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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Longmen pai retreats in the UK

    it's not difficult to be a disciple of both masters, you just need to pay money and attend retreats?
  2. Longmen pai retreats in the UK

    this seems expensive considering Wang wont be present at the retreat
  3. Longmen pai retreats in the UK

    i wonder if the teacher is there for yin qi?
  4. Wuliupai school

    Does anybody understand what is meant by a spiritual immortal doing spiritual work? "spiritual body is then able to perform the execution of spiritual work"
  5. Wuliupai school

    Ah OK this makes sense. My terminology is different, by combining Xing and MIng you are only referring to earth immortal. . "It should be provided either by faithful pupils and adherents, The Teacher, or by concealment by having immured in a cave according to certain rules." Do you understand this part, How can pupils and adherents help this stage? Maybe i misunderstand, but it almost sounds like the pupils are meditating for the master.
  6. you're right i just have an irrational biased against spirit science.
  7. the methods in Taoist Yoga will slow a person down, imo. really complex and probably should have a teacher
  8. she's a nooobbb!!!! actually, spirit science has evolved quite a bit...
  9. idk, but when the crown is activated it feels like being inside a merkabah. More importantly, What are the origins of this picture?
  10. Wuliupai school

    thank you Alchemist, Not to be pressing, but could you at least offer some reasoning? Or why meditation is insufficient. Lao Tzu says, give up book learning, as if there are no methods and following nature and feeding from the source is an ultimate path to the highest peaks. Also, not to say the website is authentic but here is what they say and it would seem to be congruent with the Wang Liping school except they also teach the importance of spreading the teachings of the way to common people while training. "Therefore there remains the possibility of realization of the highest stage which is possible on Earth according to alchemy - the transformation of this body in the body of light. This is the most difficult task because it requires about 9 -10 years of immobility. It should be provided either by faithful pupils and adherents, The Teacher, or by concealment by having immured in a cave according to certain rules." P.S. "I will try to post an appropriate translation a bit later." where do you post these translations? is there a website i am not familiar with?
  11. Wuliupai school

    what is the difference between celestial immortality in your school compared to every other taoist school? The description on the "fake" Wuliu website shares no distinction
  12. Wuliupai school

    i would disagree. high level in my understanding is a celestial immortal. and i'm pretty sure that's the same as your schools understanding. this just takes a lot of meditation
  13. Spirit Guides

    what if a spirit doesnt leave if you ask them to?is that possible?
  14. its like the same things being said over and over. this thread should probably end before another rotation
  15. just making sure you knew which teachers you were referencing when talking about disrespect and sins
  16. john changs teacher murdered an entire village..............
  17. ken and zoom are just confused because MPG goes around saying it takes 10 YEARS to complete level 1. to actually believe that.....
  18. mo pai level 1 only takes 90 days. probably less if you know what your doing. its so silly seeing people come on here and act like level 1 is so godly. or that mo pai is the only way to develop a spirit, your eyes.
  19. this is hilarious. i'm not surprised ken and zoom think this way
  20. Wuliupai school

    you don't need methods to attain a high level
  21. i wasn't talking about that, but apologies for the lack of clarity
  22. it's none of that. this is a normal thing for practitioners