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Everything posted by skydog

  1. So Ive heard tales of zen masters who would always see their students buddhas in disguise playing a game. Which helped that to become a reality. How would viewing everyone in the world this way be? Also Ive been thinking/writing about beliefs but realising when you call someone something in an argument even if it just once and you slip something out you can affirm that reality in someone, and it doesnt need to be a thing you say sometimes by ignoring them or a facial expression, groan or even patronisingly helping/giving to them can affirm beliefs that they are/are not a certain way. Clarity has mentioned that it is one step better to not judge or condemn people at all, however I might be ignorant but this seems to be too far of a step. An example from my own life is that a few years ago I would be more aggressive (from fear) of other people, so I might stare at them or ignore eye contact, etc now I usually keep a very gentle loving eye contact and even if I have my hood on people normally smile whereas before I just assumed that people judge people on stupid things. Anyways enough of talking of myself and progress. I still do this, I still let insults fly when angry occassionally and still try to help or give to people unconscious of the fact I am reaffirming they are/are not a certain way. Thoughts, opinions?
  2. Spending money on books

    Suggestions of books I like Im guessing your asking. Well lately Im in a mood of being frustrated with trying and see chuang tzus book as offering the most wisdom there is. Often people think the more they read the better, but im willing to bet just this one book is good enough.. peace
  3. Selling Out? Really?

    Even though slowly starting to realise that it is here now, always here now, the idea of practice or cultivation can sometimes perpetuate the idea that there is something to do..bah..
  4. Selling Out? Really?

    Im in the same predicament have some thoughts that came up though..If you get to the point where you dont need too much sleep eg 9:30pm- 3 am..then you can meditate in sleep, and do your practices early morning.before bed everyday for a couple of hours at least, walking practices, sungazing etc...this is by far more than most people do. In the meantime work on things like art, music, business etc creatively for fun and who knows it may help with things. But all day long is probably the best "cultivation" opportunity also..
  5. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    quotes michael lomax - However, something that may help is the "Great Wallyworld High Level" practice. Go into a really big store. Get into your qi state before entering. Think of nothing. Everyone you come up to put your awareness half way between you and them while gazing at them. Say to yourself, "This is me only at a different level of awareness" SEE that this is so. chunyi lin- Hello my dear friends! Consider doing this: Every day find two or three things and they can be anything- paper clip, cord, glasses, food, pet, plant, paper- anything. Consider those beings as a gift from the Universe, God, Love, etc. Tell each being that you honor and appreciate it--tell each being that you love it and say thank you to it. Do this several times a day to each being. You will find your gratitude and heart opening so much in your life when you do this.
  6. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Visualisation, ways of thinking etc are not anti-spirituality, the thoughts you have are a type of energy practice loving thoughts versus hateful thoughts. I am not the only one who has said this is african shamanic practices they connect to feeling good feelings to open the heart first then emptiness etc, also I was just reading chunyi lin and he seems to have a ton of things to say about things like forgiveness, gratitude, kindness etc. What one calls forcing kindness and being repressive can often just be another word for justifying why one is not kind, no one is 100% kind all the time, but it is nice to aim at something, imo if someone is not kind, compassionate etc it is difficult for me to view them as having achieved something spiritually. Also I dont suggest anyone think like this or that I do think like this, merely just throwing the topic out there, not having much of an opinion either way sharing random thoughts that come to my mind, and discussing them, anyways whatever anyone says is all good, all relevant I guess.
  7. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Also its kind of funny when people completely misinterpret what you say and then attack you for their misinterpretation whilst claiming they are holier than thou and superior and at the same time spiritual while you were just pondering things....
  8. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    You know when people get aggressive about spirituality, it seems like the most ridiculous thing ever lol
  9. Bum Creations

  10. How to make money?

    I want to travel and learn qigong. I think I have some talents/capablity to really develop them. I am interested in writing, art and healing. I also want to develop these things. I do not believe that life needs to be one of struggle and just getting by doing something you hate. I want to start travelling in a few months. So yeh any help appreciated comments such as "dont desire" are annoying, I live with my parents and have been unemployed for a while, happy. I may be delusional, but I think I am very sensitive and find most work environments extremely disagreeable but if I have to work like that I will but to be honest I think where there is a will there is a way...anyways asking for help/techniques/ideas edit:remove self fulfilling crap
  11. How to make money?

    point noted flolfolil
  12. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    I am quite idealistic, so I contemplated dwelling in reality which was closer to tao than before then I realised illusions and idealism was also a part of tao...and now I am describing tao getting away from tao. Tao
  13. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Ok there is probably value here but the thread affirmations for other people seems to suggest focusing on a person or calling a person is a buddha is likely to trigger their experiences of not being buddhalike...i
  14. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Thanks good clarifications Further thoughts. If one has been cultivating likely and perfectly normally as they have to live in the world they may have in defence of being nobody developed beliefs of themselves as at least a bit more spiritually advanced therefore making others unspiritual or unenlightened. The belief that I live in a world of buddhas, everyone I know is a buddha is massively relaxing and makes on feel extremely relaxed, effortless and at ease and helps to create that reality whereas before one may have an idea that I must unconsciously change everyone or something. If this was the case that viewing everyone as a buddha will help to create that reality then the beliefs one has are also a kind behaviour and virtous, so examing beliefs are kind and virtous. Also thinking one looks a certain way etc means they are not enlightened means one is judging oneself exactly the same way. Perhaps it is dualistic to believe everyone is a buddha but this helps to see things in a more balanced way eg the zero point instead of everyone is not a buddha. Believing the opposite could be of use? Also if someone asks you for spiritual help or something and you talk to them as if you are enlightened and they arent instead of playing their little game that they think they arent a buddha and reminding them of what they already know. Sure there was more ah well... ok i can see this has possible implications in healing too if you are trying to heal a person you have called sick you are on one level creating the reality that they need healing and are sick. If you call someone words like sensitive, shy, horrible, overthinking etc instead of confident, relaxed, carefree, kind etc this may affect the reality in the same way as when other people do it to you, someone calling a shy person confident can drastically change their confidence.. That is enough mind entertainment for me for now. Goodnight BUT wait BEING A BUDDHA IS BAD..
  15. I am playfully curious as to what peoples opinions of animals ever becoming enlightened are? Can people tell if cats or dogs have been humans or Ets in past lifetimes. Wouldnt it be "unfair" if some souls were born as ants instead of humans? Isnt it a bit strange or perhaps difficult to think of animals as virtous or non virtuous? I dont know maybe Im being ignorant here, but isnt whatever they do natural eg chasing a squirrel is not really non virtous. Also Ive heard a random story about an animal that received the rainbow body although I didnt take it massively seriously...?
  16. Big blue snake

    like the snake
  17. Spending money on books

    You can do that or you can go to a bookshop/library/google and read it for free totally your choice, sometimes I do both.
  18. I read a David Icke book today actually skimmed it. He mentioned his book is multidimensional so he needs to address ways people control others and how to increase spirituality, he also discusses not to be bitter about the world. Actually he almost seems like some kind of genius not 100% sure about the lizards thing but I do think aliens are pretty damn likely On further offtopic discussion I read a book about atlantis today well a few skimming again, I thought it might be true but who knows, my conclusion now is what the hell do they teach us in school lol
  19. How to achieve abundance and wealth

    thanks appreciated