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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. "White clouds assemble at the peak, sweet dew bathes the polar mountain, Having drunk the wine of long life, you wander free, who can know you?" -Ancestor Lu What does "White clouds assemble at the peak mean? what about sweet dew bathes the polar mountain?
  2. lol

  3. moats are stagnated water. so is a lake or pond..
  4. Sweet Dew Bathes the Polar Mountain

    Not sure. There is a stage where energy pours down the face, "fountain of youth", im thinking that sweet dew "bathes" the polar mountain to be separate from..."having drunk the wine of long life" which is ketchari mudra or what Andrei says. of course he called it "sweet" but he also uses the word "bathe". where as the elixir Andrei speaks of is more of a dripping.
  5. ME: Iv thought it was as simple as energy exercises everyday... kundalini exercises.. meditation... if i chant OM i can do it!.. hey if i sit in lotus everyday for 2 hours i can do it in a year, maybe less! like Wang Liping! well three years later and many problems later (which could actually account for my lack of enlightenment so dont think im knockin energetic practices!) anyways....i soon meet masters who give me a COMPLETELY different perspective... "Realization & enlightenment don't come from meditation.. It comes from living a life the way of the truth. The way of life is truth. Truth is my way of life. " "I never meditate . The truth is u can't get inside with meditation.. It might surprise you to hear that.." "Meditation is helpful for many when their minds are busy, but meditation itself is a contrived state of mind. Ultimately there is no difference between meditation and normal daily living." (one of our very own Bums ) WHAT IS YOUR PERSPECTIVE?! P.S. What about Buddha? he searched until he could search no further, finally ending his journey within, in meditation.
  6. how does one reach enlightenment?

    i know the feeling
  7. Sweet Dew Bathes the Polar Mountain

    my guess, it is referring to the spinning of the seventh chakra, and energy being recycled and flowing down the face
  8. Clairvoyance vs Immediate Knowledge

    "Augury is the flower of the Way, and the beginning of delusion." beautiful.
  9. opening the heart is cool and all...but its really not that amazing..
  10. What are you watching on Youtube?

    naked ninja

    Tibetans are badass. They sit in dark huts for like a year straight. then slowly drill a hole of light out when they are done. also doing stuff like tying disciples to trees for days, kinda like native american vision journey. Having so much contact with death they are quite vigorous. I think it is quite difficult to isolate from society if not ready.

    the guru also works with the disciple in Kriya yoga(although prolly not as intensely). Apparenetly the guru is always accelerating the practice.
  13. Did we really make this stuff? seems kinda space age alien stuff to me Also: put it in your right hand, your chi might make it tingle
  14. What's the deal with Tin Foil?

    people like to burn sage where i'm from.
  15. What's the deal with Tin Foil?

    only on the tao bums will people chat 4 pages on tin foil. more like ALIEN FOIL!
  16. eventually you will be able to feel yourself power up. if u can feel that, then stay powered up while doing stuff.
  17. Recent Painting

    lots of improvement!!!
  18. Spiritual Adepts

    Hmmmm I'll agree to disagree!
  19. misfortune

    does avoiding misfortune make you stronger or weaker?
  20. Spiritual Adepts

    HMMMMM not sure! I heard john chang beat up some boxer,,,,i guess that isnt an mma fighter...but still he could prolly mess some of those folks up too
  21. Spiritual Adepts

    thank you for sharing
  22. 300 Year Old Carved Tibetan Skull

    i dunnoooo it looks pretty old. but ur prolly right
  23. it's a made up name. he wants to be anonymous....cause we are anonymous i guess is the train of thought
  24. Questions for interview with Ching Sung

    i got a goooddd onee. ask him about yin chi! Do we absorb it from the earth or the moon? DO we have to be grounded when me meditate to absorb it? is it beneficial to be grounded when you meditate? all these are basically one question if you ask it right.
  25. i got a goooddd onee. ask him about yin chi! Do we absorb it from the earth or the moon? DO we have to be grounded when me meditate to absorb it? is it beneficial to be grounded when you meditate? all these are basically one question if you ask it right.