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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Well the master doesn't stay to hang out with the other masters (his best friends) until they are ready to leave earth. It would seem he had to go at time of death, even though he was celestial immortal. If their physical body was completely merged energetically, why does it still age? The energy bodies can last thousands of years, possibly forever. These masters live around 200 years (500 is most iv heard of).
  2. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    not sure, doesn't say, but i can be sure he was a celestial immortal. and that he entered the light. I guess it's possible these masters are just "ready" to leave earth and wish to do it naturally. but, how can you be sure they can come and go as they wish?
  3. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    When these masters die, (celestial immortals) they enter the light. I don't believe they return. Every master gets old and dies, even if they are celestial immortal. According to your stance, Why would they age and grow old?
  4. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Are you sure? In the dragon gate, one of the masters of Wang Liping dies. He doesn't come back
  5. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    i'v been under the impression that when the material body dissolves and only hair & nails remain, they can no longer come back to earth, atleast in the human sense. its a type of death. Like normal people wont see these masters ever again
  6. so, i listen to J-Rock haha. you?
  7. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    nice video. haha he says lets go to the clouds, well no-one on this website is laughing.. see you there!
  8. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    spiritual/celestial immortal isn't given a new body after death, they have universal body.
  9. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    its not like your asking an important question or anything. haha
  10. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    iv heard that a human can rise higher than ---~~~Id insert an image if i knew how!
  11. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    gath Become the light Merge with the light
  12. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Tiger gate lol? u mean dragon gate? In reponse to Horus: I hon
  13. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    some immortals still live with society and have a family and all that, they arn't completely disassociated with human world
  14. Thank you for having me and a question on retention duration

    if your feeling blah, just meditate everyday. nothing less than 45 minutes. it takes about three years of daily practice.... If you dont like doing mediation, become creative. Try to find that inner spark. Writing, painting, singing, you know whatever. Its about creating! taoism and mediation isn't the only path. The creators creatures create to reach the creator but that's just my advice!
  15. singing bowl

    tried making a video of my larger bowl, but the sound is too low for my computer to capture. the video just sounds almost silent. pretty lame
  16. singing bowl

    these things are awesome! i dont think their sound is fully captured though
  17. addiction to air, food and water

    yeah there is no point in arguing
  18. addiction to air, food and water

  19. addiction to air, food and water

    haha everyone practicees real alchemy, even the people who dont know what it is. i can work hard everyday go to bed and sleep and practice real alchemy
  20. addiction to air, food and water

  21. addiction to air, food and water

    no offense but i think its pretty laughable you think solidified dan tiens are required for the golden aura
  22. addiction to air, food and water

    forsure lol