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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. i was banned just for clicking the link
  2. yeah i'd agree. but you have to hold on to your ego to keep your human form. and considering there are people on this forum who have attainment.......
  3. that's not true. many people are on this forum that have ended it. just cause your born a human doesn't mean you cant transcend it.
  4. Does anyone have the level 2 email from jim mcmillian?
  5. why not just end the cycle of rebirth?
  6. shaking from/in the dantian

    they all shake. wait till the upper one starts
  7. enlightenment

    Accept being normal until becoming enlightened. or live a spiritual life while searching for enlightenment
  8. dont be so sure. some people already know all 72 levels
  9. nice. iv been trying to tell noobs on this forum for years that mo pai isnt the only path to immortality.
  10. 3 Taoist Islands

    Many masters talk about people going to the "Three Magic Islands" after death. Most are ghosts who arrive with no name and are barred entry and basically forced to reincarnate. Apparently Earth immortals can stay. Sounds interesting, anyone have more information? Or possible cross-cultural references?
  11. 3 Taoist Islands

    Peng Lai must be the same as Bonlai (I forgot how it's spelled actually)
  12. 3 Taoist Islands

    sweet! also if we can find cross references from different cultures that would be great also!
  13. restoring eye sight

    its amazing how not wearing glasses and relying on natural vision actually relaxes the body and helps people become in control of their mind during daily lives. I think poor vision could be natures way of helping people let go of attachments.
  14. restoring eye sight

    my theory is that if i become enlightened or awakened, i can taper down my glasses and improve my eye sight naturally. the idea is that i will be free from stress and actually start "looking" at what i'm seeing, so as to be in a natural state of constantly training my vision. I think most people develope poor eye sight because they stop actually seeing with their eyes but start using their mind too much. bad eye sight could then be related to an actually poor vision of the spirit itself. master the mind and we bein to see and improve our vision. just theory. thanks for all the awesome input so far! i will try these exercises!
  15. Hello my brothers, my name is Paul

    all his insults don't really matter to me, i say let him back on the forum if he apologizes to like 15 other members via personal messages that he insulted. Anyone dedicated to the truth should be given a second chance, bans are pretty harsh.
  16. Thamosh?

    why did you guys ban Thamosh? i believe he was a high level practitioner who could bring a lot of experience to the forum
  17. Thamosh?

    well he at least had some attainment i can be sure. sad story. thanks for the info
  18. Meditation....

    some that carry human skulls do it to remind them about the impermanence of life which serves as motivation for their practice.
  19. Mo Pai Discussion and Vote

    In Chang's defense, he does explicitly say to achieve the "golden aura" before starting the training.
  20. Mo Pai Discussion and Vote

    i actually sometimes view it as some type of karmic barrier to the real teachings
  21. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    when choosing your next world, are you choosing a body?
  22. Would appreciate help

    congrats on your training. the oddities of mo pai,..maybe try taking a bath everyday and see if you feel better. this isnt a big deal compared to other problems people have had, it could be a lot worse. check out some chi kung forums or teachers and ask about it, they do a similar practice as level 2. Contact Spring forest qi gong, the master will give you some killer advise. there are a few others you could contact who are in china also..why not visit jiang's hospital?? i mean shit you live in CHINA!!! ugh so jealous.
  23. Die GLocke

    German Occult Esoteric scientists created Die Glocke. SOme say it was an experiment to bend time, others say it was to create the "Perfect man" A type of super-human german soldier. They did a lot of research in Tibet so I'm thinking it has something to do with enlightenment. Two rapidly spinning cylinders in opposite directions.. Lead and Mercury being used. Anyways ended up killing all the researchers and helpers associated with it. few links: