flowing hands

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Everything posted by flowing hands

  1. Amazing video - Guo Shifu

    Rubbish, I judged the national tai chi and internal arts championships some years back, have you?
  2. Amazing video - Guo Shifu

    I don't like to be critical of people, but I am becoming overwhelmed by the amount of so called masters from China, in particular who use the 'fa jin' pushing of obvious students, who are very weak and accepting of that force. The pushing away or throwing really has evolved from Tai chi and really has very little martial value. In the great armory of different styles that I have been taught there in no pushing away. One must ask why? There is the deep penetrating fa jin on touch that destroys tissue and causes internal bleeding or at the very least severe pain. This has some martial value in respect that you are at least temporarily disabling your opponent. Try and push away someone who is very rooted and knows what they are doing you will end up on the floor with your head taken off, or your arm very badly broken. Try using fa jin against someone whose power is far greater than yours and you will receive your own push. There is no value martially or trying to impress someone who has deep knowledge by pushing a weak person over. It really just speaks volumes. I would be more impressed if the sifu concerned showed his patterns using proper applied technique with internal power. One would then know that when he applied his technique in a real situation, he has developed the right force for the job.
  3. Amazing video - Guo Shifu

    I watched these two videos and wasn't that much impressed. His dummies (students)were exactly that, they had no centre, no strength and very weak legs, nor sinking, anyone could have pushed them over, even a beginner. It always looks impressive when one guy pushes another over or out of the way. Do it with a very heavy inanimate object and one will then see if the instructor has any fa jin.
  4. Enlightenment has substance and form, it is this that separates it from emptiness and nothingness!
  5. In Taoism what reconciles yin and yang?

    Yin and yang are one and are not separate entities. They are in harmony with each other by being together. Of course this is only a way of describing the process of nature in a very simple shamanistic way, it is of course the environment and the creative forces that mold them into what they become.
  6. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Get a life; you can't even face the facts that you have been wrong in your words what hope is there for you? On this thread so many people have have tried to tell you what you are like. But not the biggest hint has even moved your mountainous ego. I have been a Holyman for 28 years, practicing on my own and never telling anyone or involving them. 24 years ago I was shown what was to come of the world. I care about all life and so I have decided as the time is drawing near to do my best to prevent this happening. Frankly, I couldn't give a toss what you think, because what you think doesn't count for anything, it is because I care for all life not just for humans that I am talking to an i...t (fill in the gaps for yourself)like you, but you are doing a great job of showing what an i...t you are on this thread by keep going on about how wonderful and all knowing you are about everything and that I'm just a deluded fraudster. For your information I have been shown many things that have then come true. This is why I am making the effort, your attempts to derail whatever I say will not go down very well with the Immortal masters. Through me they are trying to save life, think about it. Any body with even the slightest bit of knowledge would not say the things you are saying. The Immortal masters can see what is to come, you can't even see yourself.
  7. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    During a mortal life, one can cultivate oneself so that when the body dies the spirit or energy inside each cell is set free. Having cultivated wisdom and to the level of true enlightenment the 'spirit' is then realized as 'Immortal' in respects that it remains as a powerful spirit for eternity. If an Immortal reincarnates it is for a very good reason. They give up a life of endless bliss to help the world by becoming mortal again.
  8. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Lets get our facts right I have never said that I was Immortal, but I have said that I was an Immortal in my last life, that's where I get my spiritual name from. A huge difference!!! A reincarnated God is the spirit or energy of that God that is reborn again to a mortal life.
  9. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Well I have tried to stimulate some different understandings and view of the DDJ in a different light here, though I think it is lost on some people on this site, but that's true of life anyway. There is a lot to go on this thread that has been touched on but not gone into. If people still want to carry on I will give of my "rudimentary" understanding!!
  10. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    You are a misguided person! There are many holymen and women who practice silently and are the followers of various Immortals and Buddha's, but unlike me they don't put themselves forward on the internet to talk to others and share what they have been taught. Most people have to earn that right by proving themselves worthy. Have you proved yourself worthy to openly question whether I am the student of Immortals? It seems to me you have very limited experience and understanding. With that said I would personally stop trying to find holes and weaknesses and start opening your limited mind to possibilities. I am also done with talking to you!
  11. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Well I'm not going to argue with you, you obviously know all there is to know your piece here speaks volumes about yourself! My rudimentary understanding thought, (as yet I have not gone any deeper than what has been thrown up)that to be a follower of the Tao one had to be completely open and able, not arrogant and dismissive, underhand, insulting and aggressive. My limited understanding showed me that it was the soft and the yielding that overcame the hard and the strong, something you don't appear to have grasped. but as you say what do I know about the Tao?
  12. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Paul Griffin did actually start out legit and he took on board a lot of schools. At the time when I started teaching in the early 90's, insurance was very difficult to get as a traditional independent Chinese school. The BCCMA were so elitist that you had to pay them a huge fee to demonstrate your art and then they would decide whether they wanted you or not, whether or not you were any good or not. Thankfully it has been all change, so when I joined they already knew of me and ratified me straightaway. I actually became so well known and respected that when I walked into the national championships as a spectator they asked me to do some judging! I still get people ring me up even after ten years or so, asking whether I would teach them! So one was left with the AMA, Combat sports worlwide, BNMAA, and BACMA who were an off shoot of Comabt sports worldwide for Chinese martial arts. Paul Griffin appears to have dissolved CSW and replaced it with BNMAA. At the time before moving over to the BCCMA, I had to take insurance for my students from what seemed to be a well organised and genuine body, who issued genuine certificates of insurance from a contactable insurance company. At that time, I wanted to teach my students archery and we needed to be covered for that. Paul Griffin gave me the insurance brokers name and number which I spoke to, who were a genuine insurance company like Sun Life. I think he obviously became corrupt after this period and that's a great shame because he was a genuine martial artist. I know that we were covered by genuine insurance at that time, because I communicated with the company. I cannot find my certificate from the BCCMA, who ratify me as 'Master' Level and I can't really ask the Monkey God to do a certificate really, just to satisfy your curiosity!! At some point I will put on a video of myself, practicing the Monkey God's arts, but I am not turning that which is sacred into a circus just to satisfy your disbelief! Now just because Paul Griffin has become corrupt it doesn't mean that all the genuine schools that took insurance and took their grades with him are also corrupt and not genuine. Even worse than this. There was a local man who started up a Karate school. Had a huge amount of students, made claim to lots of things, took peoples money for lessons and insurance and after many years it was found out that he had once had a Karate lesson but nothing else and had fooled all those people into believing in him. I once met him and thought straight away, 'he's no martial artist', but he claimed to be a champion. When I told him that I ran a school of traditional Chinese martial arts and would be interested in coming to see what he did he made excuses why I couldn't come. I read later that he had been sent to prison for fraud and dishonesty. But all those hundreds of genuine people were left in disbelief who had spent their time and cash on this person. Paul Griffin accredited my Master title as he did to all of the instructors under his association to what ever grade they were at. We as instructors were not aware that he would then in subsequent years turn out to be fraudulent.
  13. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Good work! I knew this guy what a shocker and I suspected that something was up and I moved over back in 1999, to the BCCMA who were better organised.
  14. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    I am interested in what books you have written, perhaps you would kindly let me know?
  15. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Well I found one certificate, but I can't find the others. I gave up teaching about ten years ago to concentrate on my own practice, so I lapsed my membership. Since then, certificates have not been of any importance. I have removed my given name as I hope people will respect my anonymity. I do not want you as a prisoner, I would rather set you free by giving you realizations
  16. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    You know all about this stuff then? Wheres your qualifications?
  17. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Looking back at the posts it would seem that you started the agro between the both of you. You were provocative I guess because of previous encounters. From what you have written here you seem to think you know far more than anyone else and take it on board that you are all wise to dish out the dirt on someone else. The compassionate hammer... new style of Buddhism according to Twinner. Not heard of this style before what's the new sutra? "I will hammer in sense into this person and if they don't get it before I have destroyed them, well its bad luck" Repeat as many times to cultivate this new compassion.
  18. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Well I like your style! Pat on the head for being such a good chap in one way, stab in the back for your lack not mine! We all are a product of what we have learn't and what we have experienced. For you, you obviously have not experienced what I have, nor I what you have. You cannot validate that I am not a master, in actual fact three governing bodies, one which sends our national wushu team to the Olympics and the world championships has ratified me as a 'Master'. These arts were taught to me by the Monkey God, displayed by my students at the nationals and medals were won. None of the judges knew where these arts came from, they stood on their own merit. As I have said before I am a mortal man, who was an Immortal in my last life. Tulku is as described, obsessed and in danger of taking himself completely out of balance, but we are discussing the merits of enlightenment, part of that path as I was taught, was to have real compassion and love for all things. IMO in dealing with a young person, one needs to use compassion and not add to their already alienated feelings and angst. Choosing your words with kindness may have helped him, hitting him with hammer will never bring him back to balance.
  19. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    He became a God by the grace of the Jade Emperor. When people die, their energy must go somewhere. Some stay 'stuck', some turn or are evil and remain on the earth. Some have spent their lives cultivating themselves so are led to the heavenly realm. If they are great men or women they may be given the title of Immortal or God. Some may just reincarnate to another life.
  20. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Perhaps this needed to be a private message. I have practiced the abstinence of sex for the process of enlightenment and for qi development. It is essential if you are guided properly through the process. As I have stated, I certainly do not look upon sex as something dirty and sinful, not in the least and yes religion has used these things to control people and make them feel shame when it is a natural thing. Isn't the Christians who believe that we are born with sin? Where is our natural beauty gone?
  21. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Of course there is somewhere to go, humans above all other life have the oportunity to better themselves, isn't that why we are all here discussing the ins and outs of practice?
  22. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    I think its best not to hold onto too many ideas and remain open. From my experiences I think it is a easier path the Dao way than the Buddha way. So much is hidden and can be misleading IMO. One can spend years on one practice hoping to achieve a certain level, but never getting there because of misunderstanding by the teacher and the student. The teacher doesn't necessarily know more than the student in this department. One has to be very careful and hope that ones karma has led one to a good teacher. Good luck.
  23. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Having a Buddha for a teacher and two enlightened Dao Masters, I feel I can say what is true and what is not, for this is my task. I have been taken through the path of enlightenment and come out the other side. I have rid myself of all desires, been at one with all things, melted away beyond existence in a single body, without a care in the world. Desire to reproduce is natural, it is not dirty nor does sin exist. There is no good or bad, these are all part of the Dao. It is only when one comes down from being enlightened that one then feels compassion, love and desires again. So what I am saying is when one reaches the stage of true enlightenment, one is unconcerned with the affairs of life. The Buddhas and Immortals do not interfere with life only if they really have to, because they are enlightened. They will look after people who have great faith in them though and there lies many true stories I could say of. What I would say is that a lot of thought and practices will lead people away from achieving enlightenment. There are some shamanistic practices in Buddhism but not like Dao. There are a lot of misunderstandings about the path of Buddhism as there appears to be so many. The path that I know of comes from Quan Yin Neung Neung, Goddess of mercy. Some paths involve the belief in Buddhas as gods others not at all. I think it is very difficult to discern what is the right way to follow.
  24. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    I will leave you with this one thought. All of the Buddha's and Bodisatvas in the Heavens, including my own master, Chi Tien Da Shun (Monkey God) have not made a single move to prevent thousands (probably millions) of lives being lost for as long as they have been Gods with ultimate power to save life with compassion, when they could have done. WHY?
  25. 'New' Enlightened Master On The Scene?

    Compassion is human made and the sun and earth and the trees all coexists because they are what they are and have developed because the sun has been there for millions of years. The sun has no compassion for us, if we stay out in it for too long we get skin cancer! The sun doesn't know compassion. Nor does a tree, if we eat its berries it may be poisonous and we may die, or it may fall on us and kill us. It does not know compassion. Amongst millions of life, which species do you think makes up the CONCEPT of compassion?