
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Profitable business man, says screw society, runs to the forest, now he lives in a tree and is perfectly healthy.
  2. The Shaolin Temple is hiring! No really....

    "the Heart Sutra written in regular script with Chinese brush" So I have to buy a chinese version? maybe it is on their website..ill check ""The activity will not only preserve classic Buddhist literature, but also help people cultivate themselves in line with Buddhism doctrines."" ...this doesnt sound like a paid gig..haha
  3. lines connecting stars?

    while looking at the sky on a starry night.. anyone see thin lines connecting the stars together? it reminds me of meridian channels connecting energy points
  4. lines connecting stars?

    does he talk about lines connecting stars? maybe that is where i got it from tethering, interesting.. what kind of portals?
  5. The Shaolin Temple is hiring! No really....

    haha! well i do have an Asian friend...
  6. The Shaolin Temple is hiring! No really....

    i wanna do it! anyone else lookin into it?! it sounds fun
  7. The Shaolin Temple is hiring! No really....

    sweet! i'd be better if you got to live at the temple :/
  8. ...

    your cup might be enlightened
  9. noobies is a relative term but that being said. we should maybe compile a list of practices and problems people have confronted or developed after practicing. however, people will not all agree on a official way to perform most techniques
  10. symbolic discussion

    that is sweet. like taoist symbol turned into Symbol of Trinity. The Tibetans do this with a bird, snake, and something else.
  11. Nei Gong Forum?

    the more energy you have the more intelligent you are. This is different from intellect. Its like capacity vs information. Ability to capture and categorize vs information
  12. 300 Year Old Carved Tibetan Skull

    I actually own a Mala that looks exactly like this, i bought in Nepal, it came from Tibet. The store owner told me it was made of OX bone, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was human skull
  13. A lot of people would probably refrain from photos because of possible psychic implications.
  14. Wisdom Related to Work

    WORK Thru the expression of work, we earn our rewards. Work is a primary method of self expression in fulfilling all obligation to support ourselves. Thru work, we can contribute to the collective good of society & the evolution of man. Work is an essential part of self expression & self preservation. Work will increase our value to others. WORK & SUCCESS As a young man passed thru a street, he saw. Rich man giving alms to a beggar. The young man thought to himself "God is Great. He provides to all & take care of all. As I'm made of His image, a child of God, for certain, God will take care & provide for me" He went home, sat & did nothing & waited for God to provide. A week passed & nothin happen. Two weeks , then three & still nothing happens. Soon, he's dying of starvation. A holy man passed by & asked him what had happened. With his little strength left in his body, he told his story. The holy man said "When u saw the two men, you should learned from the rich & not from the beggar. The rich provided for himself and also provides for others. Your success can help others. And your failures cannot. God help those who help themselves. WORK & LESSONS There are no division between your daily work & your spiritual development. Every situation will accelerate your spiritual evolution. Thru work, u will encounter beings & events that mirror your spiritual states & needs. Thru work, u will meet & encounter people & events that either irritates or uplift you. The cosmic and universal intention utilizes these particular situation or challenges to teach us beneficial lessons for our highest good concerned. The purpose of labor is to learn and earn. To learn how to live. And earn a living. When you know it, the labor is over. A flower blossoms to create fruit. When that comes, the petal falls. Work is our greatest Teacher DO YOUR WORK Work does not need you. You need work. He who performed his prescribe duty however difficult it may seems, frees himself from the bondage of life. Cosmic intelligence created this universe for us. The universe does not need us. But we need the universe. If anyone of us disappears from this planet, the planet will continue to exist. If one planet disappear from this galaxy, the galaxy will continue to exist. If our galaxy disappear from the universe, the universe will continue to exist. Similarly, the work we do does not need us, but we need the work. It really put our self importance into a proper perspective. The world does not need anything. Everything is already there. All necessities is already created in such great force that overcomes all human reasons. There's nothing to create. Everything is already created for us. We just need to be creative with the created. Our work is to discover our work. And when you are true to your assigned work, your work is done. WORK - NO ESCAPE If you have great knowledge but you do nothing, your knowledge will do nothing to you. This knowledge will be worthless and no meaning to you nor others. Even a spiritualist or philosopher or even a scientist need to do something about his skills or knowledge so that he himself & others can benefit from their profound discoveries, wisdom & realization. The universe is ever changing and Acts unceasingly accordingly to the time place & circumstances.. An individual is ever active whether in sleeps, eating or idling. Even in the motionless deep sleep state, his internal bodies & systems are ever actives.., supporting his life, feeling thoughts & gestures etc.. An infant work unceasingly to learn the wonders of his new world. A student work to acquire basics knowledge & skills of life An adult work to support a livelihood in himself & others An elder work to maintain the well being of his bodies, contributing his experiences & knowledge to those who need guidance. An old aged man work to contemplate the life behind him and the path before him. The bottom line is.. As long as you possess a body, you cannot escape work. WORK WITH NATURE The objectives of our work is to move more people from non action into action and eventually from action to effective & constructive results. Many people reads all kinds of motivational books to overcome inertia. Yet, there are also lots of people who simply grab hold of any books in the market place in the hope of improving their Spiritual endeavors. Cosmic intelligence has planned for everyone of us. They planned and organized nature with prescribed timing accordingly to their natural habitat. There's a Time to plant. A Time to harvest. A time for action. A Time to wait. If you do not understand these fundamental truth, and missed the Planting season, you will have no crops for the whole year. If you missed the harvesting season, you will have crops rotting in the field. If u missed the Time for fertilizing the crops, you will have a poor harvest for the year. A rich harvest is dependent on the farmers timely dedication to his work. He does not need motivational books. He lived with Nature's Abundance & Timing. WORK WITH INTUITION & GRACE When we perform our work, we have to be silently in tune with our inner self for guidance. Each one of us and each person hears their inner silent voice differently. To some, it comes naturally. And others must cultivate that intuition thru various inner work & spiritual practices.. The definition of intuition accordingly to the dictionary is as follows: Direct perception of Truth, facts... Independent of any reasoning process. Pure, untaught, non inferential knowledge.... etc.. Intuition. Is extremely under valued by many. Yet, everyone who has ever succeeded in any extraordinary task has always drawn upon this power. Many revolutionary scientific breakthrough oftens begins with an intuitive perception of unknown potential. A well developed intuition is an invaluable tool. The source of intuition is the same which provide inspiration to all great Master He then proceeds to prove his intuition thru.. However, we must know that six sense is not intuition. The six sense are evolved in the following sequence.. Feeling, odor, taste, sound, sight & finally thought forms. Intuition is the In- or inner-tuition In other words.. The inner introspection The esoteric work within. The living divine self teaching or giving us tuition inside. This is our Maker's Grace. His favors and His light to all of us. Thru his Grace, The Universe came into existence. Thru His Grace, Brings are able to be inspired to perform their duties & maintain their functions. This is our Gift. A Divine Grace. Each one of us possessed that Grace within. Some of us are in touch with it. While others are not. Those who are irresponsible of their duty, and who hide away, will deprived themselves to the Grace of The Divine Light. Those responsible Sincere Soul who immerse themselves in the warmth of The Divine Light, will received full benefit from it. WORK WITH DETACHMENT, SACRIFICE, WORSHIP & PERFECTION Each one of us is unique. What works for one does not necessarily work for others. Try to find & discover your natural rhythm that works for you. When duty is performed with a sense of Detachment, the very work performed becomes a Sacrifice and a Worship to our Maker. Bring overly concerned with the rewards will never enhance the outcome of our work. Instead, it will interfere with our performance. In other words, the success of winning is not about focusing in the winning but what u must do in order to win. That's what it means to be detached. Sacrifice is an act of offering. An offering of our labor to the One who grants us the ability to act. We performed our work without an attachment to self or sense gratifications. Just by adopting this attitude, our efforts becomes a sacrifice to our creator. Thus, the sacrifice serves as a worship. Treating your work as a sacrifice and worship will not lessen your compensation. Whatever rewards we deserved will be due to us. This attitude will transform the ordinary task to something sacred. It will change & enhance our performance into greater results.. Into Perfection. -somebody somewhere (I DIDN'T WRITE THIS)
  15. Deleted

    got my answer.
  16. Deleted

    lol someone told me this was offensive, and id have to agree.
  17. Deleted

  18. Slow Form

    this old guy is a champ. makes me feel like the whole universe moving this slow.
  19. we could prolly get a good discount on Rambo these days.
  20. How do you gain personality?

    by stripping away the layers of bullshit
  21. the quality teachers are deep in the forests of china and other regions. we would have to hire a helicopter to drop laptops down on them, and direct them to the tao bums.
  22. Space Panda Qigong banner ad

    haha this thread is hilarious.
  23. The butterfly effect

    'When it has been achieved, it is said one can go freely and return at will between lives while maintaining identity and memory."
  24. The butterfly effect

    what if butterfly effect was possible? you budddhists talking about stream enterers who can become any of their past lives, or something like that... maybe butterfly effect?
  25. rod of power

    Many ancient cultures rulers carried these small metal rods, supposed to increase energy. Anyone try biulding a set? Kinda bored thought I'd give it a try.