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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. We are fish people living under water

    just think that air is actually water. chi manifests as air. but energetically chi is a liquid. so we are in an ocean. think about it this way, if someone has an energetic injury such as a torn energy channel. The energy will flow out of the body and the person will fart haha. although, an experienced healer will change the flow and route it to a different channel until the injury heals thereby having no loss.
  2. i read his old "tai chi classics" book a few years ago and really liked it
  3. Fireflys

    my friend sees those a lot
  4. Does full lotus help conserve jing?

    in the least, it will raise the energy and keep one from thinking about sex..
  5. Spirit Guides

    there are some
  6. Spirit Guides

    to explain (edited)
  7. TTBs meetup! :)

    sweet idea.
  8. Yin? (yang?)

    yeah i know what ur talking about,
  9. Yin? (yang?)

  10. Yin? (yang?)

    thanks jeff, always enjoy reading your posts. dont you think this process happens without any effort if both people are at the heart chakra? Have you heard of the Eqyptian Ahnk tantra? where they loop the sexual energy out the throat chakra and around the head. it is supposed to resemble the ankh shape.
  11. Quantity of Chi - Infinite or Limited ?

    available - infinite how much can we hold - infinite
  12. ban on witches flying higher than 150m

    so they have people talking about riding broomsticks even in africa? seems to be a global phenomenon.. but, i'v never seen any asian literature talking about riding broomsticks..
  13. proposal: Nei Kung subforum?

    glad you liked my idea. lets put it into action!
  14. is it possible to see chi?

  15. Longmen Pai

    people were talking about this system back in 2010, you might have some luck finding information/practitioners in previous threads
  16. Hello from hay ahhhhhhh

    hola, welcome to TTb
  17. How to create the real dan-tien?

    everyone already has a dantien what are u guys talking about creating one? im assuming your talking LTD this is vital for your survival... it collects sun energy you need to live. its like an organ, you dont create it..
  18. vowels in mantra, and direction of vibration U - Up A - outward i - inward m - downward (grounding) the uses or meanings of a lot of words we use correspond with the vibrations people laugh HAHA its very upward and outward. upper is usually heaven, so a lot of positive words the vibrations may be higher.. the word Hell is almost entirely lower vibrations the word earth is almost entirely middle(chest) vibrations basically just sounding out words out loud and comparing the corresponding vibrations to meanings wow maybe i should check my grammar. popular mantras : OM this is upward and downward at same time, so it is both root and crown chakra, the two are connected so powerful. YAM: grounding and outward from heart. strong for activating all chakras and raising energy from earth
  19. The search for pleasure is the search for god

    the search for pleasure can be spiritual i agree. Or maybe i should say the search for fun. but it has to be a fearless persuit, following the heart. i think 95% of the population is searching for pleasure and most of them are not very spiritually evolved (having disease and what-not).
  20. The energetics of discussion on TTB

    i like to choose a more grounded approach as to why the negative energy: many people immediately take a defensive stance if there is disagreement, by being wrong they feel personally attacked. some people try to bully, they send out negative energy in an attempt to get information out of people. the energy can definitely be felt, i think its important to just ignore people who throw around personal attacks, and channel that negative energy into training instead of just giving it back. maybe the negative energy can lead to more info exchange, people obviously argue for hours.but, I think people avoid giving good information to people they dislike