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Everything posted by skydog

  1. Just to be a massive dick, I think "kundalini" is one of those scammers the OP was talking about. Also for some reason this doesnt bother me, I dont feel like theres actually anything anyone can do about it, most people dont seem to care or know about,oh and if you wanted to you could change your IP, I think someone wrote a post once about doing something like that.
  2. Inner power for outer gain

    edit: Misunderstood question? I dont understand your question, can you make it clearer?
  3. Global Revolution!

    After reading this whole thread. My thoughts are: Despite being very anti-government/leftist/anti corporation I cant help but agree with some of joeblasts comments. People are often "anti-system" due to feeling like they dont belong, also we must try to look at things from the eyes of the rich and wealthy, asking them to stop being greedy is silly. To someone in a very poor stricken country, the poorest in america are wealthy and should stop being so greedy. Everyone has different needs and wants, it is perhaps unjust to say which needs are acceptable and which arent. I dont want to have to work 60 hours a week in a charity fundraising door to door sales job just to make enough money to survive..does this make me greedy? Perhaps I value free-time over a car. Whereas someone else might love to spend a lot of time at work if it gives them the status they desire and the approval of the rich educated friends they want, perhaps also associating women with money also. It is true in a way that the poor in the US are much richer than the poor have ever been or most poor in other countries, it is the social inequality and feeling of being less they dont like. Its very difficult to tell rich people who value material possessions so strongly with their sense of self, who has more is used as ego. Also money is a means to trade and exchange goods and values, while I would love a utopian society, I am finding it hard to imagine one without money. However maybe we shouldnt try to be so nice and should just take. As someones going to have to lose something so others can gain. I believe the solution lies in EDUCATION AND MASS MEDIA.. If I learnt what having a still mind/presence was in school, if I learned everyones intrinsic relationship to each other was, if I learned how to go back to past memories and take away the emotional trauma and negative beliefs that destroyed my self esteem, how to think for myself, how to feel feelings, how to rely on myself for good feelings, etc etc If I was made to see how other cultures lived and to help them when I was in school, If I was made to question authority. If children were learning this in schools now the world would be very different. If that 1% learned these things they might rely less on power/possessions/pride for good feelings, see everyone else as similar, find it difficult to hurt others etc. If that 1-40% were taught that happiness relies on yourself as oppose to THINGS, Perhaps take a lot of effort changing the worlds consciousness whatever appeals to people the fact that raising consciousness will improve concentration, health, performance at work, sports, relationships, etc. Peoples values needs to change. I think it would be very difficult to fight or force rich people to be even poorer (why would they want that anyways) One has to work to positively impact the rich. If the 1-40% of the worlds wealth were made to think self inquiry was extremely important, mental stillness and presence Free Energy is one solution Free food is another solution- by going to vegetarian organic resources where people grow their own nutritious food Free materials for homes, free transport eg magnetic trains that can go from one side of the world to another. So in short my suggestion is that by appealing to the wants and desires of the top 40% of the world who are most powerful and giving them things they want by improving their mind and greater confidence and self esteem and positive beliefs will attract more money, better relationships, more love etc, also working on this power of the mind at a young age, meditation will make people more aware, the idea of karma, energy, If people realise that seeking joy has no opposites or conditions, whereas seeking love from people/persons relies on a certain status and is temporary resulting in pain at some point, people will question how to gain joy. Thats what got me into the whole meditation in the first place.. When I found out that confidence and self esteem attracted women (at 17, but at 21, I still care lol), also that happiness from women is temporary and so are friends and how to gain lasting happiness. This then resulted in a lot of soaking in spiritual materials which slowly changed my opinions about everything. Anyone seen that movie limitless, basically the idea is that the guy takes a pill and then uses the other 80% of his brain to do whatever he wants and focus properly. I believe that if people used their minds correctly right now they probably could come up with solutions.
  4. Practice full time

    I am also very interested in this question in january I am going to India. I want to learn how to organic farm, qi gong, yoga, meditation. Basically learn how to drastically change my mind and consciousness and learn how to teach it other people. After India, I can go to thailand, cambodia, china etc. I was going to work another 7 months doing door to door charity fundraising but didnt really want to and figured I could probably do what I want with not massive amounts of money. Where can I learn without massive amounts of money? and to answer OP's question somewhat you can go to monasterys, if your living in countries it will be easier to find a teacher or guru. another temporary option would be to volunteer in another country, you only have to offer a few hours of "work" which is a lot more fulfilling than a capitalist type slave labour, and you get free/very cheap accomodation, sometimes free food but more importantly free time. When Ive been volunteering I have enormous amounts of free time and I use that to do different types of meditation. You can do workaways, helpx or just volunteer with children.
  5. 1) Buddha went off to seek enlightenment when he was 29 and reached it at 35..what exactly did he do in this time, for how long etc etc? 2) How important are things like healing negative memories from childhood- (which I currently do for confidence, relationships, good beliefs etc) (sedona method, eft matrix re-imprinting?) 3) How about qigong and yoga, how important are they for enlightenment, is it that what gives you interal energy neccessary for peace? 4) What about psychadelics? 5) Some people say that you should be enlightened in any situation...However when it comes to learning scientific textbooks all day, or being a hardcore door to door salesman who has targets to meet, I just dont see it?

    erm well my opinion is that yeah smoking weed is no different at 17 than it is at 37, and once a day no big deal... (I dont personally smoke it though) Binge drinking, In london it is generally the culture to drink, however silly it is I dont know. So thats just stating that 17 year olds are very rebellious.. Especially if there parents are very controlling and try to tell them how to think and what to do all the time. It is a way and time to form your own opinions etc. Also when I was a kid I was called names, screamed at constantly etc, there are many memories where I would conclude I was "bad, unworthy of love, something wrong with me, not good enough the way I am, stupid, incapable, useless, selfish, shy, naughty etc etc etc" These memories and the interpreations I have of them impacted my self esteem. Healing these memories with eft matrix re-imprinting would enable the person to avoid addictive habits whether it is addiction for power, tv, food, the gym, the internet, porn ( a lot of us judge others when we have similar issues) Also be a shining role-model of love, acceptance, peace, etc. Would someone take you seriously unless they themselves saw the effects of what you are talking about
  7. Some questions about Enlightenment

    Many thanks for all your replys @vmarco so what was in the rice...acid? lol...Ive had peyote before and it was POWERFUL..I didnt drink for three months, I didnt use girls anymore etc response to question 5 what methods, things like being aware of your breath or feeling your hands, Ive done this before and ended up looking so disinterested in the customers i got in trouble @CT I kind of agree with seems like you can spend all your life trying to heal past traumas before getting into the now, however its a paradoxical issue because old past pains are stuck in your body and really affect your emotional reactions to certain situations, sometimes the emotions are so strong that it takes a ridiculous amount of presence to not react to. i just recognised your name too, I have done some yoga maybe 50 sessions but I have very tight hips, due to weights and being born with some issue in my leg which has resolved, I could if i spent a lot of time develop the flexibility to sit in full lotus however how much of an issue is it if i dont. So your suggesting full lotus meditation, preserving sexual energy and the microcosmic orbit..ok interesting @xabir..I have had many glimpses of being extremely present, however the next day or later it is gone..I feel like over time Ive progressively become more confident, etc but I owe that maybe more to emotional freedom techniques, I feel like meditation doesnt have that much effect in daily life, in fact sometimes i feel it makes me even more angry..however i need to be more routined with my meditation, i vary what meditation I am doing and rarely do sitting meditation @guruyoga so your reccomend raja and kundalini yoga..I am reading shaking medicine, i think that is kundalini related as well, interesting.. Thanks for your replys
  8. If seeking sexual, sensual, financial things is supposebly unwise. Then so is seeking joy, bliss, wisdom, spiritual pleasure. (to an extent, paradoxical that you need a drive too) If your constantly seeking spiritual pleasure then your in the trap of time,your clinging and running away from.. Observe without the observer, without time and without clinging or running away from things.
  9. In that this great desire for paradise..seems so real...but eventually turns into desperate clinging and pain.
  10. Hi guys I am going travelling in january starting in India. (I dont have any limit as to when I HAVE to return) I want to learn Qi Gong under some sort of master I want to learn Yoga under some sort of master I want to learn different meditation techniques and spend a lot of time in sitting with some sort of master I would like to learn Kung fu I would like to spend time with tribal peoples and learn their ways of life. How would I go about this. Is there people I can contact, a qigong school, suggested teachers? Many thanks.
  11. Thanks for the replys...I will definately take everything on board, I agree that you can be enlightened in western countries however where I live its difficult to survive without working in a slave like job which takes up all your time, I would rather barely work and spend time in meditation, yoga, tai chi, reading, nature etc
  12. Hello

    Hi guys Excited to see so much knowledge here and look forward to doing a lot of learning. My goals are to become more peaceful, kind, positive, spontaneous, relaxed, loving, assertive, confident and strong. I want to learn as much as possible, what all the greats know..things like astral projection, qi gong feats etc I also want to help to spread the message and help make the world a better place and allow others to gain peace of mind.
  13. I know on the internet there will be some very expensive prices..but there are many cheap ways of doing things if one thinks creatively and outside the box. But surely someone must know something about cheap/ish places to learn these things..Im not interested in a lavish hotel or only having a couple of hours training followed by expensive meals and excursions. Id like to learn with monks for hours and hours a day? To benefit everyone