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Everything posted by skydog

  1. Who is insane?

    African Bushmen view the white anthropologists who keep asking them questions as "line people" because of their need for logic basically calling them "insane" Native americans couldnt understand the concept of owning land so they sold new york for $21 dollars eg "insane" Native americans viewed the people who came to invade as white demons before they even arrived (in visions could sense their energy) Some people could consider killing animals/trees for money or whatever as a form of insanity. Personally I think working 50 hours a week in order to survive in a job you hate whilst thinking your lucky and your doing good is insane. The practice of psychology could be considered insane in some way. Terrence McKenna talks about this in this video... These days I am finding I am in holiday mode, in a mode where I do whatever I want not really considering the environment aka (not giving a fuck) however this can lead to circle walking in a not fully hidden area where 1 or 2 people may pass in an hour..or drawing art in the park/meditating under a tree...this can be considered insane where I come from, and dont get me wrong I dont need anyone coming on here trying to give me advice/stealing my energy saying dont do this be like me instead... Krishnamurti- It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Osho- I dont care about being respectable, to be considered respectable by an insane society is demeaning (paraphrasing)
  2. Again just contemplating the emotion of apathy. Apathy is saying... "Im fed up of the way things are, I wish I could change them, but I feel powerless so, I wont even bother, I am a victim of life" "It also says no matter how hard I try things never go how I plan, repressed anger at life being this way and a general distrust in nature and self" "Feeling that you cannot achieve your goals, so whats the point of trying, the universe doesnt like me, things arent going how I wanted, I am dissapointed and resist the flow, I resist everything" Apathy is in a way good, because it shows you the futility of trying too hard.The futility of believing you are fully in control, because you are not, it sheds these illusions. Yet it makes the ego feel weak. Whereas if one understands the connection with everything we have no goals/desires/no expectations/no plans and no fixed ideas and thus there is no dissapointed, whatever is is what is what is, what looks bad only looks that way to fixed ideas and is furthermore a part of the universe, when we say something is bad we are not riding the wave of tao, (well we are to a certain) extent but not to the full extent. It implies trying to change which is also part of the tao yet only part of the tao if done without effort, effort usually implies seperation from the tao, so in a way effort is part of the tao yet (still an idea) less part of the tao.. When one trusts in self, tao, universe, and realise that nature always gets things done but never in a hurry, for example when one spontaneously moves one heals the body, this is a prime example of the power of none doing. Apathy is the desire to be in control, to have power, because of a feeling of powerlessness. So this idea comes from the feeling that we ever will have control or power, not feeling part of the universe.
  3. Who is insane?

    ps liek the tree pic ha
  4. Who is insane?

    I see kids as much more sane than many adults. Who is the "they" who is locking you up, sane people or insane people? Yes demons, but who mentioned demons
  5. An "exercise" from shaking medicine..before every time you practice or whenever, you try to think of some things you want out of your practice eg Power recognition oneness death love happiness truth joy freedom Then one makes a nonsense gibberish poem using those words... The death of stars is like poo love wondering accross the inside happiness of outside joy out of the concaves of freedom slowly jar truth becomes one before death there was birth, before birth joy, joy and freedom are more like love and hate than love and hate like to admit the power of, the power of joy hates freedom, freedom hates love, love loves truth, love desires recognition into the dinosaur tree of peyote flying away in an eagle of knowledge waking up from the dream of chocolate cookies off to the shop i go, freedom is oneway of the tao techings recognition of recongnising others veracity of their claims, e.t thoughts speaks like this haha ho ho ahahah, oneness is like twoness death occured in the star that was actually me over there, death and love are like keyoboards mixing together in the cooking pot to make vegetarian soup that is like meat the killing of trees and plants the difference is unsightly to the sight of gifts of men of knowledge furthermore the practice encourages laughter, silliness and play
  6. I think there is a reason why if you ask a master a question he will give you a very short one sided answer a lot of the time. When one tries to make a point, one doesnt say "On the other hand, but on the other hand, partially true but there is some truth in all perspectives" For some people certain knowledge will advance their pratice for others that knowledge is useless. ---*teaching myself
  7. Slaves, Wage slaves

    ^lol....there are so many of these hidden types of psychology in place, I thought of one today forgot it though..anyways...
  8. desire is desire, higher than desire is joy, higher than joy is appreciation, higher than appreciation is love, higher than love is oneness..(conceptual)
  9. Another random idea... Ideas of male and female roles can be considered to be socially conditioned. I was reading about this in sociology last year how there are tribes in papa new guinea where the mean act like women and the women act like me. This idea that men have to be big and strong and powerful possibly creates disharmony. This is not meant to be sexist but could likely be interpreted that way but some women actually like to look submissive, weak and powerless thus they have no problem being told what to do... Just a random thought if I was to destroy any ideas of becoming a strong and powerful "masculine" man and just be happy being powerless or submissive like women (again stereotyping but you get the point) sometimes appear to be, then one could ride the wave of the tao more easily instead of trying to intefere.
  10. nice chanting and sunlover I agree, but ponder to yourself what you are focusing on, what is coming from joy/love, what is coming from fear, going with the flow, accepting all, appreciation...desire is a low state, nevertheless It is a good realisation seems you have been shocked enough but I say you can have a look at both, satisfying your soul can be important too
  11. Yeah, My own rationalising behind this is to do both to some degree, one more than the other eg stillness movement/shaking medicine...I think ecstasy/love/joy is soul food
  12. If one had one day left to live would one spend that day trying to improve by getting rid of blockages, negative beliefs, bad patterns or focus on loving everything, joy/going with the flow/acceptance
  13. ^True.. Some more thoughts on this...The ego loves problems, The ego loves the idea of more, The ego loves the idea of improvement, It keeps the ego going, The idea of better than or less than, The ego wants to say "I" Healed my problem, Yes what a great story for the ego...The ego would hate to forget the "problem" it loved so much even existed and for it to be healed instead it would prefer to say "I was healed, me so great"
  14. Most people here probably know it/forgot it. Anyways teaching myself/sharing epiphanies. I had a cold and noticed when I pet my dog, the symptoms of my cold seem to dissapear used to do a lot of shaking medicine and this is powerful stuff too. SO yeh, I guess Im not thinking (Oh I have a cold, how do I fix this problem? Why do I have this problem? Developing new circles/loops around it) As oppose to doing what you love/gives you joy/appreciate..completely changes the focus. Also this is similar to when you draw/do art, if you try to draw something, something, something doesnt exist until you put your attention on it, then it expands. So in living/thinking of the system (instead of trying to resist the system, think of how to avoid, whats bad about it) appreciation/do what makes one feel joy/focus on what/who/everything in terms of love...there was no problem in the first place. Often I think just in terms of emptiness but unconciously the thoughts are something like "Oh I will get rid of these negative thought patterns/blockages then my life will be great" Yeh you can say dont think but in four hours of meditation there are going to be thoughts and once again it is unconscious. EVen trying to explain/write this thread is focusing on changing the bad as oppose to the joy/love only just realised as I type, anyways I digress. Also I noticed was reading a thread and It seems there is often an addiction to happiness this is perhaps paradoxical to what I was just saying but if in the mind there is always a clinging/resisting of thoughts/emotional oppose to just being with what is always, instead of always trying to chase a state(thought/belief)
  15. Discussion on Opening, "Body Armor" etc

    ah fuck... I feel like Kate in this thread.. Especially as a male, being sensitive in western culture is not always (seemingly) so cool, I really hate/cannot deal with work, really feel others negative energy, and feel validated by this thread haha Will check out this book Thanks friends
  16. Epiphanies on power

    Think I will start reading books like Machievelli, Art of War, Ghenghis Khan, and going over the I ching, Tao teh ching more...There is some harmony and wisdom in these things
  17. lol sounds good... my day was both unproductive and very productive from 6pm onwards, watched fist of fury, did some art, and revision in stillness movement. Nah havent been yet, thanks for reminding me though goodnight
  18. Epiphanies on power

    Ghenghis Khan quotes- Anything done out of anger is sure to go wrong, If you are scared of something dont do it, if you have to, dont be scared
  19. stillness movement - self healing

    Well I was basically doing it from the book/a similar practice before but the transmissions seem to have skyrocketed progress, not something that I can explain linearly/logically but thats life.
  20. stillness movement - self healing

    Well I got a cold (rare) mixture of doing barefoot stillness movement in forest but anyways I digress, have been doing stillness movement during revision/study for the last hour and just yawning/shaking out sickness seem to be healing...
  21. Epiphanies on power

    Trying to derive ones sense of worth and value and power from the environment is like trying to eat the ocean with a knife
  22. Epiphanies on power

    Nobody chopped down the useless tree, The man with the broken leg was allowed to not be forced to become a soldier, the person who was deemed weakwasnt seen as enough of a threat to try to stop/prevent/kill.