flowing hands

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Everything posted by flowing hands

  1. So am I seeing that I do it all the time for free!
  2. How the Buddha Became Enlightened.

    One's life and past lives are the culmination of experience and knowledge. If one was to grant power to an unwise person who was weak and unable to control themselves or unable to use that power wisely, then what would be the benefit of appointing someone with a title and great power? So for instance in the case of Buddha, he reached a very high stage in self cultivation as a mortal, but the blueprint for Immortality requires that human or life forms must have many attributes to achieve a title of Immortal; that's not just a differing perception that one might perceive as enlightenment. Alot of talk goes on this site about certain teachings and levels of achievement and that's what it really only is. Such great debate about Mo Pai and meditation; well achieving 'power' though meditation is actually only the beginner stage. Mind you, one can spend many lifetimes doing this! There must be control, especially when beings enter into states that allows them to have ultimate power. I am talking about power that can create universes, like the Christians think there God did. Such a person needs to be very wise and there needs to be certain controls put upon that power. The title of 'Immortal' is not given lightly and is the highest title in the Heavens because of the power that comes with it. The Buddha's may live in the western paradise but they have to come under the control of the Daoist Heaven. We must remember that some of the Daoist Immortals predate even the existence of our Earth.
  3. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    If you are a materialist then you are a spiritual person also. For matter is formed from the spiritual so to speak. One really can't be one without the other.
  4. How the Buddha Became Enlightened.

    True enlightenment cannot be achieved until the body dies. One's experience is limited by having a body. All beings can only be appointed a Buddha or Immortal Etc. by the Jade Emperor, who will measure the life's work and experience and give everlasting life (in spirit form) or not.
  5. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    You obviously know a good thing when you read it
  6. new verses of the DDJ

    The One.......... I think I once explained what was taught to me by the Immortal Masters many years ago about the beginning of all things? Well if I didn't then here it is. At the very beginning, and this is the One, there came a small vibration within the darkness. Now if it is possible to imagine, something so thin, anti matter, so to speak, billions of years ago. The vibration is the One that Li Erh is describing. As this vibration became stronger over the millions of years, heat was produced. With heat came pressure. So its like blowing up a car inner tube, but the inner tube won't expand, put enough air in it and it will explode, bang! When the first vibration happened so Dao was created, for as soon as there was something from nothing and I mean nothing then the order of all things started. Anti matter became matter, a vast expansion and contraction. One might say where did all these elements that make up all that we know come from? Good question I say and a difficult one to get ones head around.
  7. new verses of the DDJ

    Li Erh is talking about something else here, a little more elusive!
  8. new verses of the DDJ

    From where the One came from or how it begun no one knows, but it created the Dao at its first inseption and so all things have followed that formula.
  9. Of course Lao Tzu (Li Erh) did not call his random collection of verses the 'Dao De Jhing'. His verses show us a spiritual, practical and empirical way at looking at the world and Mankind's place in that order. The whole body of verses is deemed as a sacred text. It is a realization of deep spiritual awareness which he was surrounded by at the time of writing. The spiritual leads to the practical, so it is more important. So we have 'the Sacred texts or verses of the Dao and its spiritual essence'. Now if we were aware of how Daoist view Daoist cultivation then it becomes 'the Sacred book of the Dao and its heart'. Virtue has nothing to do with it, nor the power of the Dao.
  10. Gathering questions for an interview with Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson

    Interesting thing that I have always been taught that the right is Yang and the left is yin, but both of course are yin and yang.
  11. new verses of the DDJ

    Let me see if I can elucidate what these lines mean. We must remember that Li Erh is considering the position of someone who has further advanced their self cultivation. To this level one is empty of all things, like the Dao, like the universal life force that gives life to all things. In this state one sees the world and all things like the Dao does so to speak; no preferences no prejudices. So this is what this line means, it is an expression of the highest state of living kind.
  12. Teachers

    Actually in two if only they knew it 'Dao Xin'
  13. new verses of the DDJ

    Here is verse 91
  14. new verses of the DDJ

    Ok here is verse 90
  15. No offence taken! I'm feeling a little tired of saying the same things and feel like another thorny path to go through!
  16. I think I'll dip out of here, I'm wasting my time. But let me tell you the number of Daoists in the Heavens outnumber any other belief system that you could possibly think of by 100:1. Have whatever you fancy in your hearts its entirely up to you. All paths do not lead us all to the ultimate goal, a silly saying designed to encompass all beliefs as if they all are valid. A mountain has many misleading paths and some are life threatening and lead you off to a precipice. The right path one might never find, for one is blinded by other things that one may carry in one's mind or heart. So what would one won't to carry in their hearts on such a difficult and self deluding journey? I don't think there is anyone who can tell who is in the Heavens and who is not? So how does one know who has made it and who has not? Immortals were made by a deep knowledge that required a person to have gone through many cycles of training until they had discovered their Dao xin. Such knowledge first of all involved the overcoming of the self. This may take many lifetimes realistically.
  17. What is Dao xin how does it pertain to Daoist alchemy? Why is Dao xin so important to Daoist alchemy? There are many references to Daoist alchemy in the DDJ. This is where we should take our starting point. Does Li Erh say have Jesus or anyone else in your heart? What is the basis of Daoist alchemy? My posts here were about this and not the denigrade of a single person, although the OP was about JA Johnson. It would not matter who it was I am concerned with the understanding of what is going on. Daoism is very different to any other belief system; I was brought up to believe in nothing and was left to believe what I had in my heart. When I read the DDJ and Chuang Tzu, I knew that I was a Daoist. I knew I was something different even as a small child. Now I want people to really understand Daoism, part of the reason why I am alive is to just do that. If people knew just this and practiced it in their everyday lives, then the world would be a much better place. I don't mean in a hippy way, I mean balanced. So why is it wrong for a Daoist cultivator in terms of alchemy and as a Daoist to have Jesus or anyone else in their hearts?
  18. It is also a depressing feature that the only book that I would follow, the DDJ, is seen as an 'extremely doctrinated text' (have you really read this and understood even some of it)? I am just as others are, entitled to question the validity of someone who calls themselves a Daoist, sells many books and DVD's to the general public, but perhaps makes a confession and an important confession, to having Jesus in his heart. Writing books does not mean that what you write is necessarily correct, nor has it been a denigration campaign by me. I f I wanted to denigrate the man I would start systematically looking at all his books and DVD's, which would cost me a small fortune, but a questioning about certain facts to the validity of self cultivation. There are many doctrines and techniques banded about, whether there is any truth in these is another matter. Validation of such techniques comes from people who have a need, who are intense upon themselves and any criticism of their perceived guru or such like is perceived as a threat to that need. Therefore this is how many cults and gurus come about and people are deceived into buying into their teachings. So the pure way is you have to earn teachings by overcoming the self and not by buying DVD's and books that really not many people could use anyway.Selling books and DVD's is a business, but can be perceived as giving information. Information can be given free of course, as I do on this site at times. I also have given help to people who are complete strangers to me for free, therefore I am untouched by the power of corruption and the reasons why I would do things for people.
  19. Immortals

    Some members have asked me to talk about and around the subject of Immortals so I throw it open to the Bums to ask away
  20. Immortals

    no they are not aliens, though I do believe that there is alot of alien activity and has been for a long time.
  21. Immortals

    to reply to you properly you need to tell me what you have been involved in or training in
  22. Immortals

    Was definitely written by Li Erh Xian Shi known as Lao Tzu. I think I have said on here that Li Erh told me he had written down on bamboo about 150 collections of verses as they came to him over the time he stayed at the gatekeepers house. He said to me that if giving more verses would help my cause of people knowing that what I have said about the world to come is true, then he would help in any way to enhance that belief by revealing more verses. Of course, just like a pure Immortal, they are free and he dictated them to me on that basis that they were free for people to read.
  23. Immortals

    Well along with the Monkey God's Tai Chi I have learn't three long forms called 'Bow and Arrow Fist', The last form called 'poison Arrow Fist'. Huang Lao Xian Shi's double edged sword form (seen in my vid.), Lightening Fist (A Shaolin art), Dragon art of Lei Ren Xian Shi, The Flowing Hands Long form and short form (seen in the vid.), Monkey God's cudgel form (seen in the Vid.) Have started to learn other forms notably a broad sword and a circular walking in nine rings invented by the 'Nine Rings Immortal master', many qigong forms from Hua Tuo Xian Shi. All these take constant practice to remember and a lot of time, so many of them I have forgotten to my disgrace! One has to specialize!
  24. Immortals

    That is an interesting experience you had there chiforce! Golden light is normally the light of Immortals. As Immortals they can transform themselves into humans again or animals at will. On at least two occasions I have met one of my Immortal masters. The first time I was only a young apprentice shaman and I was very poor. I was walking down a very busy high street and I noticed an old man waiting and looking in a phone box. He saw me and instantly made for me holding out his hand and saying 'Cha'. Well I knew he wanted money for some tea, so I looked in my pockets and found some money and gave it to him. His eyes were like diamonds and although he was old he walked like someone a quarter of his age. He left me and walked off. The second time some years later, again I was walking along a street with a friend. We passed a market and again an old man, filthy and ragged dressed, stood selling plastic cups of blackberries. I saw him and his eyes so powerful as I walked by, so I got the feeling I must go back and buy those berries from that man. So I did. I walked on for a short while perhaps only for a minute and then turned back, the old man had disappeared. So what was happening there? I was being tested; I might have been poor, but I thought of others before myself.
  25. Immortals

    Well there are Immortals from other parts of the universe, some Immortals have become 'bond brothers' because of this. An Immortal visited our solar system many years ago with not good intentions. It was fought by one Immortal who lost, then another tried and was defeated and then another also defeated. So they formed an alliance and fought the Foreign Immortal together, which they were able to defeat. Thus they are bound together by this act.