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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. his girlfriend is pretttyy hott . haha
  2. Pictures of rainbow body, footprints in stone

    you don't need a guru or a lineage. Just proper understanding, which can be attained by one's own experiences
  3. prayer/meditation

    cool cool
  4. prayer/meditation

    before trying to erase the evil of the world, erase all the darkness inside yourself. i recommend creating and becoming in touch with your body, but that's just me. It expands your mind, and eventually beyond the human condition of suffering, It's important to remember the divine light is given to both good and evil. Even a murderer/rapist will not be denied the divine light and can become enlightened. Be kind and good, but move beyond your beliefs of karmas. My teacher tells me that people who try to run around making up for stuff arn't training enough and often just keep spinning in rebirth. It's a sad truth, but you have to do more than just be a good person. It isn't easy.
  5. A Path To Enlightenment

    Interesting. I think it isnt always so pretty though many people have purified 6th chakras, but still become demons !
  6. A Path To Enlightenment

    Wow cool thread. You mention purifying the 7th before purifying the 6th? Dont most people operate bottom up instead of top down? Its interesting to me because the western hermetic tradition operates top down instead of bottom up. How would you go about purifying the 7th before the 6th anyways? After all, they are levels of concentration.
  7. internet phones?

    So basically what im talking about is an internet cell phone. A phone that only works when someone is around wifi. The positive is that it can be as cheap or cheaper than $20 a year. My friend uses a mix of Skype for making and recieving phone calls and then Google Voice for free texting. While he is only paying about $25 a year, the catch is that he has two different numbers one for calling and one for texting, which is a huge drag. I'd like to move to an internet phone. Does anyone have any better ideas or is currently doing something similar? It would be a huge plus if it was possible to have a single number both for texting and calling.
  8. internet phones?

    I thought about them in the past, but then decided to go with Ting (25$ a month), but thats too expensive lol. they seem like they might have some hidden charges. might want to be careful. nonetheless might try them. Have you had any experience with them? THese cheap phone companies tend to have shitty service lol
  9. TaiChi Kite Flying

  10. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    love doing this man, especially through the busy cities
  11. shiny shaved heads

    I like the tradition of dred locks. Basically the disciple shaves his head, but cannot cut his/her hair until achieving their goal. Many people connect hair with memories, so perhaps having a strong bond with past efforts can help motivate a person to keep going and finish what they started.
  12. we are now eclectic in general

    i prefer "general". a lot of forum changes lately adding to the complexity of the website, what happened to simplicity?
  13. Being 'The One'

    to master one's self. one in mind, body, and spirit
  14. restoring eye sight

    anyone have any tips? or try any methods? doctors are beginning to learn that bad eye sight actually has to do with the mind and stress. Bates suggests relaxation methods to improve eyesight. He also notes that glasses and contacts create strain and actually make the vision worse. i think we all knew that intuitively. I'm thinking I taper down my glasses prescription (20% at a time) and in combination with meditation get some results.
  15. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    ill ask someone to look at you. you have to pm me if your serious.
  16. lots of arguing about things unrelated to mo pai, when ppl dont have the answers they have to throw an ego around. Anyone know why the dan tien becomes vulnerable to rupture? " When Kostas was asked he said he did not know, JC said "the foundation is lost." What could the foundation be? may be perineum..
  17. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    hopefully you didnt rupture it. if your awareness is sufficient you should be able to tell. leaking jing is very warm and thick so i think you would know, but that depends. the constant heat is a normal thing when doing lower LTD exercises. the pain/tightness is strange. you should seriously consider having an experienced master look at you if it doesnt change. if your constantly farting or have a lot of gas, that is a bad sign. i could explain more later.
  18. honestly i think this system has been invented and reinvented to the point it doesn't matter
  19. it's completely different from mo pai though
  20. there was no real evidence behind that assertion
  21. who reeally cares what ppl say on that forum though
  22. I noticed you seem to understand the alchemical process well. Do you know what happens with the alchemical process after one ejactulates? The like three day period. I'm curious if jing stops converting to chi? during this period. Because this is when the dan tien is most vulnerable.