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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Ten Evils (Zhong) Taoist

    very nice. sometimes these hallucinations are yourself?
  2. wish i had time to read it all Andrei. Sounds like some great practice though
  3. russian sleep experiment

    Russians keep prisoners awake on gas for many days. strange things happen..kinda dark. Anyways, this kinda makes me think about spirituality. Did they achieve a higher state of consciousness? Possibly enlightenment? My friend told me about this after studying and reading, apparently they had super-human strength. At the end one said, "Have you forgotten so easily? We are you. We are the madness within all you, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. We are what you hide from in your beds every night. We are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven where we cannot thread". idk how great this video is, but the actual story is very interesting.
  4. russian sleep experiment

    do you know any of the information on what happened in the real experimentation?
  5. Ok, I can't do this...

    The Squid Wizards
  6. Nature = Good

    akira is awesome. same with those others
  7. anyone look back at how much their life has changed since they started this path? Sometimes destroying inner blockages also means destroying outer blockages and everything that entails! haha. Can't look back though gotta keep moving forward
  8. Refinement occurs regardless

    well it is the experience of actually becoming alive. many would say you're asleep and your life is constantly caught in suffering.
  9. Refinement occurs regardless

    people who think this way usually don't achieve in this lifetime. I think it's important to think both ways, but you prolly understand that
  10. Balance in taoist practices

    Hey OP, are you saying that your having trouble controlling energy? something mental?
  11. Refinement occurs regardless

    i couldnt say which way is faster Buddha merly says, "don't rely on anyone or anything" this could be a way to free one's mind from others in an external sense
  12. sitting meditation is extremely powerful. anyone who practices consistently will know that
  13. Refinement occurs regardless

    in my experience most of the people wandering in India are not enlightened.. :/ there are a lot of sayings like, I wandered the world but didnt find god until i looked inside
  14. cultivation is a hell of a drug

    i think sometimes cultivators/meditators still hide and run away from reality. meditating can be ....
  15. Wuliupai school

    i like how buddhists refer to spiritual immortals (arhat) as "worthy ones" almost like an external consciousness decides that
  16. Refinement occurs regardless

    are you talking about people who abandon shelter and friends and just travel where the universe takes them and do what the universe wants?
  17. Whats with Blue Members...?

    bluebird could refer to the MK Ultra experiments. all the others are probably just blue adaptions haha
  18. Thanks Grady, Just curious, has your team had reasonable success with cancer? Seems like a tough one to tackle. I hope to meet you if Jiang holds a future seminar in China.
  19. Fear of death leads to an early death

    transcending fears and constantly evolving. Buddha says, "abandon shelter, rely on noone and no thing." in my opinion most people's fears are letting go of what they rely on. 5) Surrender to Death at all times in your heart region. This is what all true masters do. can you elaborate?
  20. Longmen pai retreats in the UK

    this is understandable, thanks. If it is implied i must point out that Wang is celestial immortal level and is much more than one half the experience level than i would place Aurelian. Probably 1/30 ratio (rough estimate of no value). But, it is great that the teachings are spreading. Ok this distinction makes more sense. I would be surprised if he was actually a disciple of both, considering the masters watch over them and the close proximity. Just curious, do you know how many disciples master Wang has?
  21. Spirit Guides

    i can relate a lot to this and the trials and tests along the way. the choices and obstacles. Don't you believe it is always better to take the right path? over justifying evil? I understand how terribly hard it can be or the impracticality, especially when it comes to energy work.