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Everything posted by skydog

  1. one can argue there is no right and wrong, but if people have certain values, desires and fears, then in a way there is such a thing as doing good ,
  2. Trying to pick a QiGong system

    stillness movement, drumming, spontaneous art, walking, wu wei, taoism
  3. Trying to pick a QiGong system

    pick nature it knows what its doing its you system, methods, routine, ego trying to act like its in control.
  4. I like it, think its nice.
  5. I like your post and fair enough you want an intellectual discussion. I half agree with what you are saying in response to what I said. Many "awakaned" (I dont like this word but you get the picture) people actually however arragant this sounds feel extremely lonely isolated and not fitting in amongst "unawakened" people therefore a lot of them are totally rebellious towards their current society, even opting to live out of it, unless they can find a mutually beneficial solution. I would like to refer you to read some chuang tzu or alan watts when they discuss the concept of uselessness. Chuang tzu makes a sort of joke and discusses a tree that was so useless that no one chopped it down. Uselessness and meaningfulness are partly concepts. If something is meaningful what is it meaningful in regards to, alan watts often talked about how life is a game, non serious. For example if one was to extend their life by 100 years is it neccessarily good? Is it neccessarily good to become rich? There was a zen parable I forgot the exact details but it goes something like a man was given some horses and everyone in the village said to him "wow" what good luck you have and he just said maybe, maybe not..then one of the horses came back with a few other wild horses and again people said to him wow what good luck you have and he just said maybe maybe not. One day his son was riding one of those horses and managed to really hurt himself and break his leg, everyone came up to him and said wow what bad luck you have and he just said maybe, maybe not. Then the next day they were conscripting people for the army and his son didnt have to go because of his broken leg everyone came up to him and said wow what good luck you have and he said maybe maybe not..etc lol Also I am reminded of The autobiography of a yogi where he talks about how people think a sage is useless yet with all their bliss and love and peace they are contributing to the world in a far greater way than most people think because everyone they interact with gets an exchange of energy. Also you may be interested in philosophy and I am too but there comes a point when knowledge "thoughts" are practically useless and can never describe reality accurately because they are not reality one cannot write a 50000000 page book that aims to adequately describe the universe. I went to a workshop in quantum physics or mechanics and they discussed new high tech security devices where they realised that the observer affects the experiment, so everytime you think about the world you change it and by trying to find an answer you lose the answer as well as the idea of everything being interconnected
  6. The first point you make about talking about someone eminent- Well see the thing is with any of this spiritual search, were not interested in becoming "important", "superior", "better than" etc like 99% of the world has been brainwashed to due to competitive schooling, etc. Its less about the ego more about presence, being in the moment. A lot of super successful people got there because they have a huge insane drive to "become somebody special" Not saying you cant be both but a lot of the reason people try to achieve is because they are trying to prove themselves and be important whereas someone operating from a less egoic standpoint is not someone who believes they are trying to prove something. Someone who belives they must become somebody special is operating out of fear and low self worth. Whereas someone more enlightened would believe they are fine just the way they are and actually live a life of bliss so why would they actually care about anything more than sitting on a chair in bliss all day why would they concern themselves with trying to be somebody. When theyve got everything they need. A large reason most people try to become somebody is because they want things and they think those things will make them happy..this is materialism. You can have both too. People dont talk about this stuff openly, god is not the same thing as enlightenment, most peoples idea of god is a paternal figure who controls the world. Whereas for example taoists or sufis would believe everyone is god and everything is god interconnected this may seem insignificant but the implications of that are huge in being that everyone is equal and fine as they are.
  7. methods to enter deep sleep ?

    On further note. I dont know much about binaural beats I did them before about 2 years ago and a lot of painful emotions would get released after a while i stopped it. i think it may make your "conditions" worse. However with the shaking medicine a part of the ceremony involved drumming which is also putting you into a trance state as your right and left brain hemispheres are becoming in synch with each other. Some of those binaural beats are extremely powerful and I would stick to just putting on drumming music when you do the shaking. I would read shaking medicine, do the practice mixing it with sitting on the floor on your back (like meditating but easier) and learn to see this experience as good. Hope this helps
  8. methods to enter deep sleep ?

    well yeah see from my angle im trying to get my mind and body to be super conscious and blissful. Some people actually dont need to sleep because their mind and body is working with such flow and energy, seriously some masters dont sleep for months im sure. Any time that something was being cleared is sometime that it is being cleared. When I said suffering can be a perspective problem I am saying that I didnt suffer because I actually thought it was beneficial and i noticed i go into deep states of bliss and trance so why not. Whereas if you hate this so much then it will further your suffering maybe if you see the benefits of spiritual practice this may help with this perspective change. To be honest most people dont really see the benefits of spiritual practice until their life goes to rock rock bottom and they see tremendous pain sounds like you got this thing which many people actually try for years to get but are not really into this spiritual stuff because you cant see the logic in it. I dont shake anymore partly it is temporary. Also it is possible you may say you hate it because everyone is focusing on how positive it is, you are right there are some negatives too but definately a lot of positives. I wouldnt take meds if i was you, well you can do what you want but personally i think it fucks with your body. I would read a book called "shaking medicine" by bradford keeney search for it on amazon here you will see that most ancient tribes view this shaking as sacred medicine
  9. methods to enter deep sleep ?

    ah i see, this has happened to me a lot of times but when I was travelling in India and kind of spending all day with spiritual practices on an aim to transform, also i had no real pressures to wake up at any time, also some nights i didnt sleep but i didnt mind I just saw this as good, I can see how if this isnt the case this might be annoying. Someone once said all suffering is just a perspective problem I dont 100% agree but it has some truth. One thing you might want to look into is those binaural beats that induce alpha and theta waves, you can youtube them, or relaxing music.
  10. removing sexual blockages

    try yuen method try emotional freedom technique with matrix reimprinting try inner smile with 20-30 minutes for each organ
  11. well i guess everything is the way it is, and is the way it is meant to be.
  12. methods to enter deep sleep ?

    Yes the shaking occurs because of kundalini, it can be seen as a good thing because it is a very powerful way of unblocking your energy system so it can run smoothly and you can maintain great health/bliss. Also being able to relax in general will help you to get to sleep easily so meditation is good for that.
  13. When you think you know everything and theres nothing left to learn and you lose the curiosity, you are far too attached to beliefs. That state is in opposition to "spiritual progress" A lot of people want the title of master or teacher or guru, but that title gives you arragance and as don juan the possibly ficitious shaman of carlos castenadas works says the second obstacle to becoming a man of knowledge is clarity. If you have too much clarity you become very arragant, pompous, all knowing and unquestioning of belief systems. If someone says I have done tai chi, bagua, qigong, dream work etc etc that doesnt really mean much. If someone says they have spent 30 years in meditation that doesnt really mean much either. If someone says they never really meditate and think that meditation is new age rubbish imo that doesnt mean all that much either there are plenty of people who naturally dont over analyse and are pretty happy in fact much more happy than someone who does. Also a lot of people get off on "helping others" when really there helping themselves there putting themselves above others in an egoic sense, "let me teach you" is a pretty egoic thing to say. One might say Im being hypocritical and saying that now and if I wanted to put myself down for approval i might agree but this is not really the case Im just expressing. A lot of people think that saying something with 100% belief is more clever than saying something with a perhaps or possibly or in one perspective kind of attitude. I don't think this is correct. Also if you manage to become very aware, blissful, have correct thoughts, high energies etc. Who is it whos is aware, there is just awareness. Who is it who is blissful? there is just bliss. Who is it with high energy or a correct thought? there is just high energy or correct thoughts. Who did it, who made it happen, a ficitious character of the imagination or everything the universe, thoughts from other people which managed to get absorbed into "your" brain. Some people may have heard the saying everyone is your teacher. It might sound like a cliche but really it is true. The way someone doesn't over analyse, the way someone else refrains from speaking what he may possibly feel like in order to avoid hurting someones feelings, the way someone acts illogically, the way nature is the way it is, the way a dog is so friendly and not empty etc
  14. All exists here and now

    lolicopter cakes the conclusion I can make from 57 and a half years of mastery over meditation, tai chi, tantra, qigong, neigong, shamanism and martial arts from hu win xo yinguwei lineage is: the master of the cake is always the master, he flows like the girl who cries with the master you are now enlightened
  15. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    very nice What is this about taking energy from the sun, moon and stars, today I went to the park and spontaneously I felt like breathing in energy from the trees and plants, then I wondered if this would be stealing their energy and bad, then I thought only if I they want to give it to me to mutually benefit each other.
  16. All exists here and now

    Here exists all and now now enlightened are you? Qeuisnot? yan
  17. Opinions on nessesity of Masters

    I also ask myself this question occasionally. My own opinion is to experiment a little bit. I will hopefully be attending Ya Mus workshop in Finland (stillness movement) Also I would love to spend time with bushmen shamans/ratu bagus/bradford keeney Also shamans maybe iboga I find after doing Ecstatic spontaneous movement listening to music instead of stillness movement I find it had an extremely profound effect. Ive been missing out on high emotions. Also I did vipassana and utterly hated the whole thing and the "Master" was an idiot in my opinion. Also Im not fond of some yoga teachers. And some people may consider their religion's preacher a master who says meditation is evil etc. Anyways this question has too much logic for me at the moment. wheey
  18. Decreasing sleeping hours

    1) Dont masturbate before sleep or very often in general 2) Sleep from 9/10pm- 6am or something instead of 3am to 11am or whatever it is 3) Increase your oxygen through good breathing in nature
  19. Yuen Method?

    Not that I know the yuen method. But the human mind is powerful if you all the right beliefs and karma (law of attraction) while being an active part of the process (like going with it not just doing nothing in a doing absolutely nothing sense. I can guess that it would be possible to become a "billionaire" but correcting beliefs and karma doesn't neccessarily mean that you will become a billionaire, you probably have to "do something" (in a non doing way)
  20. Im not sure I understand mate, nerves? as in brain nerves? and how does this happen? soft movements and relaxation
  21. On the one hand Im sure this is not something someone new to this would get. But anyways I just like to have a first I have a walk- do healing sounds, inner smile, let go and just do nothing letting myself walk, opening the heart. Things pop up to from my trance state, and I get the idea from OSHO about dropping all mantras, which is interesting, then I realise this is a Also Ive liked this idea of doing nothing- spontaneiouty, letting everything be done by itself, wu wei...Letting go But I also realise this can become like a mantra.. In fact most thoughts are a mantra ( a technique to make one feel better or fix mood)