flowing hands

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Everything posted by flowing hands

  1. Tai Shang Men - Xiao Yao Pai - LONDON Event.

    Nice I agree with you, but someone has to do the dirty work and I was elected.
  2. Tai Shang Men - Xiao Yao Pai - LONDON Event.

    You obviously have some stuff to get rid off. Get your facts right before you spout a load of BS. The suitcase brigade are here spamming for more members of a dubious organisation, someone has to tell it how it is. You have obviously taken a poll of Tao Bums opinions on moi, please lets see the results. If not stick to the facts, if not, keep your BS to yourself.
  3. Tai Shang Men - Xiao Yao Pai - LONDON Event.

    Its a shame the Monkey God will never teach you, nor any other Immortal!
  4. Tai Shang Men - Xiao Yao Pai - LONDON Event.

    You guys really think you know it. LOL Don't come crying to me your when brains have been messed up... time will tell.
  5. Tai Shang Men - Xiao Yao Pai - LONDON Event.

    "The Tao Yin initiation ceremony will trigger and awaken in you the ability to communicate with your Fu Fak Shen and officially make you a disciple of Tai Shang Lao Jun."
  6. is it possible to see chi?

    There are three colours one can see; blue and white and at the pure spiritual level is gold. All can be seen with your eyes open. Every time I have begged the Immortal master to come I see blue and white emanating from my hand and the brush I am holding if asking for fa fu and then an incredible gold all around. The gold is a pure spiritual energy that can only come from spiritual beings and those that practice their arts.
  7. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    You miss my point, there is no need to sell your practices if you are are sustaining your life by other means, it's that simple. When one is involved with teaching of others (I have done this for many years), one's reasons for doing this must be completely philanthropic, otherwise elements of corruption can so easily creep in. As you say its difficult to find a good teacher to start off with, add to the pot, ego, money etc. and there is a temptation to go down a wrong path. Do a job of work that gets in money to sustain life as it is today and keep the rest on a higher level. By doing this at least as a student one knows that the teacher is not just going through the hoops for an income and is genuine.
  8. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Very much the new age concept, where having material wealth and living in luxury is the aim of spiritual practice. Trouble is with this idea, people are not good and are very weak, money becomes the focus, not the teaching. In my time I have met many people like this, is better to do a job to sustain life and to partition off ones spiritual and other practices where not a hint of corruption can touch it, least not money. The DDJ talks about this and is a basic concept of Daoism. Need I quote many verses?
  9. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Not quite sure whether this is addressed to me or not?
  10. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    A genuine teacher will give you and teach you for free. Only those who have an interest in the ego and gaining material gain from those teachings will charge you. A good teacher will test and retest you to see whether his/hers teachings are making a difference to you and I'm not just talking about technique I'm talking about the 'self'. The Dao is free to all life, it is the self that limits understanding and practice.
  11. Topic derail; Free Taoist thunder magic information

    Yes, to use all these techniques one has to establish full contact with the deities or Immortal masters and be bestowed their 'fa'. I have started you off, at some point I will instruct you further and true realization may come to you if you are fated. Patience is the essence of learning and realization.
  12. Topic derail; Free Taoist thunder magic information

    North, East, South, West and center. Each have their own color and element. When begging them to come one must start facing the east, the south, the west and then the north. Then lastly looking above to the center. A variation can be using a colored flag in the left hand that has a talisman on it of the eastern deity, while uttering the command and pressing the finger tip. then on to the next color of the southern deity etc. The flags can be used instead of the jian. It is a traditional Daoist art to make circles and summon gods and Immortals. I have been learning an Immortals art called the 'nine rings immortal master'. Nine rings are walked using technique in each ring, until all the rings were complete. Nine is an important number in Daoist magic. nine x nine = 81, another important number. How many trees can I plant now!?
  13. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Ok, there are variations, but this comes from Wu Lei Xian Shi. It is only accessible by a wu, for here lies its power (see thread about Tien Da Xian Fa). First of all the wu will invite each thunder deity to him/her, the deity will write a talisman on a finger. When all the fingers have their deities written this writing in red remains for a day, then can be washed off. The wu can now recite a command while pressing each finger tip in sequence. Once the wu knows that the thunder deity of each finger has been summoned, he/she will then take the blessed jian (sword) and draw a talisman in the air and on the ground to give the command to make the thunder deities do their bidding. The five thunder magic has been used many times by the Mao Shan masters to do battle in one way or another, or to do healing etc. etc.
  14. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    What are you waiting for? Send him your money! Just remember the Dao is free, so is access to it.
  15. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Mr Johnson won't be giving away too many secrets, he will if he does anger his teachers. I have no time to teach though I used to many years ago. Yes very difficult to find a good teacher. Nei gong should only be practiced if some years have been done on qi gong and trad. martial arts, where the lower dan tian has been tightened. The body is then ready for nei gong practice. All these practices take time and development and each individual student progresses at differing paces. An experienced teacher will know when and what to teach. Best to find someone with a genuine lineage if possible, I was going to make a video of one of my Immortal masters qi gong form (Hau Tuo Xian Shi) 'sweeping moon', a genuine art of two forms; yin & yang. As there was little interest at the time I didn't bother.
  16. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Hey you guys don't be dumbo's, he's taking you for your money, nobody can learn anything properly from a book. If you look at his site he proclaims to have studied hundreds of things and is a master of them all. It takes many years under a true master to learn properly perhaps only three things. Pay your $200 what will you have achieved? I'll tell you what, pay me $200 and I'll make good use of it, instead of filling his pockets, I'll grow hundreds of trees and we can see the magic of the great way in action, which will benefit all.
  17. Yes its true the top one hundred earners made over 160 billion pounds last year which is enough according to Oxfam to rid the world of poverty four times over. "the Dao of heaven is to take from those who have far too much and give to those who do not have enough Man's way is different; he takes from those who do not have enough and gives to those who already have far too much." Li Erh Xian Shi Should a Daoist be rich? Is there really any hope for the human race?
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    All that exists is ever changing, for what gave birth to all things is also ever changing. Before there was Dao there was no separation. When separation evolved so, the spirit and matter became two distinctions. One can perceive the manifestations of spirit and matter combined. one can feel the spirit and source of all things. The mystery of the separation is the key to all mysteries, finding the spirit is the key to knowing all things.
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 25 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I was referring to the miss-translation of a King being one of the great powers in the universe, which obviously they are not. A king or queen are only such because of the lack of self cultivation; ie they have usually got to this position through means that would not be acceptable to us today. A sage king of course would not know that they were a ruler, for a sage king is unknown and practices wu wei. A sage king is a treasure to people and the ten thousand things for their influence stretches far and wide. But they still are not one of the four great powers. A sage King is still subject to the Heavenly forces, the Earthly forces, the Dao and the ten thousand things. Try your teeth on that !!!
  20. [TTC Study] Chapter 25 of the Tao Teh Ching

    According to Li Erh the four great powers are: Heaven Earth, The Dao The ten thousand things In comparison to these, no human or likewise sage king can compare in their greatness!
  21. Tien Da Xian Fa

    On this board there is much talk about 'power' and who's got it what level they are at etc. There are many different types of power and ways to cultivate these different types of power. Tien Da Xian Fa ..Great heavenly Immortal power. I'm going to tell this story about Tien Da to illustrate one type of power, so forgive me if it seems long and self engrossed. I can only use this example for it opened my own eyes as to the nature and potency of this power. I have been cultivating this power for nearly thirty years and some time ago I begged the Immortal master to come to me. I said to him, I have been learning from you for thirty years and yet I feel quite feeble sometimes in what I can do. The Immortal master was quiet and then said 'your power is very powerful.' Some weeks later the Immortal master came to me again and he said 'I have had a diety visit me in the Heavenly realm complaining about you, he says you are interfering with his teaching and criticizing his methods. Oh I said. The Immortal master then said be careful he may visit you personally to warn you off, he is 200,000 times more powerful than you. I see I said. But don't be afraid of him the Immortal master said. Time went on and on another occasion the Immortal master came to me as he was drawing the fa fu, he said 'our friend the diety has come to see how we teach you'. The Immortal master then said, 'he thinks your fa is rubbish and that you are not powerful'. So I said well there's not much I can say. So the Immortal master whispered to me 'you can teach him a lesson, use your spirit catching net on him'. I hesitated and thoughts of stories of Daoist holymen laying dead on the ground after battling with demons came flooding into me. 'Do it' he said. I said I can't see him I exclaimed. 'use your third eye' he said. He's not evil I said, there's no dark trace I said. 'Use your third eye you will find him.' So I did find him hovering in the sky, I made the command in my mind, made the hand form and released my fa. I caught and pulled him in, he used his power against me and I deflected it with my right palm. I could not hold onto him for very long, the power was killing me. So I relented and the diety shot off, his feathers badly ruffled by a human, he turned to finish me off, but I had one trick up my sleeve and I drew my weapon. He saw it flash and flew for his life. I was left bent double, completely exhausted and in pain. So the Immortal master said to me, now do you realize what you have been cultivating for the last thirty years and what I have been teaching you? You have just defeated a diety as a human being!!! So this fa is called the Tien Da Xian Fa, it is a power that has great control and power in and over the spirit world. I now realize fully its potential!
  22. Tien Da Xian Fa

    I walked into a temple in Malaysia and begged the Immortal master to come to me, to teach me. I then was successful and from then on he taught me.