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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Sungazing question

    One website mentions following the "baby test" babies gaze at the sun if it feels good and they'll look away if it is painful. The solarhealing.com guy doesn't even look into the sun anymore, he just walks or stands barefoot in the sun 45 minutes a day. Just do that part. I'll experiment with both, but I definitely have been a mushroom for awhile and need to get in the habit of catching more rays. Solarhealing says that getting the sun on your toes is key to activating the glands in the brain... VERY similar to Bodri's WSM actually. Like WSM, Solarhealing says that the big toe is the most important (pineal?), but that each toe is associated with a gland. Makes one want to stand/WSM/sunbathe at the same time! -Yoda
  2. Sungazing question

    Sean, Have you tried it yourself? -Yoda
  3. Sungazing question

    So this friend of mine has announced that meditation, sungazing, and sperm retention are the three keys to spiritual growth in that order. I've gotten some good insights from him in the past, so I'm inclined to check into sungazing. Are there any other step-by-step programs out there? If so, let me know. I'd like to shop around to other systems too. -Yoda
  4. It would probably be okay to post it here, but it would definitely be okay to email it to me 8) Even if it's worded slightly differently, I'd love to see it. I'm at kylebairdsen@bellsouth.net Thanks, Yoda PS, I thought I had signed up to his email list but I'll sign up now.
  5. "Bill's work..."

    I've only read random segments, I'll look for it there. -Yoda
  6. Comrades, I thought it would be fun to donate my current favorite practices to the Bums of Tao. They are: Key Sound CD from multiples.com--sexual practice Primordial DVD from M. Winn--moving chikung White Skeleton pamphlet from Bill Bodri--meditation/visualization I bought White Skeleton in ebook form, but Bill Bodri asks that it be treated like a regular book in terms of sharing it with others so I won't just cut and paste it here. Anyone is free to own and then pass on these copies to any other Tao Bums. A non-TaoBum friend has Primordial and he will shortly send it on to jsrit and Matthewqi currently owns the Key Sound and I have the White Skeleton. -Yoda
  7. "Bill's work..."

    Cool!! Good Work! Put this thought in his ear: America NEEDS a good sex book. It would be a fantastic seller for him too. He could write it in the spirit of Beautiful Skin--covering aspects of true spiritual development in addition to tips and tricks. It would be very mainstream. Make sure the title is as good as "multiorgasmic couple" and the title will take care of the sales. Bill is a brilliant teacher, able to capture essential points and communicate them in a way that's easy to understand. I would love for him to put together a tourguide of Taoist esoteria. -Yoda
  8. Cool Shining image! A sassy skeleton poster geared for rebellious teens might be even better than a model and cheaper. I'll search the internet for one. I have the highest pontification to actual insight ratio of everyone on this board, but stirring it up is half the battle. -Yoda
  9. For Sean's mental health, we should play it totally straight. Who knows... any one of us could go crazy from jing retention, find Jesus and turn us all into the copyright cops! -Yoda
  10. I'd say for the time being, just wing it. Don't send off anything that you have to see again. Taobums now has 2 Keysounds! What is your experience of it? I can always get pleasant echo effects, but only very rarely catch a big wave. -Yoda
  11. Awesome! I'm glad you are enjoying it! Seeing bones is addictive. I love the fact that a skull has that sassy in-your-face smile going. Philosophically, I think that when we are in the non-physical realm that is what our personalities are--very bright, happy, outrageous, fearless and tons of fun. I see kids coming into the world with that attitude and then we lose track of it-- so tearing off my flesh is like Jim Carey in The Mask getting back to that level of high spirits. If cash is plentiful, get one of those skeleton models Bodri mentions. I got a Mr Thrifty 4th quality for only $30 and am loving it. If I continue to really hit this practice, I'll get a full sizer and it's own meditation cushion so I'll have a sangha. Also, I think a part of the horniness that I reported earlier came from taking Nattokinase before going to bed. That's another Bodri gold nugget, BTW. WSM definitely increases sexual desire but it doesn't actually wake me up in the middle of the night when done by itself. Have you noticed any side effects along these lines? I got Primordial from the taichi-enlightenment but it's the same either way. It's a great subpractice--about minutes a day, and adds "depth" and continuity to other practices and life in general. My copy is floating around but it'll be a bit b/c it's on tour if you'd like to borrow it. Let me know, and I'll keep your place in line. -Yoda
  12. Just hold on to it until someone else wants it. Same way with multiples and primordial. You'll like it! -Yoda
  13. Sean, I hear what you are saying and I've been through a kazaa phase myself, but in this case it's only a few pages and one stamp away--I like the idea of my little Christmas present to the TaoBums being a hardcopy. What's your address? -Yoda
  14. Send me your address and I'll ship out white skeleton right now. I'm conflicted about just posting WSM--it's a cool practice and I'd like all the Tao Bums to at least read it and post feedback, but Bodri asks that it not be mass distributed like that. I'm constantly lending out/giving away cool books and DVDs so I decided to treat it with my other two favs the same way. As the keeper of the website, you would be the logical librarian if you were interested and let the practices rest with you or you just have a page telling fellow bums who has the particular practice they'd like to check out. I'm reading the Sedona stuff a page or two here and there. Sometimes I feel like I understand it and sometimes I don't. I'll spend some time with them over the holidays. -Yoda
  15. I like your suggestion to jazz up the de-fleshing part. I'm ripping off my face like the spies do with their latex masks in the movies with that same sassy "this-is-what-I-really-am-deal-with-it" attitude. I then proceed to tear off the rest of my flesh in the same manner. I'm throwing everything into a bowl and allowing the cast from Bambi to have at it. -Yoda
  16. Peepee update

    I've been drinking my pee fairly consistently since Ron introduced the practice and it remains beneficial. A half cup before meditation is enough to deliver a better session. I believe that it helps jump start the flow of energy movement inside the torso to help induce meditation. Once you get over the initial grodiness, it is a great subpractice. -Yoda
  17. WSM combines the easy accessibility of visualization practices with the depths of stillness practices like ZZ/zazen/etc, so it's a much easier gear for me. For me, doing WSM sitting is less powerful than ZZ but much less glitchy and very surefire. I can count on good success with every session. Often, I'd be revved from ZZ but easily pissed off. I've recently tried to do a grabbag of practices with ZZ only 30 minutes a day, but I prefer just dogging one practice to death with supplemental practices here and there. Interesting thoughts about combining the defleshing with the bone igniting. -Yoda
  18. Also, if you don't have time for formal practice you might try WSM focusing on just the feet while in bed, driving, etc. Or mix and match with Trunk's Fab 4. The basic principles show up in all those bone breathing/iron shirt stuff. The brilliance here is making those bone practices into a stillness practice too--double the benefits! I think that WSM is brilliant and I'm quickly up to 2 hours a day on it, but Bodri says that it's not for everyone and maybe in others it might be good but in moderation. Even in moderation, it would have a nice grounding effect superior (imo) to the other popular bone practices. -Yoda
  19. Like Lance Armstrong's training book, or articles about periodizing on dragondoor.com. Powerlifters have a very focused, simple goal but they have to periodize and alternate their training modalities to keep getting results. The tighter they can focus their training, the better. Sometimes they need to work in totally new exercises or to bench with rubber bands, speed bench, slow bench, light days, heavy days, change focus, etc. Lance's book is very good. He has several different training subgoals, like hill climbing, sprinting, endurance, etc. he cycles through them and changes the emphasis to another practice when he reaches a plateau in the target dept every month or two. And shifts to just maintaining what he just developed. I'm questing for focus as well, but I'm fine with jumping around until that fine day--experimentation is a good thing too! It's like what goes on at dragondoor... the beginners are all over the place in their training and the real strength freaks and competitors are extremely focused in their training and modalities, but the beginners make good progress too b/c going from zero training to erratic training is hugely beneficial and there's no need to even be aware of periodization or focus for the first year and you can even coast without with mediocre results for years. But to get serious/competitive that training focus and real passion must be arrived at. -Yoda
  20. Pistols

    Pietro, you are basically right... What you say is along the lines of my recent post on HT "Nothing is more powerful than ZZ" But two things: 1. Ron's a freak--he can handle it and 2. Trunk endorses this teacher which means the guy has processed the tradition in a balanced manner. Sadly, I don't think that Trunk and Ron will actually meet. Two big HT Immortals meeting in one place would be like in "Highlander". In the movie, they would meet in church to cool their jets, but I'm not certain that this would work today's world. I'm willing to risk it, though. -Yoda
  21. Bodri says not to make too much of a big deal of this phase of the practice. It's just a way to practice extreme Buddhist generosity, and giving the flesh to hungry ghosts, animals, etc. It can be done in a flash. I just imagine that my flesh magically disapears and goes to the benefit of all sentient beings. I'll pretend that the ghosts, spirits, and the animals feast on it somewhere else. I do this b/c I was once a very serious Buddhist practitioner. While I'm not anymore, these sort of reflexes are just built into me now and if I'm doing a Buddhist practice, I naturally follow the basic form of it. From my Kagyu/Tibetan school of thought, making the definite, serious intention to give to offer oneself to others was more important than the actual details of the visualization or what the exact action was. I'm sort of doing the same thing for the dissolving to emptiness at the end. It's my interpretation that you don't have to spend a lot of time on this phase unless you are drawn to. All Kagyu practices follow the same form: arouse Bodhicitta/extreme generousity, do the practice, dissolve to emptiness, dedicate the merit to the enlightenment of all sentient beings. I haven't seen this last phase in Bodri's work, but I would guess that it is there too. Keep me posted how you like the practice. Thanks! -Yoda
  22. Merit... Who needs it?!!!

    Max, At least in the Tibetan tradition just practicing, meditating and aspiring to greater love and insight is considered meritorious, especially if one dedicates the merit generated to go towards the enlightenment of all sentient beings. The nice thing about that is that it acknowledges the power and reality of energy practices. Many masters say that this is much more powerful way of benefiting others than operating a soup kitchen or doing something just on the physical plane. Is that the case in Zen? -Yoda
  23. Pistols

    Xingyichuan is the bad boy of the Chinese internal martial arts systems which includes Baguazhang and Taichi. Powerful, internal, explosive and edgy--totally your thing. Since Keith is doing it in your n'hood, you should get him to give you a backstage tour. Check out emptyflower.com. The real masters like Wang Xiangzhai go beyond the styles and get their power from the bone magic/iron shirt/zhanzhang/white skeleton dimensions of the practice. The way you are strength training is selling yourself short. Most fighters aren't very strong b/c they follow protocol & exercises designed for bodybuilding and you can't do too much of that b/c it takes too much energy from sparring. Pavel's material really is the answer with pavel pushups and pistols done throughout the day. Check out his book Naked Warrior if you are interested. You and Keith need to do lunch! -Yoda