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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. what is spirituality?

    "logic? if you stick to logic you cannot get very far. what is logic other than the conventional way of thinking at a particular time and place? Our concern is with Logos, Reason, Truth which are beyond time and space." -Das
  2. trusting spirits?

    a few teachers have said, "you should never believe any spirit no matter what they say! they will always try to get something from you." what do you guys think?
  3. trusting spirits?

    One example, Jim Mcmillian talks about how spirits suck a person's yin energy from them, they can sap energy from people they are around. i think this is very true
  4. Lama stabs and shoots his students

    sometimes i wonder if dreams work towards waking people up. they can be very similar
  5. Jeet Kune Do enjoyed this. man he had a lot of potential.
  6. Vajra strands

    the practice that this thread is about it very interesting ill have to read more. when i visited mt shasta many people would look up to the sky and look for phenomenon. i saw a star light up really bright then disappear, that was pretty neat experience.
  7. Vajra strands

    im just talking about the normal stars that everyone looks at at night, the ones that appear stationary. yes, i sometimes see lines connecting them
  8. Vajra strands

    do you guys ever see lines connecting the stars?
  9. Is celibacy for 10 years realistic?

    depends how attracted a person is to sex. i bet nikola tesla did it
  10. Spirituality has to go

    the real goal is to be a human being having a spiritual experience! ((embodiment))
  11. Spirituality has to go

    spirituality is everything, it goes beyond internet forums believe someone is spiritual because they read "spiritual books", debate on spiritual forums, and meditate on full moons is like completely silly
  12. Full Lotus Position Tips

    full lotus comes with time and meditation progression
  13. Why is the sage so useless?

    w/e my friend got like 250$ today for healing some random ppl on top of a mountain
  14. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    this was a great read, thanks. from the way he writes it was suprising to me that his most life changing experience was almost losing his job.
  15. Holy Guardian Angel

    Thank you for your post, Could help me understand this better: How does one cross the void? It sounds like one has to first achieve achieve knowledge and conversation any tips? Lastly, If one is trapped in Daath how do they overcome this?
  16. How the Buddha became enlightened with the jhanas

    Well at a very basic understanding the vibrations at certain specific point of the body can dissolve energy blockages. But i think i can understand where your coming from, there are a lot of religious mantras which probably wont lead to enlightenment, but I have no experience with this type.
  17. How the Buddha became enlightened with the jhanas

    lol mantra isn't worthless :/ ...............................................................................
  18. How the Buddha became enlightened with the jhanas

    If your meditation is letting go of your mind and resting in awareness it's not really a taking you anywhere but here. so this contrived state is really a state of "here." Following the mind could be considered more of a contrived state. But if we consider the meditative state a contrived state. It would be a mistake to believe this worthless. The Kundalini science that has been developed is not a sham. A consistent meditator will become well aware of their energy centers. As we become aware of energy centers of consciousness that become awakened one should be careful when calling this "contrived state" a worthless thing. On the contrary, sustaining the contrived state works to awaken energy centers and perminatize the contrived state. People who meditate consistently will become aware of these centers and how they amplify concentration and a release from the mind
  19. How the Buddha became enlightened with the jhanas

    depends how you meditate also, side note, most of the monks i meet are lazy with their practices more religious than spiritual.
  20. Cobra Breath, Kundalini practices!

    lately i'v been focusing on the energy center behind the forehead and it is extremely powerful practice in my opinion
  21. How the Buddha became enlightened with the jhanas

    i guess i'm one of the few who think meditation can get someone to enlightenment
  22. How the Buddha became enlightened with the jhanas

    he went double rainbow
  23. How the Buddha became enlightened with the jhanas

    HI Seeker, Can you describe the body contemplation vipashyana technique? I always thought vipassana was just observing the breath. maybe your talking about the: "contemplation of impermanence of phenomenon"
  24. Cobra Breath, Kundalini practices!

    yeah i know what u mean. the ball at the top of the head seems to be difficult