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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. What do you want for Christmas?

    Enlightenment!!!!!! gogogogogo
  2. The Absolute Present

  3. The Absolute Present

    sure, but the energy is in the present
  4. The Absolute Present

  5. The Absolute Present

    yeah things always go deeper...but right/wrong/noble/lie are all just from a particular perspective..or relative. we have the ability take people as they are completely, instead of picking and choosing. Some are able to do this, most cant, most have to pick and choose.
  6. The Absolute Present

    i think it is absolute also
  7. It would be cool...

    good vibes..good vibes..
  8. The Absolute Present

    THanks for the post, and the quote "Relative and absolute, These the two truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, For the intellect is grounded in the relative." Shantideva 9 = [/color]
  9. "Spirit" - what is it?

    be not a spiritual being having a human experience, but a human being having a spiritual experience. =]
  10. Yo, wachado?

  11. Yo, wachado?

  12. For the fellow brothers that have become silent
  13. NeiKung Master throwdown of all showdowns

    i think goku was based on some1 real. i believe that its possible to make the hair go gold..
  14. NeiKung Master throwdown of all showdowns

    kinda surprised the most baddass dude hasnt even been mentioned...
  15. Any suggestions? forums are cool, but sometimes people prefer a chat room
  16. Entering the Void

    This will probably only last for about a month
  17. Power, true power

    Whats funny to me is all these people trying to cultivate power through chi gong nei gong
  18. the power of now

    right right now
  19. Can anyone tell me about the eighth chakra?

  20. the power of now

    blah blah blahhh
  21. Waking Life

    great movie. thanks!