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Everything posted by ngs24

  1. Hey there, I was wondering if anyone has experience using excess Jing to heal sick areas of the body or clear out blocks in meridians? I recently posted about sick energy in my lower back and have had success by abstaining from any activity and allowing the excess jing to 'push' the bad energy further along my MCO and eventually out my arms. After I was finally able to get it moving it actually lodged in upper back area for about a week and until I was able to move it out of my arms and crown by doing extensive cardio and hatha yoga stretching. My concern is that the lack of any sexual activity isn't healthy (no sex, masturbation, sexual chi gung). I've even been able to stop nocturnal emissions which has made all the difference. I've been doing this 6 weeks and it seems to be working better than anything I've tried over the past few years. Should I wait until the sick areas are completely healed before I resume activity? It's working so that is what my body is telling me but I'd like to get other opinions. PS - I should mention that I've also getting acupuncture and doing about 2 hours of MCO daily. Thanks!
  2. Thanks Mal! Some cool looking Kundalini exercises. I'll definitely be trying these out.
  3. Harmonious Emptiness, do you know if the slapping has the same effect as the Taoist 'beating sticks' I've seen used where they physically slap various parts of the torso to move chi into the bones? I've always been curious about that method.
  4. Hey Friend, can you recommend any good healers on the East Coast? I'm located in DC. I don't think any healer can really get to the root of the problem without being physically present with the patient.
  5. Hey Mal, thanks for the advice. Can you tell me exactly what KAP 2 is or point me to a web link where I can read more about it? I'm not familiar with that.
  6. Weird little bit of synchronicity here K - I went to my Muay Thai boxing class today and we actually spent the first 15 minutes shaking. I couldn't believe it, I've been going for about 6 months and the instructors have never had us do anything remotely like that before, but today sure enough he led us in an exercise that was identical to the videos posted above. I mean he didn't call it shaking, he said we were getting loosened up for the class, but that's what it was. I actually loved it. I feel much more energized and loose after. I get what you're saying about the Kundalini as I do have a bit running up my back and neck now but it's pretty mild and feels great. I had a massive kundalini experience in high school after some recreational drug use that was way too much for me at the time but this is more controlled and easy going. I'm going to definitely integrate shaking into my weekly routine. Thanks again for the advice!
  7. Wow, I guess the general consensus is shaking. Honestly I have never even read/studied anything about this, but those videos make it seem pretty convincing. And if more than half the responses I've gotten involve that then there must be something to it. K, that video with the Polar Bear is pretty mind blowing. My general attitude is that nature's instinct is usually correct and that it's our ego that stops the correct flow of energy. The fact that bears in captivity don't perform the same process reinforces his theory. Jeremiah, as for the healer - I'd love to come into personal contact with a real taoist healer I'm just unsure where I can located one in my vicinity. I've been to several Reiki practicioners and while it did help temporarily, my MCO meditation cleared more powerfully than the session. Gonna try the shaking.......thanks for the input!
  8. Nocturnal emission question.

    Are you sleeping on your stomach? I was having the same problem up until about 6 weeks ago before I switched to my side. I was having a few a week on my stomach and tried everything but couldn't stop them. Since I switched to my side I've only had 2 over the past 6 weeks, it was as simple as that. Just a suggestion if you are......
  9. Removing Sick Energy?

    Anyone have experience removing sick/cold energy from the body using Chi-Gung? I have a nasty block in my lower right around my sacrum that I'm finally starting to notice some progress on after months of microcosmic orbit meditation. I also just started getting acupuncture on the area and that seems to be helping as well. The issue I'm having is that once I move chi into the area the sick energy begins to dissipate and run down my leg and out my foot (good) but it also moves up along my spine and into my upper back (bad). After an intense session my whole upper back is stiff, sometimes for a couple days. I can eventually feel it move out of the top of my head and my temples, but it can take a little while. Does anyone have any experience with this? The block is pretty nasty - I've had it for close to 10 years and it actually feels like it could be in my bone. I'm making progress but I'm wondering if there are any better techniques. Thanks!
  10. Removing Sick Energy?

    OK, just learned how to multi-quote - Anyway, thanks for the reference. I'll research that Spring Forest link you sent for sure. You know, you're the second person that has recommended Clarity to me. I should make contact. Thanks
  11. Removing Sick Energy?

    You know, that's really funny - I literally just started to incorporate visualizing green light when doing my daily chi-gung before I read your reply. From what I understand green energy is great for decongesting stagnate areas. It seems to be working very well actually! Definitely strengthens the dissolving process.
  12. Removing Sick Energy?

    Thanks for those links Snowmonki, I didn't realize that there was already so much info on what I am experiencing this board already. It seems like there are some divergent viewpoints on whether or not it's ethical to 'ground' sick energy into the Earth or transmute it 'good chi'. For me working on myself, the only method that I know is to ground the energy into the Earth or push it out other gates (fingers, head, etc..). It seems like it would take years or decades of practice to be able to transmute. With that being said, I did make contact with Yamu and I will be purchasing his book on the subject and possibly be participating in some distance healing with one of his students as his schedule is too full.
  13. Removing Sick Energy?

    Snowmonki - I can tell by the words you use to describe your experience "black oozy sick" that it's most likely similar to what I've experienced for a while. I would use those words but I'd also add 'death' or 'cancer' to describe what it feels like. It definitely has a physical element to it - when the acupuncture needles go into it my acupuncturist usually makes a gasp at how my skin/body reacts. The thing is when I see a western doctor or massage therapist they can never find anything. The block has an origin at a very deep level - I know that it's from trauma that I experienced when I was younger. I have worked through the trauma on a mental level but it still exists in my energy body. The good news is that I am making progress. I usually do around 2 hours of deep breathing combined with microcosmic orbit meditation each day - currently after about an hour I can reach the affected area and begin to 'breath into' it. When this occurs I get a taste in my mouth that is best described as 'metallic' but it also kind of reminds me of the smell of a dead animal. When this occurs I know I'm making progress - I feel the sick energy run down my leg out my foot and come out the top of my head - the same right kidney meridian that my acupuncturist uses. This isn't a pleasant process and I go for as long as I can stand, usually about an hour. It feels like lava moving through my meridians. After the meditation is over I feel great. Everything I'm doing helps: chi-gung, acupuncture, running, Chi Nei Tsang massage (as the corresponding area in my stomach is also effected), diet, herbs. I will conquer it, it's just a matter of time. I'm hoping sooner rather than later. I appreciate all the comments on this! Snowmonki thanks for sharing, it's unfortunate that you experience it but it lets me know I'm not alone. I will hit up Yamu.
  14. Removing Sick Energy?

    Thanks for the advice! Steam - I see you've recommended some Energy Arts Tai Chi methods. I actually first got into Chi-Gung studying Frantzis' water dissolving methods but never tried any of the moving forms. Perhaps I should. mwx - Physically I'm actually in pretty solid shape. I usually run about 5 miles/day and after that the pain usually subsides for a bit but it returns after non-activity. The origin seems to be on a bit deeper level than the physical.
  15. Removing Sick Energy?

    Thanks for the advice OldGreen. Wow, 3 hours - I'll give it a shot
  16. Downward Flow of Energy

    Humbleone, I actually have the same problem and have been working on it for the past few months. What seems to help me is to focus on the third eye point in the center of the forehead. That seems to calm the incessant chatter of my mind. Once that occurs I can feel energy gather at the point from other parts of my skull area including the crown. I also feel a downward flow of energy coming in from the heavens entering the third eye point and mixing with my own existing energy. It almost seems as if negative thought patterns are leaving my head and calmness is entering when everything is working properly. Once I have a good amount of 'chi' gathered I can feel it pour down my face and literally go into my eyes/nose/jaw and then down into my neck. From there I try to stay aware as it travels down towards my navel but I usually lose it before it reaches that destination. I can feel a definite sensation in my belly afterwards so I know it's at least partly worked. My goal is to stay aware of the energy throughout the whole process. Like others have said I would definitely recommend Frantzis "Opening the Energy Gates" and "Tao of Stillness" books, and I would also recommend Mantak Chia's "Awaken Healing Light" which describes the full Microcosmic Orbit. I had been studying Frantzis methods for years, but once I complimented that with Chia's teachings the energy flow increased exponentially. Hope that helps!
  17. A Troubled Mind

    Tatsumaru, thanks for sharing your story. That's really brave of you. I say that because the mindstate that you describe was pretty much me about 10 years ago and I back then I would have never had the courage to share my story with others except for a couple people that were incredibly close. In my early twenties there were days that I could barely make it out of bed I was so depressed. It was a deep depression on all levels - mental/emotional/spiritual. I had no confidence and on top of that I didn't even care to gain any because I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that life was meaningless anyway. When I was at that low point I realized that couldn't live like that anymore and I had 2 options. One of which was to get better and that was the option that I consciously chose. Every day since that day has been a little bit better for me. I began to analyze and confront my horrible childhood which included the terrible marriage of my parents and also physical abuse from my father. It took years and numerous conversations with my parents, which basically involoved me yelling at them, for me to begin to resolve that. I was also only sleeping about 3 hours a night because of anxiety - my childhood coupled years of self medicating had taken the toll on my nerves. I began to work out and do chi-gung meditation. Slowly but surely my sleep began to improve and my mind began to clear. I'm not going to lie to you, it took years to get back to sleeping 7-8 hours a night which is where I'm at now, but I did it without the use of any pills. The meditation that I did was based on BK Frantzis books (which you can find anywhere) and the working out was good old fashioned running. It's amazing that accomplishing something on the purely physical level will give you mental confidence as well but it definitely does. I think the most important thing, however, is re-training your thought patterns. That's something that I'm still doing to this day. Whenever you have a negative thought, follow it on a conscious level for a while and see where it originates. They all have a root, once you find that root you can yank it out on a mental level. It sometimes can take a long time but I believe that everything happens for a reason and that the circumstances that we're born into were there for us to learn something. Sometimes I still get angry and bitter about my predicament but I'm able to let those feelings go rather quickly. Hopefully one day they won't be there at all. I hope this was of some help to you. I don't yet consider myself 'happy' but I am no longer 'depressed' which to me feels pretty good. I was where you were at and through persistent effort I was able to improve and so can you as long as you believe. Don't give up, there's light at the end of the tunnel.
  18. The Importance of Music

    Couldn't agree more CLPM, good post. I'm a musician/songwriter and I don't think I would know myself to the extent that I do if it wasn't for music. I'd say I'm often reliant on music to tell me exactly how I feel. It sounds weird but the way I write is to completely blank out my mind and play guitar and sing. What usually comes out are very coherent spontaneous thoughts that usually suprise me. I've worked through many issues this way. I know a lot of songwriters that will sit down and have a predetermined subject to write about (you hear this in modern country a lot) but I think the best music that exists was written spontaneously. Of course, after the initial outburst there's usually a lot the left brain has to do to make it into a coherent song that can be recorded but I try to let the right brain go for as long as it can. -Nick
  19. Well Hello There

    After trying to find a local Taoist meeting group in my area to no avail, I figured I'd do the next best thing and join an online community. Although I do have friends that share some of my beliefs, it's hard talking with them about some of the teachings because they look at me like I'm crazy. I guess I've been practicing some form of Chi-Gung for about 10 years now, but really started to get serious and advance about 6 months ago after I started reading Mantak Chia's books. Up until then I was following Frantzis 'water' method which for me was a great way to still the incessant chatter and anxiety that plagued my mind during my early-mid twenties. That, coupled with exercise and hard work was enough to ease my insomnia and gain clarity in my mind, but to me wasn't powerful enough to break through some rather large blocks in my energy body. With Chia's Microcosmic Orbit, Iron Shirt, and Chi Nei Tsang methods I can actually feel/sense these blocks exit my body on many different levels. To me it's quite profound. I still have a ways to go, but I feel that as long as I'm committed to practicing I'll finally reach my goal. I practice on average of 2 hours a day, sometimes more sometimes less. So anyway, I hope to network with some of you folks. This looks like a cool site!
  20. Well Hello There

    Thanks guys! Yetzirah - I totally agree with you about the arm and leg channels. I actually found that it was necessary for me to open the leg routes before I could even think about opening my lower tantien. As soon as I was able to do that the energy began to pour in. I think he underestimates how badly those are blocked in most people. Nevertheless I've found the Microcosmic Orbit to be the most powerful exercise for me so far. And I agree about the tantra stuff too. I'm waiting until I'm fully grounded before I start to embark on that journey.