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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. how to gain weiight ?

    you want to gain weight? Get a job as a Painter, and eat as much as you can for breakfast and lunch. Boom. walah
  2. anyone have some pretty chaotic experiences?
  3. Taking naps in the day-time

    no not causing any problems
  4. Taking naps in the day-time

    lucid dreaming was fun, flying through the skys and maybe doing strange things without a care in the world..idk this isnt lucid dreaming though, lucid dreaming is dream like and not so real feeling. these experiences are real feeling.
  5. Taking naps in the day-time

    ok iv been having lucid dreams for a long time, like years now. i remember watching the movie Waking Life when it first came out. this is something on a different level.
  6. Taking naps in the day-time

    ok no1 has day terrors. nevermind thennn
  7. Taking naps in the day-time

    "As much as possible the Sioux elders tried to discourage people from taking naps during the daytime. They felt people became vulnerable to the Heyokas and other spirits that might require them to do shameful things. " In my experience day dreaming leaves one open to very intense nightmares and experiences. My most recent one for example, i woke up in the morning then decided to go back to bed shortly after. Suddenly I found myself in a white room. I was very aware that I was dreaming, but i couldnt wake myself up. then i realized there was a person standing very close infront of me. I looked at them and the person was wearing a black robe covering their face entirely. Suddenly something starting biting my ear, like tearing it off. I couldn't move at all my body was paralyzed so i starting yelling hoping my roommates would hear and wake me up. anyways, a little while later...i woke up. but yeah no1 heard me. this wasn't even that bad of experience. i asked a master and he told me it is common on this path and that it happens during "activation phases" I wouldnt be suprised if a lot more poeple had similar experiences. the scientific community would associate such experiences with sleep paralysis, but i think it could be more esoteric.
  8. Taking naps in the day-time

    it can be pretty sketchy to do this from my experiences, but i still keep doing it.. The native americans would strongly advise against it
  9. Book study leading to mastery

    lao Tzu, " Abandon book learning." Tao Te Ching
  10. qi master against mma

    i wanna see that dude try to fight wang liping
  11. qi master against mma

    he is no great master though
  12. Could we start a list of retreats and workshops?

    if you can score a round trip plane ticket to india, you can stay for 2 months easy on $200 at a fairly nice spiritual facility
  13. SHaking

    anyone experience spontanious shaking when your in meditation? its kinda strange?
  14. SHaking

    he is very interesting indeed. something to aspire to.
  15. SHaking

    Andrei, you posted a video of an Indian yogi who fasted. In the middle we see a boy in the tree who is shaking
  16. SHaking

    hmm iv felt vibrations for a few years now, but I think you are correct. I think the shaking has to do with the crown chakra. its almost like I am shaking into existence sometimes. I think the bubbling you were talking about is at the top of the head? and energy runs down the face? its kind of an annoying phenomenon honestly..but they are all very exciting when new ones appear.
  17. SHaking

    i think its normal. Andrei seems to have experienced what im talking about
  18. SHaking

    powerful posture
  19. SHaking

    the shaking is too intense for a posture to stop it. smoking pot around people can be awkward, it made me shake like crazy, but the shaking feels good.
  20. SHaking

    "wake up" are you talking about awakening/enlightenment? trans-dimensional dreamtime activity? I thought people stop dreaming after "waking up"
  21. SHaking

    interesting i know what u are talking about
  22. Dividing Dragons from the Snakes

    oh man. this journey. welcome to it. good luck. wear a seatbelt. and uh..good luck.
  23. lol

    lol nevermind haha
  24. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    the greatest breathe is natural breathe.
  25. false awakenings. i get that all the time. sometimes ill dream that i go to work and do stuff. and then ask my boss stuff that i was dreaming about as if it was reality...she thinks im nuts. energy work makes dreams really vivid and intense..