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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Is this practice dangerous ?

    i did this one for a while. it's cool for a little bit but i think a normal meditation practice is better.
  2. Clarity is the man, i wouldn't be surprised if your problem goes away.
  3. Spirit Guides

    I had this experience lately, where is was int hat between dreamingand waking paralasis and there was a being sitting with their hands on my chest. I moved over to look at them. then i saw them it was an old lady spirit. I never thought that maybe they can change forms or look different than they actually do like you say in some posts about. but she seemed like she was trying to help me. idk. That was also the first time i'v talked to a spirit.
  4. Spirit Guides

    i wonder what kind of beings i am working with.. not a clue. that phase between dreaming and waking i have some crazy's like i can't move but something else can I was becoming conscious in a dream and i thought of this thread, and i said all spirits must leave. then i get some experience of something with their hands on top of both my palms sitting above me, and then they kiss me or suck something out my mouth, idk. freaky stuff though
  5. Spirit Guides

    so they can also stay inside an enlightened being?
  6. new age is mind.a very mental approach. visualizations / non-dual understanding some of the stuff is on-point though
  7. Wuliupai school

    it does happen in mindless state, or atleast not mindful. it is the mind that sends energy. one can let these thoughts pass or get lost in them
  8. Yoga or Tai Chi or Both?

    i remember a lot of tai chi classes start with some form of yoga
  9. Yoga or Tai Chi or Both?

    both + weight lifting
  10. Documentry blowing my mind up atm

    this is like The Matrix. (rabbit tattoo) have you made connections with that movie yet?
  11. accompanied with lightening bolts that can shoot out of my hands. (duh)
  12. on being really strange

    1. often accompanied with messy hair. 2. finding a mate is difficult (even if you're attractive) 3. most people seem dull or not interesting(?)
  13. Documentry blowing my mind up atm

    i like how he talks about Zues defeating Chronos(who stands for time, limitation, and death) with a lightening bolt. this is like Kundalini activation (lightening) and one becoming an immortal enlightened being. Also how Zues is celebrated with "lighting the torch". Which is the fire in the mind that is achieved.
  14. How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?

    staying awake late at night and concentrating is an incredible yogic exercise
  15. if someone doesnt eat meat, what should they make sure to get to replace it? i know Zinc is a big one, maybe iron (idk), protein,
  16. excellent speaker no doubt
  17. it's the mind that doesn't like the busyness, and noises, and people. the only weird part is sometimes people like touch me or try to offer me water or do other strange things, or sometimes ppl meditate next to me but yeah meditating in public is awesome. especially at music concerts also.
  18. i love meditating in public. somehow it is more intense for me, i can get better results faster