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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Abortion...

    October Gray, Thanks for bringing up this important topic! According to the Ng Yin Do Pai school of Taoism, getting an abortion commonly leads the incoming soul to get stuck between the yin and yang dimensions... they have already shed much of their yin awarenesses and are in limbo. Getting an abortion even at an early stage or having a miscarriage can lead to the soul getting stuck and being extremely uncomfortable for even many years before hopefully making it back to the yin dimension and starting over. By this view, it is obviously best to avoid abortion or miscarriages if at all possible. But if not, then it's a good idea to seek out the help of a qualified teacher to make sure that the soul has found their way to a good place before parting ways. Not only does this take care of the soul in question but it protects the long term luck and karma of the would be mother and father. Using the pill as a contraception is actually a form of intentional miscarriage as well but it does kick in very early in the pregnancy so perhaps it isn't an issue... I don't know. Obviously, if one's luck erodes for any reason it's good to look into the situation more closely. Your pal, Yoda
  2. Oh me so holy: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/...90512134655.htm
  3. So someone recently posted a link to Tim Ferriss' blog which has been fun to follow. I also just started reading the 4 Hour Workweek which is sounding like a how-to-be-a-james-bond of capitalism. Apparently, he started a human performance drug company and outsourced everything for 5k on his credit card. In trying to sell his business he got it to the point that he wasn't involved in the daily running of it and found he made a lot more money that way. (the folks who were going to buy it realized that all they needed was a credit card with $5,000 of room on it... but lost their shirts!) So he spends his time getting first place in tango and martial arts competitions, etc and raking in big money on the side. A law of attraction wiz? A good karma freak? Can anyone do this? I'm only a few pages in but wife Randi just walked in and wished I was reading "how to work 80 hours a week and love every minute of it passionately" book. That's one presupposition Ferriss makes: it's pretty rare to have a megapassion for one's job and that is definitely not what this book is about. I know that this book made a huge impression on webmaster Sean and is partially responsible for his current time in Costa Rica but I think he has a genuine passion about his work too. Anyone read it? It looks like most of it will focus on how to be an autopilot entrepreneur which isn't totally my thing but I'm sure I'll get some good ideas from it. Yoda
  4. Yoda's vote: the dried mushrooms, the brown sugar blocks, the dried wasabi peas, the pork dumplings, the dumpling sauce, jasmine tea, and candied ginger. I'd love to hear other suggestions!!! Yoda
  5. Kunlun follow up poll

    Smile, thanks for the support! I like that 10 year rule of thumb thing. It took me about 1.5 to figure out that something wasn't working out for me. It'll be interesting to see the lay of the land here on TTBs 10 years from now!!! Asprin, In my daughter's case, I'm speculating that K opened the door but something else came in. ~~~ I'm not a guru or even especially gifted in cultivation practices and I've done the best I could at understanding and explaining the situation. I could well have blown some sort of psychological gasket and now my figurin' is way off... could be. All I know for sure is that this particular practice isn't for me and that it takes more than a Sunday afternoon ritual to get rid of it. I've noticed that when I am on taobums that my thinking turns to K which isn't consistent with my current life so I'm going to take a bit of a break from the forum for a couple of months. I was just cleaning up my PMs and realized that there were a lot that I didn't see... sorry about that! If anyone would like to chat, you can find me at [email protected]. Your pal, Yoda
  6. Kunlun follow up poll

    Rain, I hope nobody's guardian angel takes offense... just my thing right now. Your pal, Yoda
  7. Kunlun follow up poll

    Ian, Just try to be home by 3, ok? Pero, I never had it together to actually record her. I only heard snippets that I didn't really understand but it's not so much what she says but how she says it. The "best" one was her whispering urgently at 3:04 am: "You must be very, very, very, very quiet!!!" The way it was said was not my daughter talking... let's just say that. I forget what I did after waking up Freya and letting her go back to sleep that time. I likely wrote one of many freak out emails to Mak Tin Si or posted something negative about Kunlun on the internet, etc. Probably both. I'm much more comfortable about the situation now. It shouldn't be too much longer either... 1-8 weeks type deal. Freya says that the house is much nicer and more peaceful now... check out her recent picture. Note the air support : http://picasaweb.google.com/kylebairdsen/S...010871343152322 Dizzydazzle, thanks for the kind words! Try to be nice to Cam... he's my pal plus I think it's cool that he's parked at 5,000. I don't know if he can keep it even like that, but let's at least not bait him out! Your pal, Yoda
  8. Kunlun follow up poll

    Cat, I never did ask them for troubleshooting... the first time I met Max I loved him and the practice but I knew that Kunlun is an on-your-own deal. It was my understanding that once I contacted my guardian angels or whatever I could get my teachings from them and would be good to go. Unfortunately for me and a few other practitioners that I'm aware of, these guardian angels, while many times smarter than I, were unhealthy souls. Your pal, Yoda ~~~ Just for fun, I've penned a new version of the Muppet Labs House Rules: No getting possessed / spontaneously moved by or channeling / automatic writing / Ouija boarding / demonstrating siddhis for or having sex with: God, gods, goddesses, ghosts, spirits, elves, Sirians, angels, out of body people, gurus, avatars, Elvis, celebrity spirits, ETs, ancestors, historical figures, pixies, mother ships, lost souls, demons, fox spirits, galactic federations, mermaids, or dead people. I know everyone is asking: where did the fun Yoda go? I'm totally not judging anyone who wants to do all of the above and I'll admit that I'll be the first guy to watch it on youtube... I simply no longer have a dog in that fight. Yoda
  9. Drink!

    Epicurious, I'm getting my shen on!!! Welcome to taobums! Your pal, Yoda
  10. Hello from Manchester, England

    Baldwin, I'm waiting for the movie!! Welcome to taobums! Your pal, Yoda
  11. Lama Dorje

    The things that make you go hmmmmm. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2Dtfi3VkiU
  12. Kunlun follow up poll

    Zahori, It's cool... I'm totally open to suggestions!!! Having said that, our house has a strict NO KUNLUN policy and all entities need to speak to me first. When she's out of the house she can contact whomever she likes!!! Your pal, Yoda ~~~ Pero, thanks for the note! It did freak me out for awhile as I didn't know how to deal with it. Now I do so it's just an annoyance. Your pal, Yoda
  13. Lama Dorje

    whoa... this is getting out of hand!!!
  14. Kunlun follow up poll

    Rain, Thanks for the note! It'll be gone soon enough, so no big deal really. Your pal, Yoda
  15. Lots of times saints aint right in their earlier days and change their ways, like with Milarepa. Maybe this will be the case? A copy of The Way of a Pilgrim with a Philokalia appendix would be amongst my suggestions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philokalia
  16. Lama Dorje

    Probably right about the 5e standing.
  17. Kunlun follow up poll

    my daughter is still sitting up and channeling crap at 3am... just had another incidence of that. So still have more work to do but I'm feeling that I'm, personally, 100% out. Yoda
  18. namaste from india

    welcome to taobums! Your pal, Yoda
  19. Hey everyone

    Ramon25, Welcome to taobums! Your pal, Yoda
  20. Introduction

    11:33, Welcome to taobums! Our AugustLeo is from RI too! Your pal, Yoda
  21. Announcement: NEW FORUM!

    Afromojo, Cool new forum you have there! I sort of get the vibe that you all want to make a fresh start and change the vibe from TTBs so I'll stay out of the party to help you do that! Your pal, Yoda
  22. Lama Dorje

    Cam, Well said! I'm glad you had the experience to train with both Max and Jenny and perhaps that would have been helpful to me... hard to say. It sounded like meeting Jenny was very beneficial for Gloria. You are spot on... I wanted to have weird experiences!!! Max definitely delivered and I'm definitely over it!!! (I didn't get a UFO ride, but I won't quibble.) I hope you don't feel like you are being driven off or anything... you are one of the original HT taobums, after all! Your pal, Yoda ~~~ Scott, Good luck on take II! I'll always remember that night in the hotel room where Cam and I were going on like banshees with our jokes while you were trying to decide whether to laugh or barf. Your pal, Yoda
  23. Lama Dorje

    Where have the kunlun posts gone, anyways??? From owning the place to an occasional newbie type post. Thread fatigue I suppose. Yoda
  24. Lama Dorje

    Definitely taobum hall of fame territory: the post that started the whole thing. Never before have so many taobums been united in one practice. It sounds like KAP has gradually taken over that role around here with its skypability and excellent customer service, but still a big presence and hugely responsible for the current vibe on TTBs.