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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. let guests use chat?

    The chat may actually become active. Just an idea.
  2. thats awesome. This must be different from a celestial taoist immortal then. they say it is attained , and i have easily read about 4 masters this decade who have attained it. Also, i have a question though about levels you believe the levels are individual chakras above one another like 1-8? (like each chakra corresponding to each level). on a side note, there are at least three miniature chakras
  3. do they then merge with this complete divine being? People refer to the last stage of cultivation as "merging with the light" yes careful about knowing too much jeff. it can cause madness
  4. let guests use chat?

    ah i see, very good point
  5. The Power of Kiai

    There was seriously such a dramatic difference in the level of power he had in a real fight. I dont understand how his students get tossed around so easily
  6. Kiai Master...Just watch it

    Very interesting. I couldnt see the hand mudra u know the name of this mudra?
  7. this is old, they been doing this weighing dead bodies stuff for a long time i remember there is a movie called "8 ounces"
  8. i think its a little strange that the body you give birth to (immortal fetus) is still you. like normally in nature a baby is its own self and separate from the parent. have u read anything about the immortal body having its own identity?
  9. this is a sweet thread u made Jeff. i believe that the ego self still remains, by ego i mean individuality, even though they are one with the universe from what i have read, the practitioner is not free from karma until #12..even though they are enlightened/awakened somewhere at #10 Something i was gonna talk about in a thread. some type of asexual evolutionary pregnation of the practitioner
  10. The Boy With Divine Powers

    that has to be the most amazing meditation spot
  11. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    yeah this is how i train also. but, iv begun to notice how not being grounded can really have some sever effects on the mind and really get it going. i notice a very strong difference meditating on natural earth than synthetic materials. Mostly mentally at this point
  12. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    you dont think someone barefoot on concrete in a basement would be grounded?
  13. Jim McMillan has passed away

    Jim was a good man, and should be remembered as such. i know he spent a lot of time with his students. I also know that a lot of his students never paid him for his services and rather than make a big deal out of it he just looked the other direction and continued helping people. R.I.P Jim
  14. ...

    i can make you a website for free. i made this website for my friend you wont have the best url, but it will show up top on google that all sounds really awesome
  15. ...

    You guys do not have a website? Also, what are the school fees? i know certain spots in hawaii can get a little pricy
  16. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    i think i'm gonna try some of those cotton soled shoes. they only like 10$ thank you!
  17. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    yea the dudes flip-flops "grounders" have rubber soles, but the key is that he puts a grounding insert in the sole of the flip flops at a special acupuncture point, basically where the major chakra is. basically at this point, i'm thinking of just cutting holes into my shoes and putting his "special inserts" into the soles. might not work out so well but i have a couple spare shoes to test on its more than just being trendy. grounding is very important for me, especially because i am fire in nature
  18. fuck this shit

    ok your gonna have to go into more detail about these advanced devices and what ever else you wanna talk about haha What do you think all these advanced, but malicious, beings are gonna do about the rising in consciousness? the mass awakening going on to spiritual knowledge. I'm thinking once this knowledge becomes common place. well the game is basically over and another disaster will happen or something idk i don't trust "modern" dating for shit.
  19. fuck this shit

    can you explain this in more detail?
  20. What is self-refinement?

    Who is doing the sweeping?
  21. What is self-refinement?

    self refinement is removing yourself from conditioning. Conditioning that the mind imposes on a person at each and every moment. Will i spend my time in the kitchen thinking about my car, or take this moment of awareness to grasp the moment and cook with complete awareness. Karma is the most beautiful sickness, depriving the wicked of there most valuable asset: the present moment.
  22. fuck this shit

    my dad totally owns a dealership