a man who would go into a deep dream state and then would follow instructions that they gave him. It basically went, fly up to the sky, find an elevator, take the elevator down to the bottom-most floor. Then he would get out of the elevator and enter a "room." From this room he could do a lot of different things. He would lift weights, and also emerge himself into a hot tub-like bath to heal himself. His physical body on the outside would get stronger from the lifting and his body would also heal at an incredible rate from the hot bath.
  24. Stages of Progression/Enlightenment

    I find level 7/8 interesting, the person has a quiet and clear mind and they are aware of themselves. it is an emptyness without light, just an emptiness. This would mean that their life is sort of like a prison. they are consciously existing within the limitations of their reality. it is almost like a purgatory or some type of waiting room, no negative associated though, just emptyness and waiting. At this stage do you believe the person would need to cultivate more awareness? or possibly do you believe good merit or deeds or maybe following ones heart is the next route. It just seems to me like this 7/8 stage is almost like a person sitting at an airport waiting to get on the plane. but not really sure what to do. personally i think it is absurd someone at level 7/8 would claim enlightenment.