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Everything posted by whitesilk

  1. Han Dynasty Astrophysics?

    yes, CUPS or common unix printing... or was it cusp, as in an equinox? I ended up answering my question on amazon.
  2. Complex numbers

    Real numbers are imaginary concept. Not like you can hold seven numbers in your hand. You cannot kiss a number good night.
  3. wei wu wei

    In school I was told of the notion of wei wu wei or action without action. What does this mean? How does one complete a task ignorant of the process of completing the task?
  4. Han Dynasty Astrophysics?

    I haven't followed the trump threads on this forum. I'm glad and thankful to be here. I wonder if the rest of these people are.
  5. Han Dynasty Astrophysics?

    So my theory is that some or most of the ancient Chinese readings that I've undertook have been possibly interpreted in a different sense. Since much of the literature I have is during an internal struggle for power within China, could this literature be a way the ancients passed messages? and we naive ignorant 'barbarians' must not force a literal interpretation? (just started Mr. Sunshine on netflix)
  6. Middle Class Daoism : Bagua vs MMA

    was sort of, speaking of altitude only, and attempting to make humor. In the Huainanzi, it speaks of Luotang or Warrior Mountain, out of curiosity, are they referring to the the same location as Wudang mountain? I looked it up quick. Luotong Mountain is north of Korea, and not Wudang, however, to note, the Kunlun Mountains are the center of the ancient map, and Luotang Mountain is printed in the Huainanzi as lying to the north west. Luotong mountain is southwest to the Kunlun mountains according to the world wide web.
  7. wei wu wei

    'don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya'
  8. Stern or frankly, you claim to be from Switzerland, yet eat on EST time?
  9. Thanks for the anonymity Mr. Smith.
  10. wei wu wei

    Anyway, I was taught at a young age, if I cannot solve something, move on and return the the problem, which is now solved, I will distribute the songs in the following format: **I do not know if these are correct yet** Side one '13' 'the doors' the_doors__land_ho.pdf the_doors__love_me_two_times.pdf the_doors__the_unknown_soldier.pdf the_doors__touch_me.pdf the_doors__wild_child.pdf the_doors__youre_lost_little_girl.pdf the_doors__hello_i_love_you.pdf
  11. wei wu wei

    Thanks rideforever, my limited perspective embodies my ego or self. The world outside me is one world, dynamic and harmoniously cycling through systems of changes. 'by learning you gain daily; for the way you lose daily' Ancient man, it seems, imposed a system of thought on nature. They needed order and sacrificed pure harmony. A simple thing as a calendar removes some of my pure harmony, which is a quite subtle, unnoticed, and 'taken for granted' idea.
  12. wei wu wei

    We are many tiny specs, part of a Tao of even more many tiny specs. Just picked up the Tao of Physics earlier, which discusses this topic from a physics perspective. Specifically, a kaon is a particle a few hundred times heavier than an electron. It can have a positive charge, neutral charge, conjugate neutral charge, or a negative charge. Energy without mass interests me. The photon is without mass, yet the sun and other dense objects in the sky can bend light? How would photosynthesis in plants work (light causes an electron to move across a cellular membrane) without connection to weight? I realize the erratic eccentricity of this thread. thelerner helped me lighten up, and well relax a bit. I just am 'awaiting employment'
  13. Buy taoist canon (chinese)

    hmm? ci or ge?
  14. wei wu wei

    Okay, It is not contrived, not impulsive (or arising from self), not thought out. Sounds like 'Obsession'?
  15. Fire & Water Burning Blockages

    reminds me of clearing the mental cobwebs, a qigong exercise. She explains it a bit different than what I've read. I've given my qigong book to my Uncle to help him with his bloodclots.
  16. Was unsure where to post this question? Does anyone have some good resources on ancient Chinese grammar or modern translation techniques of ancient Chinese grammar?
  17. Han Dynasty Astrophysics?

    Well, I ended up writing a letter to the eastern studies resource center at the university at which the Huainanzi translation that I have was published. I have been thinking about the 'inner book' idea (posted above), and I think I have a solution to find the 'inner book' of the Huainanzi. Does anyone have a good Chinese grammar lesson available?
  18. Fire & Water Burning Blockages

    The water element is your lower abdomen, or navel area, and the fire element is your heart center. I've been doing lesser heavenly circulation. The idea is to heat the water. From different sources (that I've forgotten), the mind directs your energy, the groin detects your energy, so to say or the water area is responsible for acute sensory input. From the sounds of it, you are referring to pre-natal breathe (in the womb), when we breathed through our belly buttons. The simple first three movements are supposed to replicate pre-natal breathe and cause the cells to regrow.
  19. Fire & Water Burning Blockages

    Thanks, I've read that meditate, quick breathes are suppose to release bad energy. The books says to begin, possible with about six minutes on quick breathing, followed by slow meditative breathing. The idea is to cleanse your inner organs of germs. Quick breathe will excite your cells and kick those mf'ers out of your body in spit or mucus. I used to 'quick breathe' on my way to work, (when I had a job).
  20. Fire & Water Burning Blockages

    Please elaborate, what is fire and water breathing?
  21. Fire & Water Burning Blockages

    I've heard of breathing from your belly button.
  22. How about some 'coldstone creamery' ? 'gotta have it' is how I currently approach my practice.
  23. Han Dynasty Astrophysics?

    Many Thanks Lost in Translation. I have been studying this text for over a year, and much of it make's little to know practical sense. A star brightened or a light turned on in my spirit or in my mind and I thought due to the circumstances of the writing, such that the author was, sort of, dis-entitled from his ancient throne, he hid knowledge in plain sight.
  24. Complex numbers

    For engineers, j is the imaginary unit so a practical application of your formula would be a + bj ?