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Everything posted by Lozen

  1. mobility versus yoga/pilates

    I'm not really convinced that yoga actually increases strength. I guess it depends on your definition of strength... mine has to do with work capacity and also lifting heavy things... It seems like a lot of yoga causes ligament strain which is pretty minor but would cause joint laxicity over a long period of time... And some of the poses are obviously detrimental, like when you rotate your hip by placing force near your ankle, obviously causing knee strain. Stuff like that. Another article: http://www.coreperformance.com/article.php...p;s=1&id=93
  2. Non Profit Organization

    In addition to beginning the lengthy 501© 3 application process, you might want to find other people with similar nonprofits who can provide guidance and book suggestions. Just a thought.
  3. tea

    Yes, I meant jasmine, not jade. You got me some other kind too but it is gone now. I used to make tea by just infusing in a jar. I didn't mind little tea leaves floating around. Also I really like a wooden infuser I found. The leaves have space to unfurl/move around, unlike the metal tea balls. http://www.sevencups.com http://www.bodhidharmateacompany.com http://www.seattleteacup.com http://www.specialteas.com Tea houses: San Francisco: http://www.imperialtea.com Portland: http://www.taooftea.com Boulder: http://www.boulderdushanbeteahouse.com L.A.: http://www.chadotea.com Tucson: http://www.sevencups.com/community/tea-house/ Tea Here Now: http://www.teaherenow.com/ I would like to go to the Japanese tea ceremony, chonoya. I guess they have one in Phoenix. Anybody been?
  4. tea

    Thanks for the microwave secret. Now I feel less guilty. Stop by Seven Cups next time you are in Tucson, it is exquisite. I have a tea party there once a year. I hear there is Japanese tea ceremony in Phoenix however. Cameron, I am still drinking that amazing jade pearl tea you got me forever ago. I save it for special occasions. It is soooo good.
  5. The Tao of Pooh

    What I think is ironic is that you are questioning the translation the quotes were taken from instead of trying to understand what they mean. This goes against the spirit of just about every quote I posted. But if we're aiming for precision, that would be the Tao of Pooh, not Pooh's Tao.
  6. The Tao of Pooh

    I am quoting from the Tao of Pooh, which was quoting from the Tao Te Ching and Chuang Tzu. I know it's the 48th chapter of the Tao Te Ching. Not sure about Chuang Tzu. I do find the question ironic.
  7. I thought y'all might be interested in an article I just wrote on water. It has a link to a site that can help you determine what is in your local tap water (unless you are Sean) and some other neat stuff. I've been researching water for a long time now and can help answer any questions if anyone wants to get a discussion going. Also it has a link to this amazing article Karen wrote on water which you should all check out too.
  8. I was going to post this under "Reviews" but decided to start a discussion instead. I bought the Magnificent Mobility DVD on the recommendation of a half dozen people, ranging from strength and conditioning coaches to aspiring athletes. Everyone had seemingly miraculous stories of various aches and pains disappearing for themselves or their clients due to exercises demonstrated in this DVD. A joint effort by strength coach/corrective exercise specialist Mike Robertson and powerlifting rockstar/ strength and conditioning coach Eric Cressey (these descriptions don't do justice--check out their websites for more complete bios, excellent articles and training tips-- and eye candy ), Magnificent Mobility provides an alternative to ineffective outdated warm-ups. Static stretching has been scientifically shown to reduce muscle elasticity and contractibility and impair coordination, balance and reaction time. Therefore Magnificent Mobility focuses instead on dynamic flexibility and joint mobility. The exercises featured, which primarily focus on the hips and lower body, can be practiced both as a warm up and on rest days to improve range of motion and joint mobility. This DVD is informative and educational, but the best part is its clarity and precision. Cressey and Robertson cover 30+ exercises, as well as the rationale for their use, in this 50-minute DVD. Exercises are divided by level of difficulty and are filmed from front and side angles. Cressey and Robertson also indicate which areas are stretched and which are activated. Exercise demonstrations end with coaching cues, explaining common movements they have seen performed incorrectly in these exercises as well as ways to avoid them. I personally have benefited immensely from the glute activation exercises and lunge variations as well as the three static stretches featured. This DVD comes highly recommended. Pick one up and get to work!
  9. The Tao of Pooh

    Anyway, I posted the quote because it caught my attention. I reread the entire book; just finished it today. I am interested in learning more about emptiness, wu wei and the uncarved block. They are barely touched upon in this book. I'm not a Taoist scholar but have always been attracted to Taoism because of this book (didn't even make it through the Taoist Classics.) However I first read this over ten years ago (iirc) and the passages I underlined then are the same I would have underlined now. Here they are: (speaking on what he calls confusionist, desicated scholars) About Cottleston Pie: from Thoreau: quoting Chuang-Tse another quote: From the Tao Te Ching: another quote: and finally:
  10. I can't figure out how to write a review in the "reviews" section... Help!
  11. The Tao of Pooh

    Are you saying that Pooh was not a complete person?
  12. The Tao of Pooh

    EACH NOTE Advice doesn't help lovers! They are not the kind of mountain stream you can build a dam across. An intellectual doesn't know what the drunk is feeling! Don't try to figure what those lost inside love will do next! Someone in charge would give up all his power, if he caught one whiff of the wine-musk from the room where the lovers are doing who-knows-what! One of them tries to dig a hole through a mountain. One flees from academic honors. One laughs at famous mustaches! Life freezes if it doesn't get a taste of this almond cake. The stars come up spinning every night, bewildered in love. They'd grow tired with that revolving, if they weren't. They'd say, "How long do we have to do this!" God picks up the reed-flute world and blows. Each note is a need coming through one of us, a passion, a longing-pain. Remember the lips where the wind-breath originated, and let your note be clear. Don't try to end it. Be your note. I'll show you how it's enough. Go up on the roof at night in this city of the soul. Let everyone climb on their roofs and sing their notes! Sing loud! Rumi
  13. "The Secret" hits it bigtime!

  14. The Tao of Pooh

    the uncarved block
  15. The Tao of Pooh

    I don't know that intellectual knowledge leads to happiness.
  16. What are the right questions?

    how can i best serve?
  17. The Free Will Thread

    So are you saying that the less ridiculous this sounds, the more awake you are? I guess I'm making all of my free will decisions in bed then. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. The Free Will Thread

    Of course there is free will. You also have the choice to believe or not believe in it. How is the idea of not being responsible for your actions a blow to the ego?
  19. high heels suck

    Short version of the story: I had to wear heels for 11 hrs on Cinco de Mayo. My feet hurt. The next day I couldn't squat heavy. This made me angry, culminating in a bunch of research resulting in an article. Superstar Eric Cressey let me quote him extensively, I found a pretty diagram and someone sent me a bunch of articles which I synthesized research/main points from. The fruits of our labor are posted here: http://www.dirttime.org/2007/06/04/you-can...-in-these-girl/ Please read, forward, crosspost, vote, subscribe to the free newsletter, etc.
  20. high heels suck

    That's how I feel with these Frees.
  21. high heels suck

    I asked a chiropractor about Earth Shoes and he said that it would cause plantar fascitis and other injuries and that we are not meant to walk on our heels. Try Nike Frees. Best shoes on the market IMO. Though there are these super expensive Massai shoes I haven't tried yet....
  22. high heels suck

    You should try it and get back to us!
  23. high heels suck

  24. i will be gone for awhile, perhaps forever

    I guess I could say the same since I did not meditate.
  25. focus

    I've been noticing how unfocused I am; how I'm totally all over the place. Even in conversation, I can't stay focused on one topic and always drift off to like ten other topics. I've trained in like ten martial arts or something and can't ever pick one to delve into. I always have too much stuff, twelve things going on. Other than meditating, what can you do to stay focused? I know in the past I have done vata tea and an essential oil that had oakmoss and vetiver...but I think those were for grounding. I guess being grounded would help one be more focused... Anything else?