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About i_am_sam

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    Dao Bum
  1. Kony 2012

    Excellent link Desert Eagle. What primarily turns me off, Scotty, is that you're being co-opted into the western elites agenda of further militarisation of Africa. Is that what the continent needs? More men with guns? Yes they're very slick. Its. all. about. the .oil Dude. Wake up. Really.
  2. Intuition

    A very very good read on this subject is Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell highly recommended http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blink-The-Power-Thinking-Without/dp/0141014598/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330767716&sr=8-1
  3. Exactamundo. That's why I posted to this thread.
  4. Back off-topic, but thought it worth throwing my 2cents/pence in, as I can speak from personal experience, or rather an experience. Happened to me soon after registering on tao bums, and posted a mini essay about it at the time, since deleted. . I wasn't sure if I even believed in the chakra system at the time, until it happened, but I can say that Chakras very definitely do spin (at least mind did), if they spin fast enough you can hear them whirring like a propellor! Looking down at them, (at least the heart & solar plexus), they go clockwise. My clockwise would also be your clockwise (maybe they also go t'other way). And pretty colours too! I don't often post, and rarely 'facts' (see my sig-line), but this, I do know! Peace x
  5. What is Light?

  6. Japan

    - http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/johann-hari-the-myth-of-the-panicking-disaster-victim-2245014.html " evidence gathered over centuries of disasters, natural and man-made, is overwhelming. The vast majority of people, when a disaster hits, behave in the aftermath as altruists. They organise spontaneously to save their fellow human beings, to share what they have, and to show kindness. They reveal themselves to be better people than they ever expected. When the social scientist Enrico Quarantelli tried to write a thesis on how people descend into chaos and panic after disasters, he concluded: "My God! I can't find any instances of it." On the contrary, he wrote, in disasters "the social order does not break down... Co-operative rather than selfish behaviour predominates". The Blitz Spirit wasn't unique to London: it is universal. On 18 April 1906, San Francisco was levelled by an earthquake. Much of the city collapsed, and the rest began to burn. Anna Amelia Holshouser – a middle-aged journalist – was thrown out of bed, and felt her house collapse around her. She wandered the streets, and found herself sleeping that night in the park. But then the daze wore off, and she did what almost everybody else did: she began to look after the people around her. She knitted tents out of old clothes to house all the children who had lost their parents. She set up a soup kitchen, and the local shop-keepers handed over the goods for free. Hundreds of people gathered there, as they were gathering around similar people across the city. Anna put up a sign that said: "One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin. In San Francisco that week, the city's plumbers began – unpaid – to fix the broken pipes, one by one. People organised into committees to put out the fires with buckets and anything they could find. The philosopher William James, who watched, wrote: "Everybody was at work... and the discipline and order were practically perfect." It had been an incredibly divided city, prone to race riots against Chinese immigrants. But not after disaster struck. San Fransicans handed out food and clothes to astonished Chinese people. A young girl called Dorothy Day watched her mother give all her clothes to survivors, and wrote: "While the crisis lasted, people loved each other."
  7. I heard an (israeli) professor interviewed on the radio who conducted a study of (palestinian) suicide bombers, obviously failed suicide bombers but his sample group was over 70 who'd been apprehended, and all but one had actually tried to detonate their bomb, so it wasn't their nerve or intention that failed them.. bona fide virgin seekers.. anyway... all but a couple of them gave answers to the effect that it was the shame that imperialist (my word) occupation had bought on their country as primary reason for their actions. I'd guess the results would be the same in other countries. Point being, the 72 virgins thing is fed to us by the powers that be so they can continue invading/killing in the pursuit of $$$, whilst using religion to keep us divided. Please don't fall for it. edit: And I'm with NeiChuan, I know the question is 'if you could'... but I can't.. so won't spend time thinking about it, when it could better be spent here, now. At least I try.
  8. The Way of the Warrior

    Please would all those on the path of the warrior read the above again. I find I can't apologise for adding to this thread when the discussion has moved away from the subject, for if the way of the warrior concerns freedom and the quest for enlightenment, surely first one must be able to see the world they live in for how it really is. Divisions between us are largely created then manipulated and encouraged so war may be waged for profit. Usually in the name of freedom. Freedom is the realisation that you have been grossly conditioned not to see this and that you are bonded into slavery to serve the same masters, whose acquisition of 'wealth' means the pillaging of our planet and control of all its resources, including its people. The truth is usually very simple, plenty of primary evidence from former US presidents on you-tube. If you wish to be a warrior, then make sure you know who you're serving. peace x
  9. I'm in. Join us. x
  10. How does the ocean relate to energy?

    If you feel a calling to do so, probably good. We all know the answers to our own questions, but have forgotten how to listen.
  11. How does the ocean relate to energy?

    I agree. When I was in Morrocco about 10 years ago, a hard hot road led me to the edge of the Sahara. Spiritually, I was very much less 'awake', for want of a better term, that I am now, but something about the whispering of the wind in the dunes, the emptiness and the solitude stirred my soul so deeply.. unfortunately a hasty retreat followed, keeping my (ex) girlfriend happy, such a delicate flower.. so I barely scratched the surface of the experience, but I vowed to return, or at least 'lose' myself in another desert again. I can feel it like it was yesterday. Thanks for the reminder. This summer I re-connected with the ocean and have just bought a surfboard, evolution form the body boarding I'd do every summer as a child. It feels good to be in the sea. Anything that takes you outdoors into nature, desert, ocean, sky, mountains or whatever = good for the soul. Doesn't answer the original question posed, but just my personal experience, which is all I have. peace x
  12. When my brother was around 7 years old, his class at school were asked for their earliest memory. He said he remembered being born, and that 'everything was done for me'. Nearly 30 years later, I don't know if he still remembers.. I suspect not. Thanks to all who've contributed to an interesting thread.
  13. Hello hello to you too!

    See you on the way..