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Everything posted by Chang

  1. Haiku Chain

    the unjust alike the good the bad the ugly the indifferent
  2. Haiku Chain

    regardless of sin the sun does shine upon me what matter good bad
  3. Haiku Chain

    wind has swept away last years leaves damp and musty now Springs new buds burst
  4. Haiku Chain

    with yellow and blue colours of a tawny hue my hipster beard
  5. Haiku Chain

    find your place journey one foot before the other the road leads whither
  6. Haiku Chain

    Two haiku perfectly timed together. Let the next poster choose which last line to use.
  7. Haiku Chain

    corporations rule here there and everywhere no place left for me
  8. Haiku Chain

    burning steppe...they're back.. trampled ash beneath iron hoof ruthless and returned
  9. It never fails to amaze how some people can put two and two together and come up with the most fantastical result. In no way awesome and not in the least exciting - just some Russian New Age rubbish. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear with there is so much wonder in the world. Why do we have to come up with fantastical and ridiculous explanations? As the narrator says. "Make your own conclusions."
  10. Haiku Chain

    Genghis and his horde the ground shook as with thunder they came and are gone
  11. Haiku Chain

    but you will be back the same and yet different like river water
  12. Haiku Chain

    universal strength turn on tune in and partake align with the source
  13. Haiku Chain

    then rest and ponder bathe in the present moment floating in the now
  14. Britain and the European Union

    Islamism, also known as Political Islam (Arabic: Ű„ŰłÙ„Ű§Ù… ŰłÙŠŰ§ŰłÙŠâ€Ž islām siyāsÄ«), is an Islamic revival movement often characterized by moral conservatism, literalism, and the attempt "to implement Islamic values in all spheres of life." Islamist, an adherent of Islamism. You really should have gone into politics Apech as your ability to dissemble would have taken you far. I do not doubt for one moment that you fully understand my meaning when i ask whether the enemy is the Islamist or islam and I can well understand your reluctance to answer this question, with your roots so well embedded in both Socialism and Buddhism. I also suspect that it is your "Ism's" that will lead you to vote to remain in the E.U. though you will deny this vehemently. I am away training over Easter and so will not be returning to the site until Tuesday. By then this discussion will have moved on but the underlying situation will remain the same. Best wishes Chaps.
  15. Britain and the European Union

    You are being deliberately pedantic ( not for the first time ). It is you are are talking of war. I am talking about protecting ourselves, our country and our lifestyle from a barbaric and incursive religion. But before we talk of war we have to admit that we have an enemy. Let me repeat that this has not yet been admitted by the Liberal Elite who run the European Super State. It has not even been admitted by you. So let me once more ask the question. Is the enemy the Islamist or Islam?
  16. Britain and the European Union

    Before we consider stratagy we have to admit that Islam is the enemy. Unfortunately I see no sign of that happening anytime soon. Once we do recognise the problem for what it is the first step in a strategy for Britain would be to step out of the European Super state and take steps to protect our borders. Prevent unlimited entry of Islamic immigrants and begin to deport (wherever possible) those migrants who prove themselves enemies of our state and values. This would be a hard and unpleasant business and would doubtless have the liberal elite mewling and singing kumbaya but the alternative - of carrying on as we are doing will lead only to the doom of ourselves and our lifestyle.
  17. Britain and the European Union

    I really do hold you in the highest regard in your ability to analyse a given situation but in this case i fear that you have lost the plot. Defeating ISIS would be a start but it will really only have a limited effect in the overall scheme of things. What we have to face (whether we like it or not and the Liberal mind finds this particularly hard to grasp) is that we are at war with Islam and not simply with islamists. Defeating ISIS could be likened to defeating the military might of NAZI Germany but then leaving the NAZI party intact and running the country. No one wishes to face this reality and this is the tragedy.
  18. Britain and the European Union

    When considering the European Super State and British membership thereof we cannot fail to consider Islam and the Islamic assault on Europe. This video will give a short but succinct insight into the Islamic mind set.
  19. Britain and the European Union

    I hate to point out the obvious Apech but this is an ongoing "clusterfuck" situation which is exacerbated by the monumental incompetence of the European Super state; the "leaders" of which appear to have no solutions and whose actions simply aggravate an already hopeless situation.
  20. Britain and the European Union

    A terrorist attack has happened in Europe. Let the standard response begin
 Douglas Murray Well at least we all know the form by now. This morning Islamist suicide-bombers struck one of the few European capitals they haven’t previously hit in a mass-casualty terrorist attack. The standard response now goes as follows. First the body parts of innocent people are flung across airport check-ins or underground trains. Briefly there is some shock. On social media the sentimentalists await the arrival of this atrocity’s cutesy hashtag or motif and hope it will tide them over until the piano man arrives at the scene of the attack to sing ‘Imagine there’s no countries’. Meantime someone will hopefully have said something which a lot of people can condemn as ‘inappropriate’. I see that the Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson was this morning’s Twitter miscreant, foolish enough to say in the wake of the Brussels attack that the EU might not make us very safe. One may agree or disagree with this sentiment, but Ms Pearson should have known that the only acceptable thing to do after a suicide bomber detonates beside the European Commission is to acclaim the Commission as one of the few entities able to keep us safe. We will shortly move to the next phase, which is to find a good news story amid the rubble. Anything will do, but best of all is a Muslim good news story. After Paris it was swiftly reported that one of the suicide bombers at Stade de France had been turned away by a brave Muslim security guard. The story whizzed around the world before anyone could check whether it was true. It wasn’t. But people needed it to be. Not because Muslims don’t do good deeds, but because in the wake of any Islamist terrorist attack people need people opposed to the bombers to be Muslim and the bombers themselves not to be Muslim. Then the good Muslim can represent Islam while the bad Muslims can be said to have nothing to do with it. Soon we will move to the next phase, during which broadcast media will ask questions that address no major points. So in the UK the government’s Communications Data Bill will get quite a lot of mentions. We will probably also have another round of the old discussion about Control Orders versus TPIMs. This will most likely be first raised by a Labour politician hoping to look tough. Everywhere on the media people will start to talk of ‘radicalisation’ as though it is something you can get from the water, and experts will claim insight into the ‘paths to extremism’. Nicky Morgan will announce that the Prevent agenda should be extended to encompass pre-kindergarten. A year later she will close some Quaker-run nursery. Meanwhile other people will change the subject over to the question of Belgium’s unacceptably interventionist foreign policy. Others will get onto Israel-Palestine. At around the same time the Corbynite-wing of the Labour party will get onto their favourite subject which is not dead bodies in airports but people who have been looked at meanly on a bus while wearing a headscarf. By at least tomorrow the story of a savage ‘backlash’ (consisting mainly of stares and horrible things written on social media) will be being talked-up by all mainstream Muslim leaders. By Thursday no one will be talking about the victims. Meanwhile Twitter will reprise some version of the post-Sydney ‘I’ll ride with you’ meme (based on a fib) or the ‘You ain’t no Muslim, bruv’ which was shouted during December’s Leytonstone attack by a non-Muslim and briefly acclaimed by everyone from the Prime Minister down as one of the finest expressions ever of the English spirit and language. This is how it goes in Europe now. Everything barely worth saying will be said endlessly. And the only things that are worth saying won’t be said. What are those things? Among other things the fact that we are living with the consequences of an immigration and ‘integration’ fantasy which should have been abandoned years ago. Instead our governments have kept pretending that the weakening of Europe’s external borders and the erosion of its internal borders happening at the same time as one of the largest population replacement exercises in history could have no tangible effects on our continent’s future. They pretend that Britain will always be Britain, France will always be France, Sweden will always be Sweden and Belgium will always be Belgium. But perhaps we do learn some things. Albeit silently. A decade ago, after every attack, the pundits used to point to places where mass immigration, integration and open borders were meant to have worked. After London people said ‘What can we learn from France’. After Paris they said ‘What can we learn from the Swedish model.’ Nobody cites Sweden anymore. In fact nobody looks to anyone else’s model anymore. Because all of the ‘models’ failed. So here we are – stuck with a problem our politicians have given us and to which they have no answers. Perhaps all this pointless chatter is just what people do to distract themselves before they have to face up to that fact.
  21. Britain and the European Union

    The Prime Minister and his likely successor. Both products of Eton and Oxford and both members of the Bullingdon Club. Born and bred into the ruling class of the social elite. Men who will not let their fathers down and most certainly will not let their underlings up. Had you been up and about in Oxford in their day I do not doubt that they would have debagged you Apech Old Boy.
  22. Britain and the European Union

    Obviously there is still a long way to go until the referendum but things are pretty much neck to neck at the moment.
  23. Britain and the European Union

    My own view is that the worst is yet to come and that this is really only the beginning of home grown and imported terrorism in Europe. As regards the referendum on Britain leaving or remaining in the European Superstate i am genuinely shocked when speaking to friends whom I consider sensible and well informed. Many of them are going to vote to remain part and parcel of the E.U. Mess simply because they are afraid of the consequences of leaving and the thought of poor little Britain alone and lonely in such a dangerous world. They really do believe that the rest of Europe will support and defend us. Hope springs eternal etc..................
  24. Britain and the European Union

    I suspect that there will be many tears shed and prayers made following the latest atrocities. Such things may well provide relief and comfort to individuals but other than this i question their value. "Tears are for the craven, prayers are for the clown -- Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown."