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Everything posted by skydog

  1. That is an interesting point cat Some practices really cultivate this and discipline, some are more gentle and soft.
  2. How to make money?

    I see what you were actually saying now Yeh Im writing books now just for fun, and that forum idea is hilarious but also kind of true hahah. That is nice K, I would like to be able to see paint your chakras although I dont think I can "see" chakras. I can intuitively paint auras or healing through spontaneously painting colours for a persons essence. I am interested in this kind of magical painting that is both spontaneous but is specifically healing for a person which maybe combines sacred geometry, colours, symbolism, animals etc. Symbolism comes to me intuitively sometimes in a vision, sacred geometry and the right mix of colours all painted in a trance. I am not sure but I kind of think this is like some kind of magic Im doing lol. I am painting one now. It will be very good Im sure. I am open to painting whatever you really want, however I thought Id share what I can actually paint and what I cant really see or at least dont think I can.
  3. How to make money?

    lol and
  4. How to make money?

    Thanks the lerner, suninmyeyes,Grandmaster P, folofil (I hope im spelling it right) I have done this travelling around trusting the universe thing before last year, 5 months in india on a budget with an aim to do elsewhere, it was very adventurous but ultimately my goal is to have more security and not worry about my life everyday lol. But yeh thanks also Grandmaster P the teach english thing cannot happen due to certain reasons eg not having a full degree only did one year also did some voluntary teaching and ultimately it was very stressful for me.
  5. How to make money?

    This is a good point, I do believe this happens..I am seeing this quite clearly..cheers
  6. How to make money?

    Actually I have been skimming some of these posts due to not being calm, I will personally respond to every one/private message, so yeh just later..peace
  7. How to make money?

    Some are in my journal, some are in the thread bum creations, personally i am viewing them from the perspective of "much room to grow" but still cool, maybe thats a little irrational but hey.
  8. How to make money?

    Thanks mate I appreciate it This is where Im going, things I enjoy, developing them, I dont think working "hard" neccessarily means "producing value". In one day I have learned things that took no effort at all that are worth months of work, People have these silly ideas...MUST WORK HARD, MUST STRUGGLE, MUST HATE MY be a good person, deserve etc etc. Time spent doing something, how much you hate something has no real correlation to whether you deserve things you want, its just people think they do. People might have the smallest idea that eventually makes them "profit" I shy away from telling people ideas too much, being creative people often shit on new ideas which prevents one even trying it in the first place...but thanks mate
  9. How to make money?

    Hmmm I see what your saying.. More like the idea of "work" does it have to be something you truly hate, something that makes you feel trapped, in a prison, that your going nowhere, that your nobody etc etc I didnt point to saying I will not produce value, I just dont agree with doing something I dont enjoy. If I enjoy something, I focus on it like crazy, it gets really good then it produces value
  10. How to make money?

    I can validate what your saying but I dont think a zen master would say "that is zen" Illusions need to be dealt with, and to some extent the world of form exists too.
  11. How to make money?

    I just want to say thank you for all the posts. I may be tooting my own horn but my mind is extremely creative, and thus I view this question from a mind of someone who is creative therefore this is how Im thinking, I do not think karma and belief system/honour has anything to do with each other, seriously change your beliefs change your reality. I have seen this happen in me hundreds of times, while I do respect your giving your best advice, this is actually your own negative ideas your giving to other people. And maybe this thread can be helpful to people who are stuck in their own prison they created for themselves. I have some ideas Im going to work with...
  12. How to make money?

    Come on guys seriously would a buddha or leonardo davinci think like this, ive done so much work with my beliefs ive seen definate things ive wanted come true due to belief, this isnt even about me, this is just pure psychology, belief creates reality, I have come up with some ideas but morepieguy and turtle shll if you want both I truly wish you also get both.
  13. How to make money?

    Yeh but my plan was to leave in 4 months ish, I have been happy with my hermitness but time to go soon...I refuse that lol, anyways if anyone can chip in something would be appreciated.
  14. How to make money?

    There are lots of people who have money through no work/things they enjoy. My mentality is want it, its definately possible, go get yeh smart ways to make money... no offence you two, and everyone here can hate me, call me delusional, stupid, i dont really care, im getting it done.
  15. End of relationship...

    .have fun enjoy life I guess
  16. Interesting today a shaman told me I lived in atlantis/part of it and they wanted me to research it, so off to the other computer with headphones I go
  17. End of relationship...

    This is the same thing I would say..too in pms or the posts ive edited. I did get that white knight syndrome too.
  18. why is everyone derailing my thread! lol
  19. This sounds like a good suggestion, alternatively you could take a bath.
  20. Assessing a Sickness called "My Life"

    Actually thanks again deci that is a very awakening signpost
  21. That is ridiculously, insightful thanks.