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Everything posted by skydog

  1. Hi Friend Thanks for your comment. Actually I do believe your right. Ive been pronouncing my name in a meek "english" way instead of the proper pronounciation in Turkish which has a lot more power, and others have discussed with me, so Im going to change the way I say my name instead of "si" like (sea) and then nan as in grandmother it is si as in silly) and then nan as is AAAAAAH, Also the pyramid is true a friend invited me to go to the pyramids in Egypt, even considering getting the costs...the other drawing has pyramids. I will research and ask the almighty apech Thanks for sharing hope your well. peace
  2. Thanks for sharing nice butterfly btw zanshin
  3. Am I just going crazy, or getting duller?

    Questions to ask oneself. What would I do if there was no one (I thought I had to please)? What do I really want? Why do I want those things? What is stopping me from getting those things? What might be nice to do? If I had 2 days left to live? 2 months left to live? 2 years left to live? What skills could I focus on in order to be in a better position in 4 years, what could I dedicate myself to? How can I make it fun?
  4. Am I just going crazy, or getting duller?

    Passion is related to second chakra. At the risk of repeating myself, you have to quit fapping you will turn into a beast, you have to exercise, work the muscles, be out in nature. Get rid of the energetic weaknesses. Have fun You said you were powerful at prayer..I try to show these things to people but after countless effort showed that one to my dad only thing he listens to he says his arthritis pains are gone in like 3 weeks. This is very powerful too I have so much passion now Im sure this is slightly anti social...oh well I dont care for the moment. peace and blessings
  5. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy?

    didnt you say you liked gardening? I spent some time at permaculture/sustainable living kind of places...WOOF, etc etc I get the feeling you would enjoy it there many like minded people there plus you can learn more about gardening and perhaps build a skill incase you are ever needing to work etc (just for security) (btw) this is not disagreeing with anything youve written but more random short term-ish ideas
  6. This spring makes me mad!

    because there is something wrong with me.. no because thats how i read the energy bla im in a shit mood whatever i say is garbage just ignore
  7. This spring makes me mad!

    no these rub in your face kind of posts
  8. Why are people so TERRIFIED by a decentralized economy? young people are 47 times less well off than older people people like to justify this from their lens of rich but step into the shoes of being young your either unemployed a student getting into debt or a corporate little bitch slave (or found another way) fuck this
  9. This spring makes me mad!

    you often make these kind of posts...just sayin
  10. This spring makes me mad!

    yh today woke up feeling pretty mad...dunno why
  11. Fasting for better health

    just find some time not working and dont eat for 2-3 days.. do this every month
  12. Some Thoughts

    ..stagnant energy maybe.
  13. Kundalini Artificial Light

  14. In noticing I have a lot of fire and I like it because I get high easily, I feel extremely powerful and it is very quickly healing But then can become a bit out of control So I hear others talking about water The only thing with water methods is the calm is nice but eventually becomes a complete apathy/depression/disinterest in life and feel slightly weak and shy, and notice theres no brightness in the eyes. Fire methods but keep calm?
  15. Anyone experimented with this I did it today and while Im doing it I spontaneously start doing hard qigong on my head In the shivasana position my hands go to the chakras above my head and start healing them spontaneously Feel like my hearts thoroughly massaged with love and randomly crying with bliss and love 20 minutes later.
  16. Self Sustaining Tao Wizards

    Nice thread ...will be interesting to watch later on today when I have time.
  17. This is a create beliefs when you type..
  18. im on 68 days...dont plan to watch porn/non sexual ejaculation/masturbate again.. condition the mind to extreme view in order to gain balance..
  19. Thanks for sharing will consider all these ideas Just had breakfast- Consisted of warm water sipping Oatmeal mixed with linseed, and apple cider vinegar and bits of bannas, yogurt coated almonds
  20. moving to offtopic
  21. Recycling Anger.

    "I don't know it's like an endless pool. if i had to guess where it's comming from I'd say the correct question is"from when" because it's from my childhood mostly." If you want to delete the pain which can definately done there are ways to do so. Some noteable methods are the healing codes, yuen method and eft matrix reimprinting, I have provided two links earlier in this thread and there is one article I made in the articles section. I find that some things temporarily cover up the pain numbing it, whereas other methods release it forever. Then there are many methods and lifestyle choices which exasperate it. Peace