flowing hands

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Everything posted by flowing hands

  1. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Hey, this chap is not like me!! He comes from Wudang and is not a shaman. I come form Mao shan and I learn my arts from the Immortals. The three treasures are; Mercy Economy Being at one with the Dao
  2. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Answer to first question, he told me and I wrote it down. We looked at many english translations to see the expression, he discarded many and used some which he thought was accurate. At the time, and to a certain extent still now, English speaking nations are very rich and powerful. Li Erh's wisdom of harmony and valuing nature, of looking at things as equal was very much needed. Today there are over a million millionaires in China, I think they need to find the way again! When Li Erh came to me, he said that his book was called 'The sacred book of the way and its heart'. No not through me but through self realization. He showed me what is to come of the world, if we were to follow the wise words of Li Erh perhaps this may never happen? You don't have to believe in the spirit world to gain something from the sacred book. It is asking you to live a simple life and to follow nature. One could and should see that the spirit is part of nature. Western intellectuals only see the sacred book as philosophy. It can never be philosophy for it was a spiritual revelation that Li Erh had that showed the great connections in all things. No, the Dao exists in all forms of spirituality that are based on nature and spirit acknowledgement. Although Daoist shamanism is open to anyone whatever race or colour they are, culture can be bridged by these practices. If all peoples believed in nature and our connectivity and valued life as a magical creation we would not need religion or anything else.
  3. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    The original text writen by Li Erh is long gone. He wrote many words he told me and discarded many. He told me he wrote this on 'bamboo slithers' and in the end he was pleased with more than 81 verses. But only 81 remain I think because 81 is a fortunate number; 9x9=81. Many martial art patterns are 81 moves long. Lets put the definition of true shamanism correct. There are no drugs, no altered states by means of drums or dancing. When you beg for the Immortal to come only a sincere heart will alert him to your call. He/she will come to you physically and move you powerfully. You will know when he/she has come. There are no mind games, no way to fool yourself and others. You can't just decide to become a shaman, you are chosen by the Immortal by them coming to you after a period of you showing them your sincere heart and faith. Anything else is plastic shamanism.
  4. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    He chose to teach me in English, therefore the Dao can be expressed more easily to English speaking people. It can be readily understood, although some of the mystery still remains!
  5. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Ancient pictograms and meanings; some are lost there are no equivilant English words. Although I know some Chinese and meanings, my English is better! The text was for the English speaking world, a world that needs to understand the Dao more than any other.
  6. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Li Erh is a real person, alive in the sense that he no longer has a mortal body, but can take on one if he pleases, but is alive in an energy form. Now nearlly 29 years ago, when I was begging for holy water, Li Erh came. I was greatly surprised as he seldom comes to holymen/women and leaves such things to othe Immortals of the sect. He came to me and said I want to teach you my true teachings that I wrote down thousands of years ago for the English speaking world. So every day I begged him to come and every day he told a chapter at a time giving me understanding of each chapter. I was astounded by some chapters as he completely discarded what was said in other translations saying they didn't make any sense at all. As I have said many times on this site, Li Erh was born into a deeply held shamanistic society where people believed in that natural system of spirituality. The chinese people were very fond of transcribing text, especially for imperial exams. The DDJ has gone through multple changes since it was first written, what we have in the original text is not by the hand of Li Erh, it is by the hand of a copyist. These people were renowned for making their own shortened pictograms and personal attributes to the writing. No genuine chinese text exists of Li Erh's original script remains. So we have mine, sense will show you that what I have produced is the original.
  7. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Well lets look at the translation that most people have of this chapter. 'Ruling the country is like cooking a small fish Approach the universe with Tao and evil will have no power not that evil is not powerful but its power will not be used to harm others not only will it do no harm to others but the sage himself will be protected they do not hurt each other and the virtue in each one refreshes both.' IMO what aload of nonsense! how does the first sentence add up to the next? 'Taking great care and approaching the universe with Tao.' Who amongst us approaches the universe and uses the Tao to approach it. The universe is unfathomable, we can't even begin to understand it let alone approach it. What has approaching the universe with Tao got to do with evil? Evil exists in the realm of humans in terms of what we do etc. etc as well as in the spirit world and how we percieve things. the Tao does not see either good nor evil. These are moralistic statements that Li Erh would not make in describing the Tao. Why would the sage be protected above all others? The whole chapters does not make any sense.
  8. entity issue, advice needed

    Hi Josama, I am an expert in excocism if this is what is happening to you. Send me an email if you like, to my address via my website. I can clear it very easily, but I can't cure mental illness from a distance. I will send you a powerful 'fa fu' that no entity will be able to stand. It will help you and the things you describe will start to disappear, if it is an entity. I'll Leave it up to you.
  9. Site Problems

    Yes I have downloaded the same and see that I am being tracked by two companies!
  10. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    How can you validate this statement? If the concept of God did not figure in the Chinese world view in 600 BCE, what view do you think that Lao Tzu or anyone else would have taken?
  11. Site Problems

  12. Site Problems

    I can never sign out, I must be the only bum on here 24/7 ghost reading/writing. Also another site has come up whenever I log into TTB's.
  13. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    Maybe dance a little, breath some mountain air and be utterly alone for some time; the warlock will surely come!!!!
  14. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    It most definately is! It is a shame that you do not study the ancient times of China, you would know more of the basics about the source of words and the surounding culture that these words emerged from. Deer were venerated as symbols of long life and Immortality, so were cranes. Deer antlers were worn by shamans in ancient history to help them (they believed) to connect with the divine while they danced. Shamans were the hub and source of all wisdom in that culture and at that time, so the head of a shaman wearing deer antlers combined with a left foot character bring together an ancient understanding that literally means in English 'way'. But as we know it means far more than that because the use of two such important pictogrammes coming together has boundless interpretations for our view and perspective of life. No narrow view I don't think. Most ancient cultures were shamanistic before the great perversion began, understand this and then ancient writings like the DDJ, Chuang Tzu etc will be better understood. To take a scholarly/intellectual view of such works means you will only have a limited understanding and view. Look through the lens from over 3,000 years ago, see it different!
  15. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    Dao and God are completely two different things. There has been a huge misnoma about the idea of God. The word has been used to describe things that maybe the creator or maybe a person ascribed to have created the universes. All this is complete and utter nonsense. If god was a human he would be a she and she would have given birth to man not the other way round. The word Dao simply means 'way' or 'path'. It is made up of two characters; the shaman's head wearing deer antlers and the character to walk. So we have the word which means to walk in a wise and knowing way, to find one's path through the intracacies of life by wisdom and knowledge. This can be applied literally to all aspects of life. If one is talking about the spiritual side or path then this is called Dao Xin, for here lies the root of the spiritual path. The DDJ touches on all aspects of the Dao, this is why it can be misleading when one does not know the origin or understand what Dao actually means. God does not exists in Dao, Gods exist in Dao xin, for they are created by the 'universal life force' which is the creator of all things; call it the big bang. Once this came into existence the Dao and Dao xin came into existence. So were Gods created and Immortality for those who practiced the Dao Xin path. The 'universal life force' was the original force behind the big bang, no God or Dao.
  16. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Let me here place the chapter of all chapters that was given to me to show how much emphasis was placed on shamanistic culture when Li Erh wrote the DDJ and how it is so valid for todays understanding of this ancient work. A direct valuing of such practises that cannot be defined as just 'philosophy'. Stanza 60 In dealing with evil, let Heaven do the biding. For Heaven can see all things, and everything will find its just reward. In dealing with evil, seek for the Daoist Shaman. For he is in touch with Heaven and so is able to deal with evil. Evil is powerful, so avoid any conflict and leave well alone. Those who dabble in such things will only harm themselves and others. Then the Shaman's job is made more difficult and he may lose his life. The Shaman is a treasure to the people, for he calls up Saints and Immortals, and when the people are starving, he opens up Heaven and beautiful rain will follow. He protects all things within a balance and performs selfless actions. He is a Sage and is treasured by Heaven.
  17. Immortals (Xian Shi)

    You are so funny, but don't give up your day job!!!!
  18. Trance and the Path

    I think one needs to look at firstly the idea of what trance is. Is it self stimulated by dance, drugs or deep meditation? This sort of trance comes from within and the journey there is all about what the mind can unfold about the self through images and playback. We must remeber the mind is the most powerful thing we posess, therefore here lies our great enlightener and deciever all in one. A very dangerous path we can tread. The other trance is the one of spirit posession. This requires the posesser to have taken no drugs, done no meditation or to have danced around with rythmic drums etc. This way is more difficult because it is the inviting of a spirit to posess the body and the medium needs to be up to the task. Once posessed, in this way the medium does not know anything about what is happening, they have so to speak gone into a deep sleep, while their body is overtaken. Most people have access to the first way, the second is much harder and more frightening. Which is best IMO? the second, it is very reliable, for the source is not ones own deluded and muddled mind!!!
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    For some reason my last post has become part of the qoute!!!
  20. [TTC Study] Chapter 5 of the Tao Teh Ching

    No there are many buddha's, one of my teachers is one (Chi Tien Da Shen)!
  21. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Love is the essence of true spiritual enlightenment. One may be empty, one may make no judgements but one does love all things.
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Answer to first question; Li Erh or any Immortal master comes physically first and then they will communicate with you mentally quite clearly. They move you powerfully, you cannot resist them, you know they have come. They can overtake your body completely so that you are in a trance and so speak and walk like the Immortal master. If there is an emergency they can take over your body completely without warning and I would be sent into a deep sleep while they use your body to help. When they have finished possesing your body, you wake up, usually lying on the floor as they do not want to hurt you as their energy comes out of your body. Seond question; Evolution, we can't avoid it, but we can as humans choose to persue a path of non judgement and wisdom and hold life as a great miracle beyond the natural way of killing. Animals do not kill unnescessarily. Humans do not kill unesecessarily, there is always a reason, though sometimes that reason really can't be fathomed. Who amongst us can judge what is right and what is wrong, the Dao does not, it simply gives life, only humans moralise. The Immortals are like the Dao. Third answer: As a Holyman I must experience what life throws at all peoples, therefore I have a greater understanding and hopefully am able to help others. Society has been based this way because we have wanted more than just a simple life. Years ago people were trapped by the need for the harvest and toil of the fields. Now we are trapped by money to feed ourselves. The correlation has gone all wrong. We have school children who do not know where milk comes from, or that vegetables are grown, they think that food comes from the local store. There is a the great disconection between nature and humans, there lies a path of deep disrespect for the way of nature and a persuit of money to buy as many goods as possible without any connection. How do we reverse this process? We learn to give up and go back to simple living and remember the ancient ways. But it is difficult if you have to sell your labour to recieve money to pay the bills before you can live. Even if you go back to a simple life, some local government or the tax system will want money from you. We are trapped. Manitou, who is saying about the connection from within, I am talking about inviting 'spirit' entities from the outside to come. There is a great deal of difference. All people can have the connection within but not many have the connection from the 'spirit' entities that live in the Heavenly void. To get them to come to you is a great feat and not accomplished very easily. In the Temples people go there to beg to be taught by the Immortal masters and they may go there every week for a year and not be succesful, it is a very difficult way to learn. I once met a shaman who said I have learnt martial art from the Immortal master, but he tested my patience and my faith and to tell you the truth it would have been far easier to have gone to a human sifu to learn! He had a smile on his face at the time, for he knew that he was being taught more than martial art!! The path of a Holyman is not a straight forward one, I am here giving you free the wisdom that has been passed down to me for more than thirty yerars by the Immortal master, I am putting myself and the value of that under scrutany. I have a reason for doing that.
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    There is no bandwagon its all about understanding and the depth and bredth of experience. We all have different ones, thats why we are sharing on this forum? If you have no experience of a subject then how can you ever really know anything about it? If you haven't, then the best thing to do is to listen to those who have and have far greater experience and understanding and this in turn can help you on your way. You of course have a choice to take what you have been given and apply it, or just ignore it, but whatever you do, DO NOT MOCK THAT WHICH YOU HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF ESPECIALLY THE SPIRITUAL REALM. When I knelt down and begged the Immortal teachers to come to me in the temple in malaysia, all those years ago and they did, I realised that Gods existed and could make their presence known in a very powerful and physical way that led you into no doubt. It was to say the least, one of those experiences that not many have, but leaves those that do, marked for the rest of their lives.
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I think it best to have an open mind and talk about things that you know about and leave things that are hidden to most to people like me. I am not alone remember in my belief, I am part of a sect that has thousands if not millions of people around the world. Within this there are shamans and ordinary people who just beleive in the Immortal masters. To be factual and you're going to like this, all of the gods including jesus, Hindu and Christian saints in the norhern heaven were scooped up by the Jade Emporer and placed in a lantern that now sits on a shelf by his seat. Why? Well the silly devils wanted their religions to rule the world and make people believe in them and come under their laws and churches. No such nonsense would the Jade emporer stand. The way and nature must be the true following of people, in that way people are set free and all can go back to living with the very source of what has given us life. Where this is held sacred not a god only. Women must be given equal value and all things must be valued and no difference betweem people, whether they beg on the streets or of the highest caste.