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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    that's like legendary status though.
  2. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    oh totally man, im with you. haha
  3. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    nice post. Yes, now that i recall i have heard some teachers say reaching enlightenment is doing a great deed for the universe. makes sense
  4. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    Well certainly, they become "independent." At least, they say that of most. But still, beyond food and basic necessities, their worldly position could be limited having no skills. Most probably can't imagine the idea of supporting a family On the other hand, take a singer or musician, they work everyday to become a great artist, but they are also doing inner work. all and all, i'm just criticizing those who devote their life to meditation to reach enlightenment, like myself.
  5. russian sleep experiment

    Guess it could be fake, but i believe it's real
  6. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    well apparently the enlightened being doesn't have problems with harmful insects. Lao Tzu says it also. Something to do with vibes, but also insects are attracted to the purity of enlightened being's blood...
  7. russian sleep experiment

    very creepy. Sleep deprivation is a strong energetic practice,they may have reached heaven through suffering.
  8. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    yeah. but a serious consideration should be taken. a person can spend many many years trying to attain enlightenment, but then they could still have no trade or skills
  9. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    Easy to say enlightenment sucks, in theory... But have you experienced it? that's where things change.
  10. Whats in a name?

    "live by your principles, but don't be bound by them." kinda like labels!
  11. text deleted from posting smilie

    if you weren't so damn happy all the time this wouldn't be a problem.
  12. 3 reasons why enlightenment sucks

    are you referring to working for the spiritual world? or am i mistaken haha.
  13. Wuliupai school

    hi Alchemist, just curious, but are there any videos of this master? Or new articles? Does this school have retreats in China? If so when is the next one.
  14. Wuliupai school

    On another note, I'm interested in the current Wuliupai "master", he must be very interesting! Anything to add? Thanks. and your English is quite good.
  15. Wuliupai school

    Ah interesting, good to know! I would disagree!
  16. Wuliupai school

    i think the quote makes it clear they use quieting the mind as the method of cultivation. it's the only way to achieve "automatic" progress. however i guess there is a possibility of me being wrong, not being a student... the website info makes it look like dragon gate, minus the confucius aspects of DG ..nvm..this is exactly like dragon gate
  17. they are certainly containers, but they feel like fields.
  18. Taomeow TTB Interview

    Hello Taomeow, I'm curious what you think about the idea of Destiny?
  19. Top 5 Revisted

    meditation weight lifting drawing/painting Work more meditation
  20. Sense of spinning while meditating.

    this is your astral body. as you get more energy, it starts loosening so to speak.
  21. awesome. this would be great experience. A little different. But when i was in India, many people would come together and would make spirals that flow outward composed of people holding hands. They would go boy,girl,boy,girl,etc. and my friend who did it said he could feel the energy intensely.